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Everything posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. "Unh... what happened, guys? ... Guys?" Twilight remembered little, only a blinding light and screaming. She tried to open her eyes, but a splitting pain in her temple told her that wasn't a good idea. Her hand reached out, despnate to find something, anything to orient herself. Her hand scraped against something metal, she clawed at it to try and get herself off the ground, but it was no use. Her senses were all on the fritz. And above all... she felt cold. Very cold. What the hay had happened? Hadn't she been going... Where had she been going? Twilight, in a sudden panic, tried to open her eyes again. She succeeded valiently in forcing her left eyelid up, but the pain that came with it was excruciating. She screamed. For all that effort, she couldn't even see much. It was... misty. Even the metal thing she was knocking her hand against was just a shilloette to her. She needed light... Twilight worried for a moment that using her magic would hurt worse than opening her eye, but her horn obeyed her with no problems. A small fire sparked into being at the tip of her horn, illuminating the nearby area.
  2. ((May I have this RP? http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11053-penumbra-dewdrop-final/#entry257078)) A loud rapport resounded on the door of Heart's boutique. Three booming, uncontrolled knocks that may as well have been somepony taking a hammer to the storeowner's poor door. A curse then followed, and there was a rustling outside as if somepony was struggling to find her orientation there. It was a mare, definitely a mare, though the flow of words outside indicated she was anything but ladylike. Lighter taps began, the mare on the other side was searching for something on the door... "Bluh. There it is, the bucking..." The curses continued unabated as Penumbra finally found the doorhandle. The mare who showed herself into the store was nothing short of a walking disaster. Her mane was obviously uncombed, spitting out at every angle physically possible with no style or rythym to their arrangement. Her eyes were bloodshot, purple irises nearly obscured by the number of inflamed veins running through the whitesof her eyes. She virtually stomped into the place, hooves clacking loudly against the floor as her eyes swept over the rustic decor without really taking in a single thing she was seeing. Penumbra looked like she had been off to a bad start that day. After all, she had actually started yesterday afternoon and hadn't slept a wink since. Her patience and discipline were reaching their limits. And it wasn't helping that the proprietor was singing in a southern accent. Country accents didn't sit well with Penumbra, she found them irritating no matter how beautiful the voice of the stallion or mare otherwise. She forced herself to hold her tounge as she took Heart-Shaped Box in. She was here on business, not to make herself a nusiance. A hoof rubbed at her eyes as she put on her best cheerful tone, which sounded like it was being forced through the spaces between her teeth. "Hello there mam'. You own this store, correct?"
  3. So could Twilight start a fire for light and other mundane things like that?
  4. [colour=#000000]ACTIVE CHARACTERS[/colour]
  5. Wait, do unicorns have magic? Can pegasus fly? Or is this totally humanized?
  6. Hey Dashie, I'd recommend putting a list of who's taken which pony in the opening post? It'd help newcomers greatly.
  7. Wordplay gave Aurron a questioning look. "Yo? I just pointed at them? Well, some of them at any rate." Wordplay leaned back in place, showing no obvious discomfort as she readily defied the pull of gravity with her own stregnth. "Don't know your history my man? Don't worry, I barely know it myself."
  8. Daring Do impassively let them mock her until all of them, herself included, were surprised by the appearance of Shining Armor. It had been a while since she had met the Captain of the Guard, indeed the last time she had seen that stallion had been when she had still had working wings and he had just been a rookie... But before she could even say anything to acknowledge him, he was gone. Daring shook her head in slight wonder as the two guards lowly apologized to her. "Uh... it's alright guys." Daring smiled sympathetically at the two guards. "You were just doing your jobs. After all, who could believe a crippled pegasus was Daring Do?" On that sombre note Daring passed between the two guards and into the chamber beyond.
  9. Well that would be a perfect angle to work a dramatic 'stay with my friends or go live my dreams' conflict. You think you'd be up for that? EDIT: Can't spell dramatic for some reason
  10. I was talking about Caramel but don't think I've forgotten you Dashie...
  11. IT ACTUALLY GOT IN WAAGAAHHHH- Thank you very much! I will be sure to waste this opportunity!
  12. Fanfic? Do send me a link when you've got it started? Welcome to Canterlot dear!
  13. I like that picture... will read. YOU HATE SWEETIE BELLE HOW COULD YOU- Could you do a non romantic fluff between Cadance and filly Twilight? If you want to see any stories I'd be happy to exchange. Seems unfair to be asking you to do this much without anything in return.
  14. Sometimes I wish I was from /b/.
  15. "So as you can see, clouds will frequently dissipate unless proper wing movements are used to limit the creation of destructive vortexes..." Daring Do, known only as 'The Professor' to her class, stood before a group of semi-attentive colts and fillies. Her back was to her audience, her right hoof was drawing abstract mathematical figures through the fluffy surface of a cloudboard. 'The Professor' droned on in a voice that carried zero of the charm and charisma that had been infectious only years before. Daring sighed, a quiet sigh that none of her students were clued into. Those days were long behind her. The dull, never ending ache from her once glorious wings told her that much. "When you are in the future on one of Equestria's many weather teams, you must always keep in mind this principle..." Daring wondered why she was even thinking about this now, of all times. It was near graduation, the young pegasi flyers would soon be free to wreak havoc- bless their hearts- on Equestria at large. Daring recalled that she had once been the pegasus in one of these desks, half wondering when her teacher would shut up and let them go, dreaming about the future that her cutie mark had promised her. She hadn't been the best flier by a long shot. After all, she had crashed. And yet... she had dreamed about, and lived that future. Could she really let it go? Just like that? This was stupid! She had graduation ceremonies to prepare for, she couldn't entertain these selfish thought- "Any questions?" Daring asked this automatically, she didn't expect anypony to actually raise their hooves. She was thus very surprised when one actually did, a young and scrawny filly near the back row. "Uh... Silver Scream?" "Why didn't you become a weather mare, Professor?" Daring considered the question at length. She knew full well why she hadn't become a weather mare... Her history wouldn't stop bugging her. Even her unruly students- bless their hearts- seemed to be tuned to unknowingly torture her with innocent questions... Everything in Daring: her thoughts and feelings and relationships, seemed to want her to do this. She had to talk to her. ----- ​Daring Do stepped gingerly from the carriage that had brought her to Canterlot. Ever since the incident she had hated flying, and the occasional glance of the stallion pulling the carriage at her bandaged wings didn't help. She cursorily thanked the stallion, and tried to ignore the pitying glances he kept shooting her broken appendages. She had been dropped as close to Canterlot Castle as was possible, and trotted the rest of the way there. She sought the nearest guard: "Excuse me? I requested an audience with the Princess." Daring exhaled heavily as she said the next part, braced herself. "I'm Daring Do."
  16. ^ Wait are you being random or do you actually want to see that?
  17. "Yo. Name's Wordplay." Wordplay slid her shades off the bridge of her nose where they had been sitting for the past fifteen minutes. Cool as they were, Wordplay found people generally responded to her better when they could look her properly in the eyes."I guess I am already making friends. Elements of Harmony and whatnot." Wordplay laughed and threw a glance in the direction of where the camp counselors were beginning to sit. "So what's your name, dude?"
  18. Excitement is a poison to me, I cannot feel it for the sake of my health.
  19. I like your voice. I dunno if it's the audio quality or what but I struggled to hear the bass guitar.
  20. How did it get from that to this? Did you cut every chapter but the beginning or something?
  21. Sorry baws, it was just a suggestion. Didn't know it actually had to be done.
  22. Oh, a parent? Your kids into MLP per chance? Welcome to Canterlot dear!
  23. 4Chan? How did that go for you? Welcome to Canterlot dear!
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