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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. This app is wonderful! I also have a love of animals and plan to take care of them as a profession so you get brownie points with me! I also have a young teenaged griffin who takes care of the woodland creatures in Solstice Heights so maybe we can get together and RP! No major issues with this app so. . . .
  2. I'd recommend removing the Buddhist reference, but other than that. . . .
  3. This application looks great! If you wish you can remove the likes and dislikes section since it's optional other than that, I love it!
  4. The cutie-mark story is a little confusing for me. At first it says Then it goes on to say that Dynamite snuck onto the train. How could it have been a freak accident if Dynamite was deliberate in his actions? Another part that confuses me is It talks about him getting onto the train and taking the 'goods' but do not say exactly what they were(Although I know what you mean it would be nice if you cleared this up.) The last part of the story seems a little jumbled together he's running away from the train, yet he ends up at a cave he knew, then he unpacks his 'goods' next thing we know there is an explosion and he finds gems. What was he doing near that cave that he's loved so much? Where did he put the 'goods' and when it exploded did the cave collapse? How did he know what the train was carrying what he wanted/needed? I'd like to know a bit more about this story.
  5. If a comment is not made on this application within the next 5 days it will be locked for deletion.
  6. Sorry, we already have a pony named Blossom.
  7. Looking good! I have a few more points to point out first like; why was the final scene of that play so important that he gained his cutie-mark? Why not the first time he started? Instead of using the word cross dressing please say "Dresses up as a mare/lady". I believe everything else is a-okay! Keep up the good work n_n
  8. Please use the application form that is located here. Also please change the title from rough draft to [WIP] Only certified species can be app'd for you can find that list located here unless this is a Crossover character where everything goes then it is fine. If you wish to participate in the Mane RP then that will require you to stay within our guidelines which is located here Now I know this application is a work in progress, but please take a look at these links to help me, help you make this character Mane RP ready!
  9. HTTYD stands for How To Train Your Dragon.
  10. Please do not constantly bump your application, I say this because if you do then it will be most likely that we will not get to it since most staff members start from the bottom of the list and work their way up. Please be paitent as we do have to tend to other apps and users. We will get to your app as soon as possible.
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