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Everything posted by Karnaloth

  1. going too try and get my drawing skills back ;)

  2. the moment you wanne draw something, and then realise you cant draw ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  3. the moment you wanne draw something, and then realise you cant draw ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  4. soo just in-case (sorry for derailing) if I click on those links above (which I assume are ads) you get money for the site upkeep? if so.... *starts clicking franticly* seriously though, if it does, I'll click on them once in a while :3 EDIT: *epic facedesk* sorry about that stupidity up there, I only just noticed the ''ads by google'' bit. I feel so stupid lol.
  5. I put my head on a joke, for instance, why would they attack this site, while youtube and other sites are overflowing in the pictures?
  6. Karnaloth

    Hiya c:

    welcome comrade, too the union! xD
  7. ah fellow Martial arts lover, welcome!
  8. just got a Tau codex SQUE!

    1. DannyMirage
    2. Karnaloth


      its like a book with all the info on a Dawn of War race, in my case, the Tau, I'm a great fan ^^

    3. DannyMirage


      Oh that sounds pretty awesome! X)

  9. just got a Tau codex SQUE!

  10. Sarcasm? DeepBass? (its so hard too get sarcasm on here xD)
  11. dude, the way you talk.. amuses me xD
  12. hey there, welcome too the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay
  13. oooh, thanks for pointing that out, I didn't read that. ;( I should have, though completely honest, I didn't think about it. I had searched and found the Royal Equestrian Army, but nothing on guards. I edited her history, I hope thats okay cause I didn't feel like re-writing it all, so I just made this: as a young filly, Strife worked the land with her mother, which is an Earth pony, always dreaming of becoming a royal guard Strife couldn't help but daze off during her daily routine. Her mother fully supported her for what she wanted, however. she changed her ideas when Luna and her guard returned, she thought that perhaps the nightmare guard was more something for her. - ^^ and thanks for the feedback.
  14. hey there and welcome, I think its safe too say most of us are nice ponies
  15. nothing left that I want too add, time too push my look and put it too final ;3
  16. did you use the powers of chaos undevided? if not, yes you were in luck. xD
  17. cool another starcraft/coh player What is your steam name - Darkprecurser/Madara Uchiha what games do you play most - Garry'smod, Dawn of War soulstorm and retribution, Skyrim and Supreme Commander 2 favorite game - currently Gmod, but that changes often. though normally without doubt Dawn of War. do you have a steam group - none that I'm really into too be honest, need some that devode themselves too what I like as well, most of the ones I'm currently in were ones I joined cause of my friend asking me too. Mac/Windows? - Windows XP/7 I have a desktop with XP(stil an awesome program IMO map making is easy on it) and another gaming desktop and laptop with 7. (yup loads of computers, but the laptop is for school and the XP one is for Amnesia map making and Starcraft.)
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