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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. MelodySpark was out in Ponyville for a vacation. Today was a wonderful day the sun is shining there are a few clouds in the sky to make it cooler Melody was just so taken aback by it all the Pegasi here do great weather control but before getting all swept up in the moment of how great the weather was she needed to do what was on her list. She sigh how she longed to be back home just singing her heart out to anything that would listen but that wouldn't happen so she trotted along with her to complete her shopping trip. "Apple, pears, cinnamon, daisies, grass pancakes...." she went on with her list quiet bored "Great that's everything I need let's get out of here and go" she quickly paid for her supplies and left. As Melody headed home she heard a song near a tree enchanted by the voice and the singing she just had to follow. When she walked around the tree to see green mare with a unusually done mane and a couple of piercing. This Mare was the type of ponies Melody avoided but her voice just drew her to her. Melody got closer to the mare more and more interested in her. When the music stopped she asked "Excuse me Miss I was walking by and heard your great song and I wish to sit here to listen to more if that's okay with you that is." even if the Mare said no she'd say anyway
  2. "I'm sure Miss Glow is quite the gorgeous mare and you're missing out on something special" she talked in a very girly and uppity fashion. Wondering if Glow would appreciate the compliment or just think she was patronizing her Jessy shrugged it off either way it's not a dull moment with these two and she doesn't want to leave them alone quite yet. "A surplus shop huh? that sounds pretty interesting . . . . wait what did you just put in my mane?" puzzled at the stallion's random gesture. BlindJester remembered that Monty said something about fireflies on Glow's dress "How did she get fireflies on her dress? Didn't it burn the dress off since they are FIREflies unless I picture them wrong....." since Jessy couldn't see she had her own images of what things might look like and to her fire flies were little balls of flames that come out at night.
  3. "Well a good job you were doing checking out the party from the main gate huh?" she giggled "I came here in search of meeting Princess Celestia or any other famous ponies but seeing as they might be in the V.I.P section there went my dream" sighing inwardly wondering what other nice ponies she might meet during the party since there is quite a few from all over Equestria. Merry realized they made it to the buffet or what she thought was the buffet room she ran in the doors and saw they made it to a private room that had smells that were identical to the buffet "Oh shoot wrong room...." grumbling to herself look around to see where they are and if they could head back. Unfortunately they were so wrapped up in talking that she didn't know where they came from or where they been all she saw was a sea of ponies she didn't know "Well this is just wonder....."
  4. Was pretty much running by the time she got close to the buffet room but realized that she might of left Re-Roll behind. Merry slowed down to a slow trot so she could keep next to him she wondered what he thought about the Gala most ponies think it's the best party ever so far Merry was thinking the same thing but other ponies have been quite bored with it. "So Re-Roll what do you think of the Gala so far?" looking at him as the entered the buffet line "What do you plan to do while you're here?" Trying to think of more questions she crinkled her muzzle in deep thought hoping she isn't boring the poor colt with her constant babble.
  5. That is a tween error in Flash, they moved his face but forgot to move the eye and mane on the separate layers accordingly. Shhhhhhhhhhhh Let us think that they like to troll us on purpose<3
  6. BlindJester


    I want more: Luna Cherilee Gilda Apple Jack family Some other ponies whos name escape me.
  7. "Oh you know the usual jokes and stuff" Jessy explains "I usually make jokes about my blindness since those sorta jokes seem to be the ice breaker of all my acts"
  8. Painted pouted slightly but understood where the princess was coming from "I understand if you don't want to dance" she looked behind her and saw two ponies waiting. Painted guessed it was because they also wished to speak with the princess "Well it looks as if I'm not the only pony who wishes to talk to you" turning back to face the princess giving a gracious smile and bowed before her "I hope we can talk again sometime your Majesty I did enjoy our talk" turning away she trotted back to the dance floor and slowly danced with the other ponies.
  9. Ugh....Can not be unseen. Very bad pony thoughts indeed. I thought this too. It's almost like Rarity has a few loose screws in her head that allow her horn to wobble. Maybe it's something else -giggles-
  10. "I don't mind your asking at all!" she exclaimed as seeing as she was a Pegasus and was blind so it'd only make sense that some ponies don't understand how she does her job. "Well I carry the plates and drinks on my back and my wings since they are pretty strong from being held up all the time they can carry quite a bit of weight" laid in the grass to get comfortable not minding that her dress will get dirty "And I memorized the whole layout of the place so I know where the food go an also just in case I get confused the owners were nice enough to put special shapes per table you know table four to them would be table star to me." Jessy stopped to think if she missed anything but was sure that's all she needed to explain. "Now it's time you answer my question Mister Monty" smiling in his general direction "Are you and Miss Prickle puss I mean Miss Glow together or what and what do you do to get by?"
  11. "Nah I'm pretty sure the more wonderful and rare flowers are found at night with the cool night air" she began as she thought back to all the beautiful plants she saw only at night on her flights through Equestria. She wondered if Luna knew of all the beautiful plants that grew because of her gorgeous nights. Painted decided to ask later she heard a nice song and wondered if the Princess danced 'Well there is only one way to find out' she thought to herself "Hey Princess Luna do you want to dance?"
  12. "I know it sounds pretty lame wanting to watch plants grow but it's just I um.... don't think the V.I.P section is for me you know?" she took a deep breathe this is not the time to be scared especially to somepony who seems to thrive on adventure. CookieSweets was starting to be lured by the Stallion's charm again 'I guess it wouldn't hurt...' she thought to herself 'I mean he SEEMS pretty nice. . .' Sighing in defeat she decided against her better judgement to go with the him maybe it might be fun and she needs more fun in her dull life. Tonight will be the birth of a new Mare and this will be the pony who helps her it all starts now with a new attitude! Perking up and acting like a completely different pony once again "Sure I'll go with ya." she smiled again this time with a more devious look "Just don't disappoint with what you've got cookin' in that skull of yours". Cookie felt satisfied with how she's acting so far and hoped it didn't get her in to much trouble.
  13. BlindJester flinched at the harsh tone in the older mare's voice obviously the joke didn't fly so well with her and Jessy probably made it worse she dipped her head in the mare's direction "I'm quite sorry for my foolishness I just got ahead of myself" sounding sincerely. Then heard the other voice speak talking about how this is how the Mare always treats others, for some reason Jessy relaxed knowing that she didn't get a special first impression present from the Glow. BlindJester was even more shocked at Glow's apology and felt it wasn't necessary. "Don't worry, even if I could see I'd still be a klutz" laughing again in hopes to lighten the mood "I'm BlindJester by the way I'm a comedian by night, miserably klutz of a waitress by day. It's amazing I'm still employed actually" thinking back to when she first began and all the dishes she broke "But anyway it's nice to meet you Mister Monty, and Madam Glow the prickly mare" she giggled
  14. Hello Hello welcome to our beautiful and great fourms that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here around these forums! I'm a 17 year old straight female who enjoys all kinds of music but mainly stuff that is in the puck/rock genre. I have two standard questions I like to ask of our new bronies and here they are! 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to join in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If yes I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads and hope to rp with you sometime! If no then that's fine because we have plenty of other great topics that I'm sure we'll meet in!
  15. Cookie blushed slightly at her newly given nickname and the stallion's charming smile and handsome eyes, shaking her head to clear her mind. 'I can't go with that stallion to the V.I.P lounge something isn't right here he couldn't possibly be interesting in somepony like me' trying to think rationally before agreeing into something she's sure to regret. "Well I-I don't know I think I'm set with my connections" she looked down at her plate suddenly not hungry anymore "And um maybe I should just go to the garden or something I'm sure you don't want to actually hang out with a pony like me right?" Shyness now taking grip of her again she wanted to back away slowly from the table forgetting about the plate, and this whole encounter feeling as if she just made a fool of herself. 'I'm a big pony and I'll just have to do what a big pony would do' she thought to herself trying to get her courage back up "I. . . . um maybe I should just leave you alone and go sit some where else I don't want to over step my boundaries anymore than I have" putting on her usual customary smile hoping he would lose interest in her.
  16. Merry chuckled slightly at his joke "I prefer to stay clear of baked bads" she said just as the smell of the buffet goodies wafted up to her muzzle. "We better hurry before everypony takes the good stuff" increasing her speed slightly.
  17. I just realized that in the gif with rarity and her spooky movement her horn moves an AWEFUL lot more than her head does...... -giggles- Bad pony thoughts.....
  18. Trotting through the grass BlindJester felt at ease after she took off those annoying shoes that made her feel as if she was walking on stilts. She basked in the moonlight and took a deep breathe of the night air as enjoying the outdoors. 'I hope there are other ponies around here so I won't feel totally bored' as soon as she finished that thought she heard a conversation going on and was excited to finally have other ponies to talk to after all. BlindJester ran towards the voices hearing them grow louder and louder as she drew closer but then things went silent 'Shoot can't loose em now!' running faster to where she heard the voices last. Even though it was against her better judgement to run in unfamiliar places afraid she might mow some pony down but she didn't care this time Jessy just needed and wanted company, she got her wish but not in the way she'd like. She accidentally ran into what felt like a Mare, after running into a couple of ponies Jessy learned what Mares and Stallions feel like. "I'm uh sorry Miss I heard you talking and I wanted to come join you and I sorta just blindly ran into you" laughing at her blind joke she hoped she didn't injure the other pony.
  19. CookieSweets crinkled her muzzle in confusion at the stallion's explanation, boring of all things he thought this party was boring?! Even with all the wonderful decorations and a chance to be in the royal palace with the two princesses roaming around somewhere. She sighed inwardly taking a bite of a brownie she snatched off the buffet line as she continued to listen intently munching on her mini buffet of sweets only. After examining the stallion's look and now part of his personality she realized that pony who seemed to like a wild adventures and other things that are fast paced and now understood his point. Cookie was snapped out of her thoughts when he asked her why she was here, after swallowing the bit of brownie she had left she started to explain her reasons to be here "Well seeing as this is one of the most known parties of all time I thought why not when I got the invitation having a chance to meet one or both of the princesses was more than enough to convince me to come here." pausing to take a sip of water she liberated from a passing waiter "I also hoped to make connections with some ponies to help get my shop going you know it's important to have connections when you run your own business. I don't mind all the richer ponies and their high expectations of everypony enough to damper my mood. Why not make this party something you'd like" she suggested hoping to relieve him of some of his boredom "My name is CookieSweets by the way"
  20. That is a epic movie and I love it so so so so so much. I remember watching Howl's moving castle and Spirited away as well.
  21. There have been a lot thunderstorms in the south area and now in the far north? Both in places I've visited(Grandmother took me to Mass. every other summer or so and I consider it my third home. 1. Georgia[Even though I wasn't originally born there it felt more at home] 2. Maryland[Where I was actually born]) I do hope everypony is alright....
  22. Taking at look at what she thought was her flank she told him "I was told my cutie-mark is jester's hat and I think that it revolves around my love to make ponies laugh" sighing knowing that she'd never see her cutie-mark for herself. "But your cutie-mark sounds pretty great. It must be a very fine and noble mark"
  23. When Merry heard the question her stomach growled loudly as if it was going to answer for her. She blushed heavily that she did something so un-lady like and apologized profusely "I'm so so so so so sorry. That was very un-ladylike. . . . ." after a couple minutes of apologizing she finally got around to answering the question "As you heard at this point anything will do from tiny daisy sandwiches to a big bowl of salad or maybe brownies oh I do love a good round of baked goods."
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