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Kirby Krackle

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Everything posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. Hooo boy, I had to wait until I got home for this thread. Anyhow. Lately, I feel like I've been falling out of touch with Anime, just a little. Now that I get to watch as it comes out, it seems... less special. I dunno. My feelings are confusing, as I remember back when the only way to watch anime was to know a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. I guess I'm over-saturated. This, on top of the convention I go to every year, plus my semi-career as an AMV editor. But anyway. The series that really star struck me are as follows: Read or Die Moyashimon Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Angel Beats Madoka Magika Princess Jellyfish Summer Wars Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan (or however the devil you spell it) Azumanga Daioh I know I've watched much much more but those are all I care to note, as they're fresh in my head.
  2. Party of One. It cemented Pinkie as my favorite and happily reminded me of space madness.
  3. I swear, if it isn't drawing concept frpm rock-em sock-em, I will eat my hat. It does curiously look good though. Maybe.
  4. Name: Kirby Krackle Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: About... five months or so? How can you contribute?: Espionage and backstabbing! Do you have any connections in NASA?: Do you? Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: I've been to a mental ward twice If so, what for?: Uncomfortable behavior What languages are you fluent in?: I speak bad german What do you think of this font?: Needs to be 20% cooler Social Security Number: 867-5309 Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 9780765525556 Name on Credit Card/PIN: 2499 THIS PLAN IS BRILLIANT! MWUAHAHAHAHA
  5. I love the addition of adding gamertags! Thanks so much!
  6. Brother, take it from me. I know the kind of courage it took to actually register. So guess what? You ain't alone. Touch the screen for your internet brohoof. Welcome aboard.
  7. I took French in high school and failed. But anyway, welcome!
  8. I admit. I would kill for a good slice of apple pie right now. Or pay the outrageous price of 8 dollars for a whole pie. Or learn to bake one. I can't bake apple pie. Cookies fine. Pie? No.
  9. Uhm... y'know... if you want to, that is... I'm sorry...
  10. My request? Have fun. Uhm, that is, if you want to.
  11. I've read this 3 times... and still doesn't make any sense. Yeah. I never do. What I totally meant to say was that I seem to recall a member who lived in Germany and therefore would not be celebrating anything the Yanks would be. I could be wrong. I often am. Derp.
  12. Because I think there's someone living in Germany here? But anyway, Happy Independence Day!
  13. Hippie Brony? Awesome! I finally have an excuse to play Smoke on the Water! Also, welcome!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbXlFjTTqtk
  14. Def Leppard? Awesome! I loves me some classic rock! Myself, I've only been to three concerts: One was Bon Jovi/Daughtry. Loved it. Second was Weird Al. Third, last week, was Owl City. He threw one hell of a light show.
  15. Warhammer + MLP? Fund it! Also, welcome!
  16. Congrats to the special helper! Somepony say "Wooo".
  17. Harry Potter: yes. Glee: Only the first season. Now every kid is getting whiny.
  18. Get two copies of one deck. That's my habit. That way, you can still practice with that theme as well as getting more of those good cards they only have one or two copies of. It's good practice.
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