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Kirby Krackle

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Everything posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. The word "Twilight" is a wonderful word stunk up by poor writing. Coincidence, especially considering a certain G1 pony.
  2. You make me want to go to this. And what you could do... Hmmmm... depending on equipment, you could air some PMVs. Maybe host a sing-a-long. Waifu discussion. Heh.
  3. Like the Force? Or a Green Lantern Ring. All that grimacing Twilight does to cast? She has the ability to overcome great fear.
  4. On that note, I provide this: Forgive the roughness of this sketch, as I'm not well versed in my Tablet yet. But flank color is provided for... some reason. I'm happy I found a Hex to RGB converter. But there it is. And I can definitely change it. [attachment=0]Cutiemark copy.jpg[/attachment]
  5. See all this right here? See all this? I now want to make Copernicus Pony for the RP. It's your fault.
  6. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/05/20/new-v ... kham-city/ Gameplay and fandom aside, I post this here because Twilight Sparkle will be playing Harley.
  7. I coworkers know, if in passing. Mainly because one also goes to 4chan. The others, it's because I ask brief questions like "If a cartoon made a reference to the myth of Icarus, would you watch?" or "When was the last time you saw a cartoon drop an anvil?".
  8. The majority (I think) of B&Ns all have a cafe inside. I stress this next part: it is not a Starbucks. Yes, we serve the coffee and the frozen beverages. But that's it. We don't take the gift cards or the "I *****ed so I get free drinks" coupon or the gold membership. We DO accept everything B&N. Membership, Gift cards, online coupons, etc. I know very little of the ways of Borders. I DO know that they serve Mr. Pibb. I miss Mr. Pibb. *tear*
  9. FINALLY somebody gets the reference! Granted, I didn't throw it very hard but still.
  10. Maybe it's different in NY but I've had people who work here at 16. Also, try the cafe, where there are no books! Just bad coffee. But then, all coffee is bad.
  11. My fellow Nook user! -tackles- Meep! Iz been tacklesed! Does it not count anymore if I say I work for B&N? Cuz I do. Not like I got a discount at the time. Stingy jerks.
  12. I have no idea what my cellphone is. I know it's Verizon, has a camera. I... am trying my hardest to avoid all the extra fancy data-phones out there. It seems weird to me. And yet, in complete contradiction to what I just said, I have a Nook Color from Barnes and Noble. I love it well enough. Weird.
  13. Welcome aboard! I'll start the cupcakes. ...on second though...
  14. Remain hopeful! Maybe, despite the title, it won't be an "Ant Man" but rather an Ant Man and Wasp movie!
  15. Flutterscotch is secretly that old man who lives four blocks away from me who thinks he's a leprechaun.
  16. It also bothered me at the complete wipe of Mythology from this movie. They weren't "Gods", they were a race of ancient and cosmically powerful and not to mention immortal beings who were worshiped as god because the mud-people of ancient Scandinavia didn't know the difference. I smell Disney's hand at this, but I digress. The "super-science equals magic" idea flies with me only sometimes. Mainly if Grant Morrison is writing it.
  17. Well here's your excuse to post once more. I think that the pony in your avatar is one of Pinkie Pie's sisters. Confirm or deny, brony. Go! Also, welcome.
  18. Welcome aboard, Gears! I hope you find this place a nice fit. ... Get it?
  19. I think it was Barton. I totally saw him skip right over the guns and right to an Olympic level archery set. TOTALLY Hawkeye. I was so happy from that.
  20. Welcome aboard! Also, ohmygosh ohmygosh, one of my cats is named Dusty! Full name is "The American Dream Dusty Rhodes" but still Dusty.
  21. I love that idea! Maybe a "?!". I think that's called an irony mark. I dunno. As for why they dubbed him "Kirby": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kirby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirby_Dots A little playful joke on the part of the owner of Alternate Realities. I now add more personality traits. Edited to have more notes!
  22. Grand adventure? COUNT ME IN! No, really! Welcome! I want adventure!
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