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Everything posted by AlisonRose

  1. HeartBeat trotted around in a circle and then dragged her bags off into a corner where she sat down at one of the open tables and opened one of her suitcases on the table. Opening said suitcase revealed what seemed to be a table with a very fancy cloth on it, a candle that was already lit, a glass of Lemon water that was still chilled, and a plate with a perfect piece of Chocolate Mint Cake and a fork. She looked around to make sure nopony was watching her and then she began to dine on her secret treat. She very elegantly used her magic to pick up the fork and began to eat the cake slowly, sipping her water after each bite she was trying to be as marelike as she could in this city of elegance and high class. She looked over to HighRoller who seemed to be enjoying himself while watching the kids play their card games or what have you. She smiled and blushed a bit with the thoughts running through her head at the moment, but all she knew right now was that today couldn't go wrong.
  2. UNFF Your work, how it pleases me...Now, here is the deal...my request is going to be a dousy! I want you to draw: TURNTIMBER! The scourge of the seas!!!!! Butttttt, perhaps do it cutely? Link to her: linkkkkk
  3. [Cast Ponies] Apple Bumpkin Tier-3//Earth Pony//Female//Young Mare//Profile -Threads- ...The More Zap Apples Stay the Same -Appeared in- Daybreak // A Dress Maker's Calling // Down on the Farm // Shipping is best saved for the Shippers -Finished- Apple Family Reunion // A Country Fieldtrip Apple Pie Tier-3//Earth Pony//Female//Filly//Profile -Threads- Sleepover!!!!! // ...The More Zap Apples Stay the Same // Harvest Time! -Finished- Visions of Frosting and Terror // Apple Family Reunion Misty Morning Tier-3//Pegasus//Female//Mare//Profile -Threads- Vaporization Department -Finished- Any Bar in a Storm Silver Spoon Tier-2//Earth Pony//Female//Filly// Profile -Threads- Class is in Session // High Society Stylin' // A Vacation to Remember -Finished- Apple Bloom's Big Day
  4. Babe, I love you and all but srsly calling me 'The Evil Witch' right in the open in front of all these ponies isn't very nice. They don't know the story behind how I'm the evil witch and your the good witch so it most likely makes no sense to them...
  5. Apple Bumpkin walked closer to Felicity and kept pace with her as they ventured near and far to find the ellusive flower, it was good to have Felicity with them not only to guide them but to be able to converse about her love of plants since Apple Bumpkin herself enjoyed this sort of talk. " 'Ah do have one question, how would ya go about plantin these here flowers if'n you wanted to make per say a small garden entry with them?" She had no idea how to word her thoughts and resorted that it would be best to come out blunt rather then as a secret squirrel. " 'Ah only plan to take the seeds of a few if'n that is fine and dnandy with you. Otherwise 'Ah could just perhaps convince ya to come and visit the farm every so often and take care of them? 'Ah don't want ta burden ya in anyway or nothing sugarcube." She fiddled with her handkerchief as she did when she was nervous even though she knew it was set perfectly at the moment. She smiled to Mr. Waddles and winked at him. "Thank ya for yer help Mr. Waddles, yall been nice and kind to me and 'Ah just wanted ta thank ya." Her grin ever growing on her face.
  6. Apple Bumpkin looked at Felicity with a strange and confused face, raised by ponies she said, how very interesting. She trotted around in a circle trying to gather her thoughts, the whole time messing with her handkerchief trying to get it to be centered again. "Why would anypony want to destroy these'n lovely flowers? 'Ah mean, 'Ah only wanted one of two so that I could plant them in my exotic flower garden back on mah farm is t'all." She then tapped her chin with her hoof unsure of how to proceed with getting Felicity to help them get to these flowers. "Ya could come to the farm and see it if'n ya wanted to that is." She thought, having a Griffon friend who was very good with nature would sure help if she needed any gardening tips about these exotic flowers. Apple Bumpkin then sneezed and was in shock that she sneezed, she wasn't sick or anything and she began to look around. "They say down on the farm that if'n ya sneeze and yer not sick that means somepony is thinkin about ya." She looked to Felicity and Mr. Waddles not thinking it meant them but had no guess as to what this sneeze meant.
  7. HeartBeat blushed as she was confronted by this stallion. She stepped back a bit to get some room from the stallion and then looked over to HighRoller with a worried expression on her face. The store was beautiful as she had thought it would be and she knew that HighRoller had worked very hard to get it to be this way. She sighed with relief as the pony known as Rook left the store. "Was that very needed?" She asked very sarcastically she knew that HighRoller liked to flaunt her around to everypony that would stop and listen to him. She didn't actually mind it that much but when it came down to it, it took a lot of her energy to keep up her smile and nice personality even when she was 'relaxing' she had to be as marelike as she could to keep up her reputation. "The store is very beautyful HighRoller, you must love it very much for what it has become." She smiled and nuzzled his cheek a bit and then moved her bags into the store and sat them on the floor using her magic. "So where are we going to stay while we are here?" She looked around trying to find where in this place could a house be hidden.
  8. HeartBeat had no idea what to say to this, she sat in the seat stunned for a bit and then blushed a bit. "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to bring the mood down." She used a hoof to brush her mane out of her face and then used her magic to tug on her bow some to get it to sit just right atop her head. She looked at the stallion pulling the cart and he was working real hard but he kept looking back at them with a smile and sometimes a friendly wink and such to HeartBeat. She had a massive grin on her face as she leaned into HighRoller taking a deep breath and relaxing a bit into him. It was long until they were finally rolling to Canterlot, it was far more brilliant then she had ever thought and almost gasped at how lovely the city was. "Here you are Miss HeartBeat, and HighRoller." The cart stallion walked over and helped them out of the cart and then got their bags for them he then looked HighRoller in the eyes and clamped his front hooves onto HighRoller's head. "Listen here boy, you break her heart, I break you. Got that?" He was very serious but then that all left him and he gently patted HighRoller on the head and got strapped back into the cart and then began to trot off back to Manehatten. "I'm sorry HighRoller, I forgot to warn you that they are a very protective bunch about me." She said hanging her head again and then slowly dragging her bags over to her using her magic and then sliding into position right next to HighRoller. "So lets head to your store and see how your friend is doing!" She said with an attempted smile on her face.
  9. HeartBeat fluttered her eyes a bit in shock then blushed and turned her head down. "Oh well, I don't know about that. I mean I guess if you think they are and all that is good, but I don't like to think that I am pretty due to the fact that there are for sure some other ponies who look way better then I do." She said not sure how exactly to word her thoughts. The strong stallion who had the cart attached to him was pulling it along at a very nice and good pace. "Oh but Miss HeartBeat you are a very gorgeous pony! Take this stallion's words to heart! No name-pun intended Miss." He said with a wink back to them and then picked up the pace to get them to Canterlot faster then before the sun-down. She knew that the work ponies loved her since she used to come by and check to make sure that they were all in good health almost every day and to cheer them up. She also donated a lot of her money to these working ponies hence why most of them knew who she was and would gladly do whatever she asked whenever she asked however she asked no questions asked. This was very comforting to know but still felt strange that a whole group of ponies almost worshiped her for her good deeds that she didn't even mind doing at all. "Thank you very much." Was all she could muster to the stallion pulling the cart, she turned back to HighRoller and pulled his glasses off of his face and then leaned in for a gentle nuzzle. "I'm sorry that this isn't exactly how you wanted it, but these pony who do the hard work around Manehatten...I've spent a lot of time and bits to help make their lives bearable and not so miserable. They all are very nice ponies and I don't rightly know what I'd do without their services." She tried to explain to HighRoller but felt that she might only be hurting him with these words. She put his glasses back on him and tilted her head down even farther in shame.
  10. Winter Dazzle was charging down the path as fast as she could, late for school but cheery as ever. She was humming to herself as her saddle bags bounced up and down on her back, it was apparent that she needed to get some that fit her much better then these ones did. She knew that today was a special day and didn't want to miss it even if she was a touch late, she sighed and then began to look around not paying attention to where she was going so long as she ended up at school before she wound up missing the whole day. "Well, at least I didn't sleep all day long this time 'eh?" She said to herself giggling a bit as she had a bit of a sleeping issue when it came to the mornings. She came to the corner before the school and stopped to let another pony pass her by going away from the school she took the time to stretch and yawn, collecting her thoughts she began to hustle by again trying to move fast but not too fast that she looked out of place, she always had to be presentable even when she was asleep. She patted the top of her head with her hoof trying to make sure that her maneband was in place and finding that it was she smiled and began to hum again adding in some words every now and then. "School....fun....learning..." She trailed off as she began to pick up speed, she was almost into the school when BOOM she ran face first into a plum colored pony, she knew this was the school teacher Miss Cheerile. "Oh, um. Sorry Miss Cheerilee I didn't mean to run into you, I hope I didn't cause any harm or delay in the lesson by ariving late. I will try and never be late again, it has been hard getting used to this new town since I came from Canterlot. Everything is so peaceful here that it makes me want to always just lay in my bed and sleep." She scrunched her snout up a but knowing that she was rambling and that wasn't very Marelike neither was making excuses."I'm sorry for talking so much already Miss Cheerilee, I get carried away sometimes." She hung her head in shame and was prepared for whatever punishment came from the teacher whom she loved and adored with a passion more then she had ever known from over in the schools of Canterlot that didn't care who you were so long as you were there and paid your taxes. Here in ponyville the school teacher knew you by name and even talked to you outside of school to see how you were doing! Winter Dazzle knew that this was in fact her favorite new town and hopefully her last new town. She brushed her mane with her hoof nervously as she sat there. She looked around a bit and noticed some of the Wonderbolts were also here, she smiled nice and wide and waved her hoof at them. She had seen them once before in Canterlot but had no idea what their names were other then Spitfire who was for sure the best Wonderbolt no questions asked. She began to fangirl as she noticed that Spitfire was in fact here along side of Sorin and some other Wonderbolt. She tried to keep herself in a marelike pose while awaiting Miss Cheerilee's punishment but couldn't hold back the massive grin and excitement that she had to actually Spitfire up close! ((OOC: BBB told me I could be in here ;3))
  11. Apple Bumpkin extended her hoof to this new found griffon. "Well 'Ah've never met a Griffon before. Felicity you said your name was? Nice ta meet ya!" She had a massive grin on her face as she was glad to meet a new friend even if it was a griffon, she had only heard that Griffons were proud people and knew the lands of Solstice Heights very well. "Maybe she could help us find this'n here flower Mr. Waddles!" She nodded her head towards Felicity who more then likely knew what and where this flower could be found. She hoped that this new found Felicity wouldn't turn out to be a back stabbing evil Griffon like the one that her cousin once told her about. "Ya seem ta be far away from home, what were ya doing out here Sugarcube?" She tilted her head a bit to Felicity and kept her smile very broad.
  12. Apple Bumpkin felt sad for the elderly pony who must have lost someone very close to them to have such fond memories of them. " 'Ah'm sorry ta hear about who 'Ah'm assuming is yer wife." She hung her head in shame and then was alerted by a gray blob moving through the grass near by them. "Umm... What in the world is that?" Apple Bumpkin asked wondering if Mr. Waddles had any idea what kind of new creature this blob of gray was. " 'Ah just hope that whatever it is doesn't want to hurt us, 'Ah don't want to leave Solstice Heights without the flower." She said with a grumpy look on her face as she sniffed the air trying to get a better whiff of what that blob was. "Wait just a second, that blob has wings. You there, stand up and show yourself, it isn't polite to sneak around!" She said twisting her face into a '=/' then curtsying to this blob with wings. "Mah name is Apple Bumpkin, and this'n here is Mr. Waddles, we are simply looking for a very special flower. Maybe you could help us find it and tell us why you were sneakin around?"
  13. welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you!!! I would like to ask how do you do, and I hope you enjoy your day in Caterlot /FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRR/
  14. Welcome to the herd! If you are into RPing I hope to see you in some of this forums many RP areas! You might want to check out: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/1711-cast-list-updated-0314/ and: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/4144-read-me-first-%E2%80%94-application-form/ I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  15. What is your Steam name? Alison_Rose What game do you play the most via Steam? Borderlands, Killing Floor, Terraria, Dungeon Defenders What is your favorite game? Borderlands Do you have a group? ACOG Do you play on Mac or Windows? Windows!
  16. We don't want him to be president silly, we are trying to get him famous so that he can't hide from the justice that needs to be dealt to him.
  17. Apple Bumpkin nodded her head to Mr. Waddle as she pulled a picture of the flower from her saddlebags, it was a rather luminescent blue flower that had some white speckles on it. "Ya ever see one of these?" She asked Mr. Waddles, surely if he had there was going to be another story like the one about the parade. " 'Ah don't rightly know where abouts here this'n flower would be but 'Ah do know that it is said to only grow here in Solstice Heights." She grinned a little but hung her head in shame for not even knowing the name of the flower or where here in Solstice Heights she could find it, some great flower collecting pony she was. " 'Ah just hope that 'Ah aint distracting you from something important back from where ya came is t'all." She nodded her head a few times and then looked up into the Heights, no idea where to begin, no idea where to end she thought to herself. She then turned back to Mr. Waddles and gave him a rather large smile as she awaited his response about his day before they left off.
  18. haha well I meant everything except for Creepers, Zombies, Skeletons, and oh yea Endermon =/
  19. Apple Bumpkin turned to properly face this new pony. She was bewildered as to why he wasn't keeled over yet but kept that to herself. "In fact 'Ah am lookin for somethin. Oh, pardon me. My name is Apple Bumpkin and 'Ah'm from the farm out by Fillydelphia, Tiny Apple Valley, if ya've ever heard of it." She said with a huge grin and a curtsy to Mr. Waddles. " 'Ah'm very happy to make your acquaintance Mr. Waddles!" She wanted to comment about his age but found that if she did that she would surely have to slap herself for not being very polite. " 'Ah'm looking for this flower that aperently only grows up here in the Solstice Heights. 'Ah just hope that 'Ah can find it and make it home before the Chicks get outa hand and all. Thank ya for yer concern Mr. Waddles!" She said with a very friendly nuzzle on his cheek, she did love old ponies as they always told the best stories bar none, if this pony was going to follow her and help her find the flower then so be it, so long as he was prepared to tell some fancy stories! She stretched a little and then sniffed the air, surely the sun beating down would help to clear up the fog that was covering the top of Solstice Heights. There wasn't anything that Apple Bumpkin needed to complain about due to the fact that seeing the sun made her very happy and now that it was beating down on Equestria and the winds were blowing just light enough to keep her in a peaceful mood.
  20. Lolz i feel sad for you Armory, but anyway welcome to the forums! I hope you will take part in the RPs that we have here as they are A LOT of fun! Also, if you need somepony to read your apps for the RP please feel free to send them my way and i'll let you know whats up! WELCOME!
  21. Yes, that is how it works so long as they have the Unicorn of Pegasus in the bloodline SOMEWHERE it counts. This was proven in Canon when Mr. and Mrs. Cake's children are shown, one of them is a unicorn and the other is a Pegasus...While both parents are Earth Ponies. Mr. Cakes gave a long explanation of how they got the genes in them from his and her family trees but as per Canon the relationship doesn't matter so long as it is blood related.
  22. It was just a normal day for Apple Bumpkin as she wandered around Solstice Heights looking for a new kind of plant to add to her garden back home that she kept just for exotic flowers that you couldn't find anywhere else. She had gotten a tip that there was a kind of flower that only grew up in Solstice Heights so she set off for there not knowing the lay of the land but trusting that she could find her way around if need be. The weather was nice though, it was sunny with just the right amount of breeze to not be too hot nor too cold. The sun was just coming up which meant that there was nothing but opportunity ahead of Apple Bumpkin and anypony or other that she would meet along the way to finding this elusive flower of hers. " 'Ah just hope 'Ah left enough food for the Chicks and all." She said with a slight frown as she stretched before beginning the assent into the heavens in search of this flower. She kept thinking about her beloved chickens and her apple trees that would be left unattended while she was hunting for this flower, also she thought about all the bits she was loosing simply by not going to market for these few days that she was up here. " 'Ah guess 'Ah'll just have ta find some way ta supplament my Bit income someway or another." She sighed as she kept walked, it was a nice thing for her to do though, getting away from the farm for a while and not being on her very strict reutine would help her find some peace and quiet so long as she didn't fall down or anything. "The sooner 'Ah find this flower, the sooner 'Ah can go home and take care of the Chicks." She said with a determined face as she looked up into the clouds. "T'aint no turnin back now." She began to climb again thinking to herself, 'Ah don't rightly like heights. ((OOC: Please PM me if you would like to join into this RP, only Jester is allowed to jump in here without asking. Thanks with love, Alison))
  23. This one is by far, the best...bar none! Welcome to the forums!!!
  24. Apple Bumpkin smiled at Rarity and remarked to herself out loud in a hushed tone. "Gosh this Rarity sure is pretty, and her little sister Sweetie Belle is cute to boot!" She shook her head and then put a hoof to her mouth, why in the world had she said that out lout! Curse her brain for vocalizing such thoughts! She hung her head in shame and used her hoof to paw at the ground a bit then remembered that she was in public and straightened up as stiff as an ironing board and just stood there smiling, looking around to make sure that no pony had heard her remarks. She then eased up a bit seeing as everypony was already busy doing something and now that Hookline had left there was only her, Light, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, and this prince pony that she had never met or heard of before. But that is what she gets for living in the middle of no where. Apple Bumpkin moved aside from the door so that she wouldn't be in the way of anypony and sat down on the floor to await her turn to get a chance to speak to this amazing fashion designer and or her little sister. " 'Ah just hope 'Ah don't get in the way is all." She said out loud and then hung her head in shame again, she had a problem of speaking her mind and sometimes it came out at the worst possible instants.
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