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Everything posted by SteelEagle

  1. I'm better than that. I am so elite that they tried programming me into the game but the storyline could only revolve around how awesome and attractive of a Pokemon I was, or else the coding of the game fell apart. They had to remove me from the game, sadly.
  2. The answer my silly one is Applejack. She is best pony because she works the hardest and most consistently and such values must be lauded. Plus, she has freckles and apples are best fruit. Science has proved it. Everfree. I could make a living there and will someday find my way back into the good graces of the Princess by saving some wayward ponyfolk.
  3. "I don't personally have any issue with mountains or heights. They can be quite picturesque really. You may be onto something there though. All the same it's not something to approach carelessly. When you flatten that mountain, it's not something that can just be undone, after all. Only when we're absolutely positive in the decision, should we be doing such things, I think." Valen was almost too busy basically pulling himself up the mountain to work his way around her wordplay very effectively. Why was everything so hard with this mare? It was like they were having two wholly different conversations that somehow intertwined with his relatively benign opinion. or maybe she was just an argumentative pony that was sparring with somepony who had no will to be involved. Either way, he was silent for a few seconds in a manner that may have been considered leaving him in deep thought but had to do entirely with wanting to keep upright. He strained against the wagon which by now had some heft to it, the muscles straining against the start. Eventually, he got to some modestly even ground next to the next batch of gems. He gave a deep sigh, took in a deep breath, and dug into the ground with the shovel with far less strength than he had earlier, still attached as he was to the wagon. Still, after a few minutes of work he found himself face to face with some nice, beautiful gems and tossed them with some abandon into the pile in the wagon. he put the shovel in its place and gave a weak smile. "Geez Miss Rarity, if I didn't know better I'd think you were punishing me with all of this labor!" Valen said as he trotted cautiously up to the mare, unwilling to lose his control and tumble down the path. "I understand what you're saying about mountains, and I would agree that mountains have a place. But imagine you're a big city and you must expand in order to thrive. Mountains not only take up space, but the area around it can't be farmed and transportation is more difficult. So you knock the mountain down so your city can sustain itself with farm, welcome new ponies who want to immigrate to the city, and expand the city itself. With expansion comes all manner of ways for that city to develop and express itself. With that mountain in the way, however, that city is strangled, choked off from becoming the best it could be, any advantage given by its scenic outlook is really voided when you consider that it is out of place there and stops the city from growing. It isn't about what's wrong regarding the mountain, but what's right for the city," Valen said, the words flittering out of him as he attempted to somehow make an argument without making an argument in an argument that he had no real desire to argue about.
  4. It has been designed by the greatest of scientists to hypnotize you into wanting to play with me.
  5. He, the metal bird of flight! He, the greatest of the great who defines greatness! He, the most jumpiest on of the bandwagon!
  6. I am playing it as Young Adult/Young Mare-Stallion, like the Harry Potter series. So yeah, Colt is welcome in. name?
  7. We need to remove that last line. It makes my heart hurt.
  8. Left reminds me of some girls I hated. Right? Not so much.
  9. It is mane rp. And Phil that sounds great.
  10. What it says on the tin! I plan on starting an RP thread series regarding a convention held in or around Ponyville for Daring-Do. Have ideas for events and general fanny and funny stuff to do? Suggest it! Open thread. Players-Character Bronynumber299- Rainy Splash sevofthesands- Gentle Sol Phil the Time Wizard- Snowfall SteelEagle- Pathfinder Bramble Rose- Rainbow Dash
  11. (Sorry, thought I had already posted!) She wasn't nearly so farm-ridden as to not know some slang, so the further clarification of what he meant was somewhat unnecessary. Still, it was nice to know that he would take the time to clarify himself if he thought himself momentarily obtuse. It was a sign of consideration, even if a more easily offended mare may have issue with the belief that slang was so limited as to be understood purely by the stallion. She had none of that and focused more intently on his blossoming plan for the two. One was a perfectly fine time to end the festivities, as the dock wasn't entirely too far from the farmland. "That sounds quite delightful, Muggo'. Might I know these bands?" She asked as she took the pumpkin ver to her side and started cutting into it. Once it had been cut into eight equal parts, she then went about scooping out the innards. After that mission was accomplished she cut the cake into eight parts and then stuffed the chocolate into the open space left by the innards, then popped the innards back into place, covering the cake inside of each piece. "Now now, tell me that doesn't look...horrifying," Caramel laughed as she looked at the mess in front of her. It still looked delicious, even if it looked like the scene of a crime. They needed to test it. She brought out a single bit. "Horn or wing?" She asked, flashing both sides of the coin.
  12. (Sorry, Survey. Didn't see your post!) Apple Bloom shook her head. The gears in her head were still slowly revving up in terms of accurate dealings with the other ponies of the world and she could only chuckle half-heartedly when Survey addressed her. Then she gave him a quizzical look as he seemed to stop himself from continuing some manner of silly talk he had considered somehow smart at first. It put her own mental recent collapse in even ground. She stopped giving him a befuddled expression and giggled joyously. "Boy, ya sure are a silleh pony thar. Mah name's Apple Bloom, tha youngest filly here'n the best apple far' in all o' Equestria! But ya ain't 'ere to talk ta some silly filly like me, yer 'ere ta buy a bushel of tha finest apples in all've the world an' get a kiss from mah big sis Applejack, the smartest, nicest, prettiest and most dependable mare EVER!" She exclaimed, hooves in the air as she contemplated how awe-inspiringly lucky she was. She knew everything she said was the land's truth. She nodded towards him as she gathered up her bullhorn and leaned out into the crowd, ready to bellow just as- "The name is FLAM, my dear AppleJack!" "FLAM!!!" "ACK! UN-NEE-MAL! YOU SVINEHOOF! YOU SAURKRAUT HEAD! YOU.." "I TOLD YA I NEVER WANTED TO SEE YUR FACE HERE AGIN, AND I MEANT IT!" "Mein sister! I have never seen you kick so hard in all mein life!" - Apple Bloom was almost too busy looking down the line to take notice of the kerfuffle at the head until the screaming started. By the time she had turned, Flam was flying faster than Rainbow Dash could ever dream towards a lake. Her anger rose with her color as she contemplated what had just transpired out of sight. From the way her sister's face had contorted to the fury in her granny's eyes, it was clear that Flam had stolen a kiss. She momentarily had a desire to run up to her sister to give her the biggest hug she could muster as life had taught her the value of a strong hug, but then Starburst made out with Applejack. It happened fast, but it happened hard. Starburst wasn't there to play games and after she had seemingly kissed Applejack into oblivion, she trotted away confidently. Apple Bloom was struck mute, her color continuing to rise- heck, she wasn't the one being kissed and yet she felt as though she had cause for embarrassment. The bullhorn dropped to the ground and emitted a loud, piercing static that blew her out of her rather immobile state. She grabbed it and then cantered with some speed up to her sister. Before she threw her hooves around the mare for a hug, she spotted a coin purse that if the sewing was accurate had the name Flam stitched on it. She tossed it on her back and went about the task of throwing her front hooves around her neck in an embrace. "Ah heck, ah'm sorry that Flam got 'ere. It's all mah fault! Starburst was righ' all along and I was all on 'er case 'bout being rude when she was jus' bein' protective. Ah'm real sorry, Applejack. Didja wanna take a break? Ah guess we can all try ta ent'tain them if ya wanna get yer bearings all in order, and we can see how man' bits Flam kept in 'is coin purse!" Apple Bloom's tone had started low and regretfully but arched in excitement as she produced the coin purse and opened it up on the stand, allowing the bits to flow as freely as a waterfall.
  13. This Day Aria is the best song I've heard made for a television show in a great amount of time.
  14. Repetition was a valuable tool in any pony's arsenal, as muscle memory allowed repeated actions to become less and less strenuous as they continued. The only way this mechanism was disabled was if a pony had time t think on it too much. Luckily, as he trotted towards the glowing pile of gems, his mind was still in a way completely twisted by Rarity's intensely vague and yet insistent focus on extensive wordplay. Luckily, she had been less obtuse and verbose this time and all he had to do this time in response was nod his head in silent affirmation. Valencia oranges were the best of the whole lot. He dug into the hard ground, and within a few moments had extracted the gems. He had long ago given up on shining the gems in the immediate hour and placed them in the wagon, having never unhitched it due to the sheer climb it had taken to get there. Had he unhitched it, surely it would have tumbled down. Even then, he found himself bracing against gravity itself as he gently placed the gems inside the wagon. Wiping his brow, he turned to the mare who had organized this little jaunt into the badlands. "Well, Miss Rarity, it certainly seems as though we are entering a slightly elevated climate. How are you with mountains? I never saw one until I came to this town. Manehattan has flattened the areas around it to a feverish degree to make room for suburbs and farm. I'm a fan of nature, at least as much as any pony, but sometimes I guess nature must be subverted for Equestria to be improved," Valen suggested as he started to struggle going up the pathway that led higher and higher.
  15. Oooooh, don't think this has been forgotten, my little brian.
  16. Few ponies were capable of such an dumbstruck silence as Apple Bloom was. Her intelligence and active mouth were silenced by a force greater than herself with no real recourse on such rare occasions that the reboot of her state was such that her dumbstruck look and lack of words was emblematic of true befuddlement. In this case, the last two minutes existed in a blurry haze, her mental processes have worked with such efficiency before that losing the ability caused her memory to short circuit. What had been processed in such high clarity could only with time be transmitted for her comparatively dull mind to comprehend. And so she stood there in an awkward state of mute mental collapse until Applejack put her right through contact with the world. Apple Bloom shook her head, blushing as her sister blabbered that the colt she had apparently just kissed had liked her. "Well, ah, uhh, tried mah best?" She asked in a pathetic manner as she slowly gained her footing, gained her bullhorn, and started gaining back her momentarily subdied confidence. She would have time to piece together the events of the past few minutes on a break, but that was a long time from that very moment and as her mind settled back into the old, comfortable styling of Apple Bloom, her sheepish, embarrassed smile grew as she realized what Applejack had just said. "Haha, well, ah gues ah AM a big pony naw," She giggled with great mirth before raising the bullhorn at the slowly depleting line. "Buy some apples!"
  17. "Fair points all, darling. However, I often find that things are far more rewarding when you have to work for them. Things may seem less immediate with an orange than an apple, but when you do get through to that orange I'm sure you'll find the soft interior can be just as pleasing as an apple would be. And sure there may be more to keep clean when you're through, but I'm sure you'll find its worth it in the end." Valen's mind was completely clogged with bounding confusion that shot through his mind. As well-educated as he was and as intelligent a colt he willfully claimed to be, he found himself at a loss. Why was she awfully worked up about fruit? He shot her a cock-eyed expression as he started pulling the wagon/ "Well, I agree but the oranges don't really taste better than apples even with all that work. Apples come in so many more varieties and you have so much you can do with it. I mean, Navel oranges are fine but they can get too citrusy and sometimes it stings when you try to peel in too deep and it jumps at you and gets in your eyes. I don't like to work hard at something and have it hurt me. Moro Oranges are too intense and can't be used for much outside of its intended use, and really without any flexibility they're useless. Valencias are good, nice and sweet, but did you know that if you put them in a hot enough area before peeling away the exterior and they can re-ripen? or at least look like they are? That's crazy!" Valen said before laughing and shaking his head. "I was supposed to be named Valencia but when I came out a colt they named me Valen, instead. I never understood why, Valen isn't an orange. Valencia is. And it sounds prettier!" He said as he continued his trot up the hill, which was growing steeper. The ongoing conversation helped distract him from the verticality.
  18. I can't believe how well MMDW is doing. Well, to correct myself, I'm surprised it has any votes at all!XD Least favorite episode, though it was still a 6/10. Wedding will walk through this. Sweet And Elite is fantastic and past that, a bevy of solid episodes. Hurricane got my vote.
  19. Looks like the weakest bracket here is Manehattan. But really I see a solid five-six episodes that could win it.
  20. "It's perhaps trite to say it, but I'm not sure the two are right for comparison. As delightful as Ponyville's apples may be, sometimes you'll come across an orange that;s just marvelously sweet. I think it's more than fair to like them both." Rarity seemed awfully defensive of oranges. It wasn't as if he had anything against the fruit himself, and most certainly he laid no claim to the title of expert on all things produce. There were vastly more qualified and interested parties that could be called on in a true debate. But he didn't need to be one to form an opinion as far as he was concerned. "Oranges are fine, but apples are sweeter I think. Plus, I don't have to peel away skin like I do with oranges. You know how tough that can be, Rarity! Always haveing to peel away to get to the actual juiciness. With an apple it's all there, right there for you to take part in. It's almost as if the orange is afraid of being eaten and the apple is eager to let you eat it. Plus, I think apples look better, and there isn't much mess to clean up afterwards. You're always having to pick up and leave no evidence with an orange!" Valen said as he continued to bite into his apple, oblivious to Rarity's great misunderstanding of his speech. He just found them juicier. "We should probably try and finish up soon so we can get back to work," Valen was already two hooves ahead of her, having striped the apple to its core. He put the refuse in a sealed container in his saddlebag, not desiring for a moment to sully the blanket nor the ground with it. There were proper ways to deal with it. He then gingerly drew out of his dress, folding it pristinely and sealing it safely in the saddlebag before moving the picnic stuff back to their pre-arranged compartments. It had taken less than two minutes, though once out of the dress he moved faster both due to a touch more freedom and a desire to get the work done even faster.
  21. "Well, it depends on which magazine really. A number of them are already fully aware of the sort of miracles I can work! But yes, that is one to be proud of, and you certainly wear it well." he swiftly went through the mental catalog of magazines, sifting through through the less reputable ones in an effort to discern the ones who knew what they were speaking about and then out of those attempted to go through their issues to find out which ones had then discussed her work. She wasn't unknown but at the same time she wasn't one of the colossi of the industry, and the articles and sections regarding her work weren't all together numerous. Still, she seemed confident of her decree and that was enough to stifle any nascent negative attitude in the matter, as he was sure amongst the many articles he could eventually find her miracle work would be known. And again, any confirmation that he looked good put his heart to flame and his pelt followed a similar flow, color given even if some part of him still felt of-kilter somewhere. "Well, it's been quite a number of years now. I started working when I was still a filly. I sewed, I designed clothing for a select number of clients, mainly friends of my parents. The Boutique itself remained but a dream until just a year or two after I reached full marehood, at which point I had enough bits to comfortably take out a loan to have the building constructed. It was hard at first; a boutique like mine seemed ill suited to a humble town like Ponyville. Slowly but surely it took off though, and years later I find myself something of a rising star among the fashion elite!" It was a good story he believed, one that was well-stocked with prudence. She took out a responsible loan, was talented, and worked hard. Once the qualities of perseverance, talent, and sense came together, there was little that could stop a successful operation no matter the desired descriptive scenario. Valen nodded as he took out the apples and with great care given to his dress gave one to the mare as well. "Sounds like quite the success story, worthy of such a fine mare. And thanks for the compliment, even if I often feel that despite some rather intense effort I am not so worthy of it," He said without a hint of sadness nor remorse, taking a juicy bite out of his apple. He smiled fiercely and gave a chuckle. "Miss Rarity, I think I'm starting to prefer apples to oranges!"
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