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Everything posted by SaucySpider

  1. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! A fine welcome to you!
  2. This strange indian food. It was like sushi only it was spicy to the Nth degree, smelt terrible. was completely grey, and stands to be THE most disgusting thing I have every seen.
  3. SaucySpider was a username that a friend of mine helped create. I thought it was funny and it stuck.
  4. Definitely an Earth Pony, I like my feet on the ground, and hard labor suits me nicely.
  5. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! A fine welcome to you!
  6. So yeah I'm the one who told him about bronydom. I was told by a friend of mine in Virginia. It started with little clips of dialouge, and then advanced to the show itself. I'll never ever regret it
  7. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! A fine welcome to you!
  8. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! A fine welcome to you!
  9. Runner had been listening to the goings on for quite some time now. "Well look at this, I might not even have to be questioned. That works for me, all i need is somewhere to lay down for a bit." He thought to himself. He was aware that the zebra had left, but what really had his interest was Pro, he was talking with the griffon very secretively. "I wonder what he's up to."
  10. Welcome Welcome Welcome, hope to see you on the threads!
  11. Runner couldn't help but to be slightly nervous, he was never officially part of the resistence. He just pulled pranks now and then, but this time it was real, he was actually going to be enlisted in a resistance. Well, it was like he always said, just go with the flow. Turning to Nexilli. "So, is it you who's gonna be interrogating us?"
  12. (OOC: Aren't we in the desert? Wouldn't be much of a forest )
  13. Runner willingly followed the zebra back to wherever she came from, slightly relieved to not have to carry her. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that somepony was following them. "Hey Pro, I think we may have company, i'm just not sure who they are, or where they are for that matter. Keep your eyes peeled." (Dunder, I think now is a good time to throw yourself into the story just a recommendation.)
  14. Runner quickly approached the zebra. He was slightly nervous about being so close to a creature he had never seen before, but he ignored the thought. He lifted her over his back, carrying the weight with his back. "Hang in there, you're gonna be just fine. Let's get out of here, and to somewhere safe, then we'll take care of any injuries you might have." He motioned for Pro to take the lead again. "Well, looks like we've brought yet another stranded soul into our little band of misfits"
  16. Yes, I'll take 5 cases of #6. Oh, wait, I can't do that. Oh well, just one case of #6 then.
  17. Runner hadn't expected this wolf to attack him. However, with his speed he was able to quickly dodge his attack and strike the wolf in the back of the head with his hoof. When it landed on the ground he quickly grabbed it from under it's forelegs, and wrapped his hooves around the back of the head. "Alright, I don't know who you are or what you want with us, but you're not going to take us down that easy." Runner looked to Pro "What should we do with this thing?"
  18. (OOC: It's not my turn to post i don't think, but you are a terrible person lolololol making fun of my lack of a sense of smell Runner can smell fine tho)
  19. Runner circled around the opposite side, knife drawn. He climbed to the top of the wall and was ready to pounce the pony at any moment."peace offering eh? we're not exactly cruel and heartless ponies, although if he does make a move i'm likely to tackle him to the ground" He remained silent as he waited for Pro to take care of this strange new pony."i hope he's a nice guy, another set of hooves wouldn't exactly hurt around here. Plus considering he's also an earth pony i wouldn't be lonely if Pro and Scout fly overhead" He stared at the two ponies below him, waiting for what was to happen next.
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