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Kirby Krackle

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Everything posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. I can't help but wonder why I fall off the internet sometimes. I dunno. But here we are. Anyway, the game proceeds as in the rules we all know but THIS time, there is a theme! A festive one! Today's Dead Pony IS related to Halloween! Everything else is normal: I think of a dead person of repute, which is done already. They could be anyone that most people have likely heard of. You will guess who they are! But how will you know without clues? You will ask me a yes-or-no question, to which I will answer truthfully. You may ask as many times as you like! But only one question per post, and let somepony else ask before you chime in again. In your post, you can also take a guess at who I'm thinking! Same restrictions as before. After a while, if you ponyfolk aren't on the right track, I will offer a clue to steer you in the right direction! Victory wins you a place in my signature, to bask in internet glory. And that's it. I have my selection. Ready? Set? GO! Also, MyLittlePonyTales, you can totally do the next one. I never claimed to own this. Heck, I stole it from Scott and Todd in the Morning on 95.5 WPLJ.
  2. I am sad to see any scientist or engineer go. I can't help but wonder where his company, who ran more or less solely on his ideas, will go from here.
  3. I noticed "proper motivation" was mentioned. With "proper motivation", Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier.
  4. Luna episode? Halloween episode? TAKE MY MONEY! ALL OF IT!
  5. Oh, he's already free in this world. He's very close to all of you. Mwuahahahahaha!
  6. I KNEW the milk clue would make things too easy! Star Trek referenced TNG, in which there was a ship labeled the USS Pastuer and Tyhpoid is the disease that killed most of his children, inspiring him to try and find a cure. Excellent work though! Enjoy being in my signature.
  7. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm all hopped up on allergy medicine. But as I'm on a PC, where am I putting the .ico files? Me wantee Pinkie Pie Photoshop.
  8. Pro: Infinite corruption Con: Infinite responsibility Heh. Two comic book jokes at once. Fire Breath
  9. Nope. And don't take this as a hint, because it is, but why is everyone assuming he's an entertainer...
  10. In order from top to bottom: Bobby, Pumba, Dusty. Dusty is special because he's a ragamuffin. Also, RIP, red couch. You were comfy. The new baby, Opal,in her carrier on the way home. I think we were in the parking lot of a Dairy Queen at this moment. She is also the first animal we've owned with a pedigree. Diamond and Pearl. They eat wood.
  11. I'm almost certainly working that day, which is fine. Either I'm very early downstairs in receiving and can have holiday things happen after 4, or I'm upstairs later in customer service, all dressed up like Two-Face. Afterwards, I'd like to put on scary movies, invite friends over and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. I want to be that house that they believe to be awesome.
  12. Roddenberry, my hero, would be WAY TOO obvious after a clue like that! And no, he was neither a writer nor an actor. Also, because my first clue really threw everyone for a loop, time for another one! Typhoid
  13. Nope! Nope! Even more nope! I suppose now, before I'm off to work is a good enough time to give out a clue. Star Trek
  14. I'm glad everypony is having fun with this game! And I'll keep going until you all beg me to stop! Here's thread 3! Here's the rules! I think of a dead person of repute, which is done already. They could be anyone that most people have likely heard of. You will guess who they are! But how will you know without clues? You will ask me a yes-or-no question, to which I will answer truthfully. You may ask as many times as you like! But only one question per post, and let somepony else ask before you chime in again. In your post, you can also take a guess at who I'm thinking! Same restrictions as before. After a while, if you ponyfolk aren't on the right track, I will offer a clue to steer you in the right direction! Victory wins you a place in my signature, to bask in internet glory. And that's it. I have my selection. Ready? Set? GO!
  15. Never fear! There will be definitely more chances to outwit me in our next installment! Which will be up shortly!
  16. I'll find pictures of my current roster in a bit but right now, I have 3 cats: The American Dream Dusty Rhodes (We call him Dusty), Bobby the Brain Heenan (Bobby) and Pumba. This is on top of 3 chinchillas, Diamond, Pearl and Opal.
  17. Most definitely yes. Another pony in my signature! Congratulations! Mars, as in, Presenting Lily Mars, a film in which she stared in 1943.
  18. Yes. No! Sorry I missed this one! And no. Also, time for a clue. Mars.
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