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Everything posted by SeanMirrsen

  1. New thing/experiment for today. I've tried to determine the size of the ponies in relation to a typical human. (i.e. ideal-proportion 180cm-high human) The chart's in the image too, but I'm including the thought process behind it for clarity, so you don't have to read my scribbles. The first consideration was that the ponies would look best, to us, and would have the least trouble fitting in, if their heads were roughly the same size as human heads. Altering the show design slightly, so that the pony stands at a somewhat more believable 3.5 heads rather than 2.5, we still get a pony that's roughly the size of a large dog. Hm. Well, handy at least. Perfect for children. I guess they aren't called "My Little Ponies" for nothing. Then, Celestia I always for some reason saw as being roughly twice as high as the main characters, though it's largely inconsistent in the show. Sometimes her back is higher than the characters' heads, sometimes not... it's hard to tell, so I went with the "twice the height" notion, mostly because it allowed to put Celestia at a respectable 7 heads' height, quite enough to look into most humans' eyes, and to make them shield said eyes from her menacing horn. So, a typical human being put at 180cm (and a typical skull size being, appropriately, roughly 23cm), we get the sizes for the "common" ponies and Celestia. Specifically, 80-something centimeters for a pony, with some variation, and roughly double that for Celestia. Whatever the in-universe evidence to the contrary, this is currently my "headcanon". (yes, I understand that Twilight there should technically be rather larger if show proportions to Celestia are to be kept more faithfully, but that'd require altering proportions further towards realistic... or perhaps shortening Celestia's neck a bit. )
  2. Sort-of-requested picture of MyLittlePonyTales' ponysona: Hope ye like it.
  3. Not sure where I was going with this anymore, sort of a weird angle, but here you go. About all I took from the description page is that she likes comics, and wears glasses. Might color later, though you'd be much better off getting someone professional on that. I mostly blew my skillpoints on sketching, it seems.
  4. Ye gods, so many characters.Is there any one in particular that you'd prefer a picture of? Also,
  5. Heh, no trouble at all. I still wouldn't mind if you got your character posted, I'm woefully out of practice with griffons. Meaning, I really only drew one, once. Trying one more wouldn't hurt.
  6. I guess I'm interested as well. I tend to work with pencil sketches (and digital equivalents thereof), but I have some full-color works, so I'll just have to try and see what happens. Let's see what you got in mind.
  7. Well, this is an art forum. Or subforum. So at least supposedly, it's usually full of artists, and art-related people. And people like me are usually more willing to take a stab at a random character (figuratively) if the character's already posted, without needing to commit to anything. Just put the character out, and I'm sure somebody will eventually come by and do something about him/her/it.
  8. Eenope. To save you the trouble, it's Zeorymer of the Heavens, from the Hades Project Zeorymer manga and some SRW games. I wanted to draw Nightmare Moon as the Rose C'est La Vie of the Moon, but couldn't find a good enough reference pic. All I got is this group shot. (Rose C'est La Vie is on Zeorymer's stage left)
  9. Otaku level challenge: Can you identify the mech? Turned out pretty nice for forty-something minutes of sketch. I'd call her a Gundam Girl, but that's not a Gundam.
  10. Magical girls ponies with heavy machineguns flying on turboprop peg legs? Yeah, it's a Strike Witches reference all right.
  11. Nope, nothing in particular. It's not mine at all though, so I can't really say if it originally was. It refers to the usual "ORBITAL FRIENDSHIP CANNON FIRING" captioned images. In this case, it's not being done from orbit, so... I also liked a different take, "I could be doing this from orbit, but this is the only way to be sure.", referencing Aliens, but ultimately the "look on your face" was more generically applicable. Also, I've finished it: I've been doing random acts of practice, i.e. And my latest project so far looks like this:
  12. Well, this is the ART discussion forum, so perhaps your question about a fanfic is better asked elsewhere, but in my opinion the two plots aren't remarkably similar. Cadence was physically imprisoned and left to her own devices (which didn't amount to much since she is pretty weak and has strictly noncombat magic and couldn't break out herself). Celestia was, for all we know, not strictly speaking imprisoned at all, rather magically banished off this plane of existence or otherwise rendered absent. If your story actually involves kidnapping, i.e. capturing and forcefully holding a princess against her will, especially with the intent of getting something out of the kidnapping other than simply having the princess absent, you should go for it. It shouldn't be too hard to put a different spin on the whole thing.
  13. There's so little activity in non-RP sections on this forum, I sort of forgot about it. Not a whole lot to show since last time though, mostly practice of different sorts. And this: I've decided to try my own take on the ubiquitous "HATE DETECTED" pictures around the net, though I had to ask around for help on the caption. I like how it looks so far. Now I just need to get around to adding Rarity's mech's tail to it, and it'll be done. (the machine's technically the same as the one in the first post, but it's a chronologically earlier version, less advanced)
  14. On one hand, that is a pretty interesting idea you have there, which it would be nice to see completed. On the other hand... I wanted to use the name "Equinox" for my own villain... T_T (although all other things considered, my project is much less likely to get off the ground than yours )
  15. I've been running the second iteration of my Multiworlds RTD game, when a certain branch of discussion on universe mechanics caused me to mention, in passing, that I was considering a game where players would be adapted to the universe they enter, so that they'd become ship crew in an Star Trek verse, or ponies in an MLP-verse. I'd simply heard of the show's existence by that point, I knew that it was about ponies and that was about it. About that time I've noticed that a lot of forum avatars seem to be taken from a show about ponies. Making a mental connection, I decided to see if I could actually run something in an MLP-verse, and whether the setting could offer anything salvageable. I've watched the pilot episodes, took in all the worldbuilding, the characters... My initial reaction was "If I ever try to run a game with this, I'll never be able to do it justice." And, well, here I stayed. I really like the setting and the characters, and I like the humor and quality animation of the show itself. Of course, lately the show creators took the whole worldbuilding aspect and flipped it over sideways, and the characters are starting to feel a little flanderized (exaggerated), but I guess the mighty glory of the first season will be enough to carry the show through the second. After that, who knows? But whatever happens then, the first season of Friendship is Magic will, to me at least, remain one of the best things ever made. Yes, things, not just animated shows or television shows. Probably right up there with the Internet itself.
  16. What program are you using, by the way? The sketches look like they were done in etch-a-sketch, so I'm assuming you're on some sort of mobile device with a non-pressure-sensitive touchscreen. I'm not sure if one exists for mobile devices, but without pressure sensitivity you're better off using some sort of vector drawing program, to make your lines simultaneously less pixelly and more smooth. If you're not on a mobile device after all, you can try something called InkScape, it's a free vector art program. Vectors are nice because with them you can draw smooth lines even with a mouse, and you can save the result of your work in any size without losing quality.As for the pic itself, I can see no severe flaws, but as the above poster pointed out, both sets of legs are a little too far forward, and the neck looks too thin. All in all, a good attempt.
  17. Hmm.. well, I did make it sound like two contradicting views. What I tried to say with the first one is that all the "girly" elements are still there, and yet the overall effect isn't what one would expect from them. I have seen several different shows with a similar direction and for a similar demographic, and my initial reaction to Friendship is Magic was completely different. It felt like I'm watching a perfectly normal cartoon that just happened to have a cast of female magical ponies as protagonists, and once that understanding sunk in I simply, well, learned to sit back and enjoy the ponies. I did understand, on a conscious, logical level, that technically this is still a girls' show, but this never stood out to me over the interesting characters and the quality of the writing and animation. So in a nutshell, "it makes girly things look cool" is pretty accurate.
  18. Here's the thing though - the show takes all these "girly" elements - the all-female pony cast, the pastel colors, the slumber parties and spa activities and such - and mixes them all in such a way that the result is decidedly not "girly". It's the equivalent of baking a tasty, sweet cake out of five pounds of raw beef, three lemons and a teaspoonful of sugar. Whatever things are being done, they are presented in a manner than is interesting and engaging, and are also backed up with good writing and great quality animation. This doesn't actually cause men to like the show, most of the time at least, in my opinion, but rather it removes a good part of the "barrier" that would prevent us from looking deeper and finding great likable characters, interesting storylines (I avoid the word "plot" like the plague nowadays), and all the various memes underneath.There was, I believe, an analysis of the impact of this show that summarized the effect as "it made girly things look cool". I think that's a fairly accurate description.
  19. I also like to search for reasoning behind things, very much. I like to ask other people the question "why" to the point of aggressive retaliation. That said, I entirely understand not being able to find a reason for a specific reaction. I, for instance, have no actual, certain, answer to the question of "why I like this show". If you asked it of me, I'd only be able to sit there in thought and mumble some nonsense about parallel universes. Sometimes, you get a very strong, defined reaction to something, but fail to find the underlying causes for this reaction when you try to look for them, because you don't know enough about yourself, or refuse to acknowledge having some qualities that would permit the reaction you're having, for instance. And it's definitely possible to dislike anything, just like it is possible to like anything. Seriously. The internet is a testament to the variance of the human personalities. Not all people are rational, either, so finding even a shred of reasoning can be outright impossible sometimes. As for hating this show specifically, a lot of may come from the Animation Age Ghetto (look it up on TVTropes), but I suspect that rather many people simply refuse to like it, on a logical level. They do not immerse themselves in the events, they look at it through the slits in the tank armor that surrounds them and repeat to themselves, "This is a cartoon for little girls, I am not a little girl and therefore I have no business liking or watching this.", reinforcing their own belief, actuvely refusing to even acknowledge the possibility that colorful magical ponies can appeal to them. From that point of view, they come to the logical conclusion that all the other people that are like them, but somehow still like the show, must be crazy, and deserving a negative attitude. I have this point of view because this is exactly how I view certain parts and genres of this very fandom, like for instance "shipping". But I guess that since I've also allowed the core message of the show itself get to me, I do not have actual negative reactions to it, or even stuff that should by all rights digust me, like grimdark and gore-fics. Instead of forming this impenetrable barrier of logical denial and resultant negativity, I simply allow for the possibility that there are humans that are like me, and yet like completely different things. Maybe this effect, this invoked desire for harmony and tolerance is the actual reason I like this show? I don't know, but if it is, then that's all the more reason to like it.
  20. For me, it'd have to be a nice melody sounding through high-quality headphones, and several large automated machinegun turrets menacingly tracking anyone who dares approach. Seriously, the worst problem with my focus is people demanding my attention for some reason when I'm trying to focus.
  21. A what now?(The closest word that makes sense is "heathen", and no, I don't think so in either case) (edit: upon further consideration, "heathen" might actually be somewhat correct... technically, I'm an atheist.)
  22. No, having a postcount limit is a good thing in and of itself, it's just limiting it to just one forum with a very narrow topic that I find odd. A higher limit and a slightly broader quarantine section could be easier to get into. Call it a Rock Farm, and let the newcomers discuss something relevant in there. But in any case, it seems I've stuck around enough to move on. Let's see how many people are interested in drawing here. I need a few good sets of critical eyes to help me improve what I'm doing. I seem to miss the most obvious errors sometimes. Here's to a mutually beneficial coexistence! *hefts glass of vodka* ... *remembers he doesn't drink, sets it down, goes off to find some Mountain Dew*
  23. Sadly, I wouldn't count on it. I utterly fail at roleplaying anyone but myself, and my alter ego/avatar, which are interchangeable but one lacks the multiverse explorer abilities. And they're both human, for a given definition of human.Also, I can't help but wonder how is one supposed to accumulate any sort of postcount in an introduction forum, since I usually consider an introduction to be explicitly a one-time event, and chiming into others' introduction threads just to add to the count seems kinda rude (besides, who am I to welcome someone onto the forum if I just got here myself?). Well, there's always replying to your own thread, I guess, so I'll be doing that. And thanks for the greetings and the linkdump, I'm sure I'll find it useful in some way. edit: on an unrelated note, I find it funny how people are encouraged to keep their signatures below a certain height, yet the poster's data and status listing on the sidebar can easily be four times that size.
  24. About myself.: Average guy from an average city in the not-so-average country of Russia (though whether it's above or below average is up for debate). Interests come and go like the tides, but drawing is almost always present in some form. Currently the wonderfully made show Friendship is Magic, and the surprisingly massive community that sprung up around it provide me with the drive and inspiration to continue drawing things. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Diego Havocs post (and signature, shouldve noticed that one sooner) at Giant in the Playground forums. How did you became a fan of FiM?: Didnt notice it until after the first season ended. Sailed clear under my radar. When I noticed it, I considered it (as a joke) for a setting in an RTD game I was running at the time. I watched the first episodes to get a feel for the setting... and ended up liking the setting too much to leave. My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle Before I say anything else, I should point out that the last question in the above form is unfair, and my selected choice does not represent my actual answer to that question. My answer is: All of them. I cannot like any one main cast character more or less than any one other. (also, the second and third questions don't seem to like apostrophes in their answers) That out of the way, Greetings, to the suddenly huge and diverse community that has also managed to sneak past my radar for all this time. (grumble grumble faulty radar...) I ain't got much to offer but the things I draw in what little spare time I have nowadays, but in any case I very much like to see that a community like the fandom of Friendship is Magic can actually form in these sad times, and I hope that I'll get to see it grow past even the most optimistic person's wildest speculations.
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