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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. You can't deny it. It can't be unseen. It won't be unseen.
  2. You want the phone that was in the toilet? Sorry, I had to say it. It was too good.
  3. I think Baby Cakes had a lot of Pinkie talking to herself. I remember a lot of monologue in MMDW with RD, too. The tools are there; the ideas will come! I can't wait to see what you produce.
  4. Now that I'm thinking about it, giving derpy eyes to a real photograph might look creepy, yanno?
  5. That's very thoughtful of you, Kirby. Now that we have chess established, I bet a Equestria Monopoly isn't too far off...
  6. I agree with Dashie -- our most solid evidence of pony size can probably be pulled from G1. Though I have to say, alicorns look way bigger to me than other ponies.
  7. It's been done already. Phoenixes count, right?!
  8. It sounds like a cute idea! I think you should write a fanfic about it and share it with us.
  9. It shouldn't be too difficult to do, though some specifics of what program you're using to do it might help.
  10. I have this poster signed by Don Bluth himself. Oh yes I do!
  11. This sounds like a monster undertaking. Out of curiosity, can you describe how you plan to take the census with such a widespread net culture?
  12. You've got the general shape down, just keep on practicing. I suggest you keep a reference of shapes and use that as a basis -- for example, the body is pretty much two circles that follow a bit of a jelly bean shape. Remember that less is more, especially with pony.
  13. I think Regular Show is more watchable than some of the other offerings out there. Adventure Time too, though I haven't really been following it lately. Last one I saw was Fiona and Cake -- so genius.
  14. Nice to see you join us! Welcome!
  15. Everyone slowly goes crazy. Maybe we'll have a party and invite Rocky, Sir Lintsalot, Mr. Turnip Bucket, and Madame Laflour.
  16. Oh yeah, real life pony fan meetups are a lot of fun! I'll probably be at the one at MFF this year, and there's a group that does meetups around here that has some events planned in a few months.
  17. It's a forum run by different people, iirc.
  18. Has anypony found their RCV button yet? I THINK THIS IS IT. YUP, IT IS!
  19. My OC and namesake, Rosewind! Bonus points if you can tell me the character she was inspired/colored by!
  20. Welcome to Canterlot! It's a fun little community indeedie, you'll fit right in here!
  21. You both have neat names, and they sounded similar to me. I'm so glad you're enjoying FiM. If you're still in the process of watching it, you're in for many treats to come -- and the episodes are all highly rewatchable!
  22. Welcome! We have another member named SlimyWalrus that just registered recently -- you wouldn't happen to be related would you?
  23. That sounds very serious! If you want some words of encouragement or a listening ear, I'm open to PM. If not, that's fine too!
  24. There's a fan-made trading card game in the works as well. It looks pretty cool so far! The Fiends from Dream Valley looks like it's going to be amazing when it's done, as will Fighting is Magic.
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