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Posts posted by BaconofChaos

  1. Query: Are there age limits or a "junior" division or anything? It recently occured to me that apart from Lyra (who I don't think would be into this) all my characters are colts or fillies.

    Alternatively, I seem to remember a rule that allowed crossover characters to join in special events. Is that still in effect? Because I do have Chrysalis... Just saying... :twisted:

  2. I admit that it's a theory that only works if both Templar and the Governor are changelings. It's more likely that the governor is our our side, but it's a possiblity that I'm not sure we should rule out yet.

    While we're here, Templar, I think that perhaps we've been a little hard on you, so I'd like to give you a chance to explain your side of the story. Yesterday you voted to arrest Tyler because he was quiet and quick to accuse. Do you still think he should be a suspect?

    (No disrespect to you, Tyler, just think we need to hear him out and get as much info as possible)

  3. Sorry I've been quiet about this lately. Stuff came up.

    Anyway, Weesh, you're in. And I have email addresses for both Fawkes and Angie, and they still wish to participate. That leaves us with 7 spots left, though I may cut the last day if we don't get many more people. I'll also move the game forward a week if we don't get enough people by Saturday.

    Are there two concurrent games going on? How can both the writer and the artist have 24 hours if they sign up for the same day?

    Er, that's bad writing on my part, sorry. Two people are effectively sharing the same 24 hour slot. My reasoning is that lines don't really take long to write, so the deadline is mostly for the pictures. Ideally the pictures shouldn't take long either, but some like to put the extra effort in. And then there's potential problems with uploads and such.

  4. Okay, okay, lets try and get some new info.

    We know the governor saved Templar. We know that several people here suspect Templar of being a changeling. We don't know for sure that the governor is on our side. I have my suspicions as to who the governor is, but I won't say it out loud, just in case they are on our side and wish to remain hidden. I also doubt the governor can save themselves from lynching (not certain, but that seems like it would be an odd rule).

    So I'm calling on the governor to come forward and explain their reasoning to the community. They don't have to, but it might help put us at ease, and maybe give us some new insight we can use.

  5. And just one or two little critiques:

    Should the Lines really have 24 hours to get their lines in? That seems a bit excessive to me.

    I was thinking something like an 8-12 hour deadline for lines.

    Cuz ALL they have to do is jump onto Canterlot, give their picture a look over and send a line on its way: 10 minutes all together, max. Could even be done from a smartphone.

    Some people wake up and go straight to work without checking Canterlot, which could mean they're off site for 15 hours or so. Although, if they know what their day is supposed to be, I guess that's an indication that they should find time to check.

    This was my reasoning, yeah. I don't actually expect anyone to take that long, but due to timezones and work schedules and such, I'm not sure 8-12 hours would be feasable.

  6. On an island with Derpy? Could be fun, but she'll likely ruin our attempts to escape. :?:

    Switch lives with Twilight.

    Not really interested, anyone want to trade?


    And get Twilight's magic powers? Tempting.

    Stuck on an island...with Derpy.


    Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

    Woo! We're birthday buddies!

    NO! I am handcuffed for life with Derpy.

    And now I think everyone who has done this needs to write a short fic about their scenario.

    Ooh, seriously considering it. Or maybe just rolling a random one and see what happens.

    Handcuffed for life with Princess Celestia...

    I'll swap with you! :D

  7. Alright chums, let's do this!

    Yes, it took me a while but I finally got around to setting up this game.

    Previous games: Telephone Pictionary, Telephone Pictionary 2, Telephone Pictionary 3, Telephone Pictionary 4


    Each player signs up for a specfic day. First come, first serve. The aim is to have the game played in two week's time, beginning on Monday 30th of July. If this is too early, we can reschedule.

    On the first day, I will PM a line to the first player. That player will then have to draw what I have sent them and send it back to me. I will then pass this one to the next person in the list, who will have to write something that describes the picture they received, and so on and so on until everyone has had a turn.

    When you receive a line, you have 24 hours to do a picture. When you receive a picture, you have 24 hours to write a line. Artists and writers share the 24 hour perios for their day. However, please try and do your task as soon as possible. If you miss your deadline without a valid reason1, the task immediately gets shifted to the next person in line, and you will be moved to the back of the queue. Miss your deadline twice and you're out.

    When you sign up, try and bear in mind that you may end up waiting a day or so due to delays. Factor this in when choosing your date.

    For writers: Don't be too specific. You have one line. Make it count! Be creative! Don't pick out every detail, but give the gist of what's happening in your picture.

    For artists: You do not need to be a good artist. It doesn't need to be good! I cannot stress this enough. You have 24 hours, but don't think that means you should try to create a masterpiece in that time. A 10 minute sketch drawn with a mouse in MS Paint is perfectly fine, and it makes things interesting for the next person in line!

    These rules are subject to change. Suggestions will be considered.

    Monday 30th July

    Line: Diego Havoc

    Drawing: Davroth

    Tuesday 31st July

    Line: Phil

    Drawing: AsthmaticPegasus

    Wednesday 1st August

    Line: Weesh

    Drawing: Fawkes

    Thursday 2nd August

    Line: Tenkan

    Drawing: Angie Cakes

    Friday 3rd August

    Line: Tales

    Drawing: BrainedBySaucepans

    Saturday 4th August

    Line: Imagination

    Drawing: Sulvuss

    Sunday 5th August



    1: Valid reasons: Accidents and emergencies. Invalid reasons: "I forgot", "I didn't have time" etc.

  8. ...what if there was an episode where she wanted the friendship and forgiveness of everyone in Ponyville...


    Did I miss the part where Trixie's personality did a 180? Trixie wouldn't ask for forgiveness. When Trixie returns she will be riding on the back of an Ursa Major that she has tamed herself. And everypony will love her.

    The point of the episode is finding out that she's simply using very complex illusions spells to make herself look better, thus proving that she has learned nothing. Or something along those lines.

    The kicker would be when Trixie screws up her entrance, simply because nopony can hear her when she's standing on the Ursa's head.

    "Behold, citizens of Ponyville! For I, The Grrrrreat and Powerful Trixie, have tamed the Ursa Major, just as I said I would!"

    "Did you hear something?"

    "Who cares!? It's an Ursa Major! Run!"

    I think a redemption episodes would be good... but there's got to be some sort of conflict besides "Oh i want to be loved and adored!"

    Hm.. Perhaps Celestia send a letter to Twilight claiming that somepony has been causing a lot of trouble in Equestria, and she believes that she needs to be taught the magic of friendship will cure her of her desire for fame and admoration. So two guards show up with Trixie, who's magically locked to Twilight so if she gets out of hand Twilight can stop her... As time goes by things seem to be going well, so Twilight decides to remove the restraint... and then Trixie betrays her trust by doing something outrageous. Twilight gets frustrated and yells at her, Trixie realizes that her way of trying to get ponies to love and admire her aren't working, so she returns and tries helping ponies rather than showing off to them... and ends up regaining their respect and admiration, and becomes a good friends and a resident of ponyville. ^_^

    Actually, that's not bad. I could see that maybe being an episode. Just one thing:

    So two guards show up with Trixie, who's magically locked to Twilight so if she gets out of hand Twilight can stop her...

    I know Celestia is a bit of a troll, but locking Twilight to Trixie? I can't imagine the Princess doing anything so cruel to her favourite student. :shifty::-|


  9. (My apologies for the horrendous delay.)


    Up to speed and ready to work her magic, Lyra looked up at the rocky cliff. She remembered now the weak points she had to affect and the amount of power she would need. The Doctor had explained it all to her. Now it was time for her and Trixie to put the theory into practice.

    “Don’t you worry your lovely round flank, the Great and Powerful Trixie will happily assist you and your mellifluous magic of melody so we can bring down all those nasty rocks! I am sure we can do it together!”

    "...Round?" replied Lyra, in a hurt tone. "Is that a crack about my weight?" Lyra felt a little annoyed, but Trixie probably didn't mean anything by it, considering how close she was getting.

    As Trixie cast her spell, Lyra's eyes opened wide at the sight before her. It was like she was seeing for the first time. All the tiny magical waves that she had felt all her life, but never really noticed, were suddenly glowing before her, clear as day. Trixie's own magic was visible as an aura made of sparks, almost like a living firework. "Oh, wow..." was all she could say.

    “I know you can do it, just concentrate and focus the power of your sounds on those rocks, embrace who you are!”

    Lyra nodded her head and stepped forward. It was all so obvious now. She knew exactly what to do. Focusing her power through her horn, she carefully aimed for the weak points of the cliff, just above where the laylines passed. The power built up slowly at first, but with a slight mental tug, she tapped into the mystical energy of the layline and brought it up, flowing into her, up through her horn, and then finally outward.

    The other ponies saw nothing at first, but just on the cusp of hearing was a faint whistling noise. Soon that noise grew louder and louder. A high pitched whistle building into powerful screech. Just when it seemed that ear drums would burst, there was a sudden wave of energy from Lyra's horn; colourless, but rippling the air like a heatwave. The blast sounded like the screech of a thousand harpies, or like a thousand hooves being swiped across a blackboard.

    Lyra dragged that wave over the cliff face. The shrieking noise combined with the rumbling sound of the cliff vibrating. The rocks shook and shuddered and soon they were falling from on high, cracking into pieces and rolling down into the river. Even at this distance, Lyra and Trixie were lightly sprayed with water droplets, dampening without soaking, like morning mist.

    The noise ceased as Lyra finished her spell. Her ears were ringing like crazy, but she could tell that her sonic spell had succeeded.

    "Did I do okay?" she asked her companions, a little loudly due to the ringing in her ears.

  10. ALSO. Anyone remember the Crystal Empire ponies toyline they've been talking about? :smug: You know... the ones that have Cadance on the label? As a refresher: More “Crystal Empire” Toys

    Perhaps we will see the appearance of Emerald Ray from the Rainbow collection.

    (seriously, it's almost unfair; we had our BronyCon the other day but all the amazing cool pony stuff was saved for Comic Con)

    I know! It's so frustrating. Especially since I never would have expected MLP to be big at such a con anyway.

  11. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- was just on my way to post this!

    Anyway, Twilight and spike song is awesome news! I'm still hoping for my Celestia/Luna duet though.


    - An Octavia/Rarity duet


    I mean really, Octavia and Rarity? Don't get me wrong, if Octavia gets some characterisation and stuff beforehand I'm sure it can work but... that just seems so... well, blantantly pandering to the brony crowd, which they said they weren't going to do :/

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