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Everything posted by CrimsonNova

  1. "Epistola. What a nice name. He's a beautiful bird," Seaspray commented, holding her head high and speaking calmly. She may not know much about anything, but she certainly knew her way around most animals she met. Granted, it wasn't every day she saw an owl, what with living by the shore, but she had encountered them before. Seaspray walked in silence with Whisperpaw, letting Domino run along beside her. She kept her spell around him, but the bunny didn't show any sign of wanting to run away, and kept close to her. She was so grateful to Whisperpaw, as she was already feeling a strong bond between her animal. She glanced back to the sulky foal, and moved a step closer to Whisperpaw. She spoke softly to him. "What do you suppose the letter says? I mean, I don't want to pry! You don't have to tell me, letters are private things!" A red tinge appeared on her cheeks, and she lowered her head a little, worried she had offended him by asking.
  2. Fleetfoot smiled widely at them both and stamped her hooves, a little too enthusiastically and ended up punching a small hole in the cloud below. She giggled sheepishly. "Oops." She trotted over to Crescent and whispered in his ear. "Are you presenting them with uniforms today, or after their training?" She then went to Sky and Kicks, shook their hooves, and planted a friendly peck on each of their cheeks. "Congratulations you two! I hope you'll train hard and make Crescent proud!"
  3. Seaspray's eyes pricked with tears as the foal snapped at her, and she tried her hardest to look indifferent, although Whisperpaw's kind, reassuring words did calm her slightly. She could feel Domino on her back, and this gave her a little more strength, and a sudden steely glint appeared in her eye. She was not going to let this foal walk all over her! Especially not in front of Whisperpaw! She remained silent, and looked from Midnight Sun to Whisperpaw, curious see what they would do next. At least he has his bird back, she thought, a hint of a smile on her face. Goodness knows that should be some comfort.
  4. Seaspray jumped a little as she noticed a foal trotting towards them. She hid behind Whisperpaw, until she realised what the foal was carrying. She looked to her stallionfriend, and nudged him, but he didn't seem to notice. She risked coming out from behind Whisperpaw, and was a little taken aback at his comment. "Seaspray... This is my cousin Midnight Sun. I suggest you wear ear plugs until she leaves." Whisperpaw's gentle and kind demeanor had vanished, and she was surprised by the tone of his voice. She moved closer to him and nuzzled him, trying to calm him. She then looked to the foal and managed to stutter out: "H-hello, little o-one." She was wary of this little foal. Midnight Sun looked as though she would take a bite out of Seaspray, and she didn't doubt the foals ability to beat the timid mare in an argument either. Oh, I hope there won't be an argument..
  5. Fleetfoot smiled and nodded as Kicks deposited his pet next to her, and jumped as it started to chirp for him when he took off. She watched as they began their routine, her eyes peeled for any mistakes. She noticed a couple of things, and waited for them to finish. She couldn't help but laugh at Sky and Kicks' exclaims as they landed. Was that what she had looked like? She turned to Crescent and nodded, then turned to the others, not getting up from her lying position on the fluffy cloud. "Umm, Kicks - I can call you Kicks, too, right? - uh, you were a little too speedy. Sky got left behind a little bit during. Sky, you messed up a little on your wing placement, and lost a little momentum, didn't you. No matter, those things can easily be worked in if Crescent decides you're on the team .. Aside from that.." Pause for dramatic effect.. Ahem.. "You all did really well!" She grinned at them all, and stood up slowly, stretching her legs once more.
  6. Seaspray scuttled next to Whisperaw, and kept so close, they were in danger of bumping flanks every time they took a step. She was careful not to trip him or hinder him, and her eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar surroundings. She suddenly remembered the bunny, and made sure to use a simple protective bubble spell to keep him firmly seated on her back, should he fall, or try to escape. They walked in silence, and Seaspray hoped he had some idea of where to look first, and she spoke softly, scared at how loud her voice sounded out here in the quiet. "U-Um, where sh-should we begin?" She wondered what she would do, supposing they didn't find the owl. How would she comfort him? Would he be inconsolable? She smiled a little at him, and spoke in a tone so gentle and soft, it was almost a whisper. "Please don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him somewhere."
  7. Dinky gazed at the photos in awe, but after a while, got bored, put the album aside and bounced around a little bit. "So, what did you want to be when you were a filly, before you got your mark, or did you always know you were gonna be a card maker?"
  8. I feel that I'd be a pegasus, due to my inability to sit still and love of all things flying, although I imagine being a bit of an outcast, much like Fluttershy. I'm afraid of heights.. and yet being on a plane is one of my favourite places.. I'm so strange..
  9. Ooc: I hope it's okay for me to join! Fleetfoot sighed as she flew towards the café that Gale had suggested. Generally, training consisted of nothing but hard work and the like. The team didn't get to talk much during. She had flown home straight after practice, bathed and changed out of her uniform before heading to the location suggested by her teammate. She stretched her tired legs. Was it just her, or were the team being worked a little harder than usual these days? She reached the place (or so she hoped), landed on the cloud and entered through the door, where she saw her teammate waiting expectantly. She hadn't conversed with him much, so she was feeling a little shy. He looked different without his mane swept back. Then again, she assumed she did too; her usual windswept mane was hanging messily over her left eye, and trailing along down her back. He didn't appear to see her as she walked in, however, and she trotted over, speaking up. "Hi! Am I really, really, really late and everypony has gone home, or am I just early?"
  10. It's so..hypnotic..
  11. Fleetfoot high-hoofed Crescent back, and grinned to herself, happy. She wasn't out of breath, but her wings felt a little tired. She joined Kicks and Sky, and sat down on her rump, and then slid into a lying position on the cloudy ground. She smiled to the two rookies, and waited for them to analyse the routine. She was anticipating the outcome of this trial.
  12. Fleetfoot flew off and began to rise, gathering the altitude required for Crescents signature move. She waited for him to finish addressing the other two stallions, and she watched, shaking off her nerves a little as she waited for him to rise. She saw him ready himself, and she noticed him raise his hoof. She breathed in deeply, and the crisp air of the cloudy city seemed to liven her up, and even though her goggles hid it, there was a new gleam of determination in her eye. She watched (as though in slow-mo) as he dropped his hoof, and she took off into a dive, keeping an eye on his position, and the distance between them. She didn't want to feel too successful as they both reached the point in which they pulled back up at the same time, and although she had never done this move, or practiced for it, she figured it shouldn't be too difficult. When she began to spiral upwards, her wings cried out in protest against the sheer force, and she winced, but regained her intense determination. She angeled her wings a little higher than usual, as Crescent had said, and found it much easier on her wings. She smiled, biting her lip in order to stop her squealing in glee. She wanted to look over to Crescent, but she kept her focus, and before she knew it, she had reached the top with him. Something just then sprung to mind, and she remembered it wasn't over yet. She ascended, and dove through the signature Wonderbolt smoke-and-lightning trail, through the spiral she had left behind. From the corner of her eye, she saw Crescent do the same. She had never felt more proud of herself, and she once again, bit back the urge to woop in delight.
  13. Fleetfoot considered this for a moment, and she was so torn. She couldn't risk letting Crescent down, but she was afraid of failing, or even worse: an injury. She sighed a little and pulled her head up high, pulling her goggles onto her forehead. "Let's do it." Despite her answer, she was nervous, but she stood up tall, the strong sun gleaming off the yellow lightning bolts on her uniform. She hoped it was in impressive sight, and not just one where she looked a nervous wreck. She grinned meekly at Crescent, hoping her decision had pleased him.
  14. Fleetfoot grinned. "And when is Fleetfoot ever one to turn down a challenge?" She winked. She began to stretch her wings and legs, trotting on the spot for a little bit. "Whatcha got in mind?" She hoped it would be something more to do with speed, and not fancy tricks. She shook her head, pushing the thought away. She really, really was not good when it came to routines, and that was her flaw. Of course, her teammates in the 'Bolts had always helped her master the routines, but it was tedious and difficult.
  15. Fleetfoot frowned. "Kicks is indeed talented, but I don't think Sky should be overlooked. With a little training he could full well be good enough for the team." Her mind suddenly went blank. "Wait, so how many pegasi are you having for the core team again?" She turned to the two resting pegasi and wondered if Kicks and Sky would work well together. She turned back to Crescent. "Would you consider setting up a test routine to try and see how well you guys work together?"
  16. Amazing, yet again!
  17. "I'd hate it if mommy had to deliver all over Equestria and was never there.." She wondered what it would be like, being alone all the time without her mommy. She'd hate it.. Mommy always played games with her and made her laugh when she was sad, or when other ponies teased her. She shook her head and grinned. "I'd love to see them!"
  18. Seaspray nodded eagerly. "O-o course! I know what it's like, and you must miss him so much! Where should we begin?" She hoped it wouldn't be any place too scary, but she supposed, if she were with Whisperpaw she wouldn't be too frightened. Besides, he knew the area, and he was bound to be confident in his way. What if they did get lost? What if they couldn't find the bird? Would he be upset and lose his way? Seaspray shook her head to push the thoughts away. "Come on, l-lets get going." A little niggling pain was back, and she winced once more. What was it this time? Oh, a jacket.. She went to her saddlebags and pulled out a small jacket, which she pulled on quickly, making sure she wouldn't get cold. "Are you r-ready?"
  19. Oh Dunder, you're clearly just in awe of Sats adorable-cuteness-ness :3
  20. Fleetfoot was barely paying attention while the competitors rested, and was daydreaming about icecream when she heard her name being called. "Hu- whaa?" "Oh! Yeah I can do that!" She bolted over to the bar, and sat on a nearby cloud out of the way, where she could judge the trial without getting hit. She made sure her goggles were firmly on her head and waited for Sky to go. She jumped slightly as the pony whizzed by, but regained herself in time to see his first attempt. She winced a little. Could be closer.. She waited for his second attempt, and nodded slightly. Better.. His third attempt was good, but.. "Hey, Crescent.. Does it count if his tail touched it? Well he didn't knock it down.. So I guess not! Congrats Sky!" She smiled widely. "Good luck Kicks!" She had already adopted Crescents nickname for the stallion, and giggled happily - this was fun!
  21. "I'm glad you l-like it. I think it suits him." she laughed softly as she felt the bunny rub against her ear. She was glad when the stallion helped relieve her of her saddlebags and she watched as Whisperpaw's face dropped a little as she mentioned the owl. She rushed forwards to nuzzle him, concerned. "Three days? Oh, you p-poor thing. You must miss him so much! Would you like to maybe go look for him somewhere?" She knew exactly what the poor stallion was going through, and she was concerned. She had experienced this all the time, when she had to leave her newfound friends from the sea go back into the wild. She sighed softy and nuzzled Whisperpaw again. It wasn't the same, though, she thought, consdering he'd had his owl for a while, and not just a few days, so it must be heartbreaking for him right now.
  22. Seaspray smiled widely, and all her nerves seemed to dissipate. She felt so at ease with Whisperpaw, and she felt there was no place she'd rather be right now, not even by the shore. Her imagination then flared up, as the perfect name sprung to mind. "Domino." She giggled girlishly - something that was unlike her, but she was so happy at being with Whisperpaw again, that she didn't care. "What do you think? Is it a g-good name?" She asked, the question half directed at the bunny himself and half to Whisperpaw. Suddenly, a sharp pain seared through the place on her head where the scar from her childhood accident was. She winced, but tried not to make a big deal. She knew it was only happening because she was trying to remember something important. She racked her memory, only resulting in a worse headache. She shook her head and smiled weakly at Whisperpaw. "Do you mind if I put my saddlebags s-somewhere? They're irritating m-me - oh!" she had just remembered , and her headache vanished. "Didn't you say you had a p-pet owl? Is he nearby? I'd love to meet him!"
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