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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. OK, since you wanted feedback I'll give you all of my impressions. First of all, it is a very rich and complex world you have put together here. Honestly I think this could stand on its own as a fantasy work independent of FiM fan fiction or the MLP universe. It might even be stronger for that, though I understand how much harder an audience venue would be to find. I like the Anubians. Interesting idea. There are a few parts though that I had to re-read sections a few times to follow the conversation. The words of the dialog itself flow fine, but the transitions lost me at times. It also seems like Mitishamba and Jangwa take things a bit too much in stride. To me it would feel better to do just a bit more back-building to explain that. (Show at Union's appearance that they are familiar with his history/role, or have Jangwa have a premonition...) But all-in-all, if I read this as an excerpt from a fantasy novel I'd buy it.
  2. I've noticed that most of FiMFiction falls into the Grimdark, clopping, or self insertion stories. There doesn't seem to be near as many "normal" stories from Equestria.
  3. Finally had the time to read it. That is a very interesting take on things. It certainly plays on the Celestia the Tyrant meme very well. And the statue bit... *shudder*
  4. So I did a submission of my only fan fic to EQD. I just got the rejection email. I can't say that, in and of itself, is surprising. I was not going to be shocked if it wasn't deemed good enough to be featured. What I do find disheartening is that it got rejected without even being read. It was flagged "due to issues with capitalization, comma use, and sentence fragments." Now don't get me wrong, I know that my grammar isn't perfect, but I did just finish a college Comp. 2 course where I had to write a research paper as well as another college course where I had to write 10K+ words worth of essays. I got a solid "A" in both. Considering an entire page of the Comp. 2 syllabus was dedicated to proper grammar and punctuation, I take that as an indication that I am doing something correct when I write. And that's the heart of the problem for writers. (I'm also writing a couple of not pony related books.) I have complained to my wife that I wish I had some artistic ability so that I could make *something* of beauty. She brings up my writing, but writing is not equal with other arts. It is a lot harder to even get your art seen if you write than it is if you draw/paint/sculpt. People will look at a picture without much prompting, but try to get them to read a story you are writing, much less an entire book. OK, I'll stop now. This could reasonably get moved to "Venting" but I am sure that I am not the only aspiring author here that gets frustrated by pouring time, effort, and a ton of creative energy into things and then not being able to get anypony to even look at them.
  5. Well, since I'm late to the party, Happy Post-Birthday! I hope it was a good day.
  6. Thanks Kirby! Well I made my first submission to EQD. Wish me luck!
  7. While I can't fault a Dakota Fanning pick for Fluttershy, I really have to go with Amber Benson. (Terra from Buffy)
  8. Found these in our Wal-Mart today! $2/pack though. Edits cause I hate posting from my phone
  9. I know that there is a thread for Unusual Head-canon in 18+, but I thought an alt canon thread everyone can talk in would be nice. (and my search turned up zip for "canon") Mainly I was wondering what Fan stories you find altering your view of canon. I've really become attached to this story, and the stories growing out of it. It almost replaces some things in the show as "canon" in my head. A few shorts I've been reading on FiMFiction have influenced my view of things too. What all have you been reading that's made "new canon" for you?
  10. I'll just hope that now that they have the mold they use it for a non DIY Fluttershy. (I'd like a Twilight with appropriate mane too....) Still haven't thought of a good way to give my brush-able Twi bangs like she deserves.
  11. There will be a couple of pint glass orders in my future! Thanks for the share Rosewind!
  12. Kendrick


    SirShadow. That was exactly where my brain went when I saw the thread name!
  13. I'm all about the music and TV ones! And I may or may be guilty of wishing for unicorn magic. I catch myself thinking in ponyspeak, but I haven't slipped and said it out loud yet.
  14. Added a bit more to it. Trying to decide if I should continue to add letters.
  15. It was very sweet. I think you could easily break out some chapters and tell a lot more of the story. I got the feeling that there was a lot more happening in your head than made it onto the page...?
  16. I think it's a really neat idea. The real trick is going to be be finding a way to make it self sustaining once it is rolling. The mode of standing in line in a store and quizzing a fellow patron seems like it would have less "work" issues tied to is, though capturing it on video may be more problematic. I agree that the description, while I had no problem following it, could stand to be distilled down a bit.
  17. I'm not sure if this will work since I don't know exactly how FIMFiction works, But here is the link to the first thing I have written for the Ponyverse. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/39704/1/The-Twilight-Years/ This is a basic stub of the story in my head. It's mainly to get the notion out and on "paper." If I feel moved I may expand it and write the whole story. Feedback welcome. ~if you don't mind that is...~
  18. Twilight is best pony! She is the pony I relate to the most. Including the insecurity and insanity. My wife will go and move my ponies just to see how long it takes my head to explode because, "that's not how they go!" I can see Twi being very OCD about her things. I also love Celestia. I like her personality, her look. Just her in general. If she got more show time I'd probably bump her up. Fluttershy fights hard for a top spot too, but since I am married to a woman who could have been the personality model for her, I figure I have my own Fluttershy, no need to cling to the one on the show too much. (I really, really can't stress how much alike they are.) I got a Rose Luck in a blind bag the other day and really liked it. She's such a pretty pony. Now I'm noticing her in the show all the time, and finding a lot of fan art I hadn't caught before. Moar Rose Luck!!!!
  19. I have a feeling that most everypony here is going to have some overlap. J.R.R. Tolkien 'Nuff said. C.J. Cherryh - The Paladin Katherine Kurtz J. K. Rowling Asimov's Foundation series. I have tons of old-ish sci-fi and fantasy series that I love. Heck, I just like BOOKS!
  20. Most of my text exchanges that involve ponies amount to me texting something pony related to my wife and her going, "You're so cute!"
  21. I saw "Navi" and all I could think was "Hey Listen!"
  22. I must have had connection issues. The first one the audio came through a lot lower than the 2nd one, and it seemed jumpy to me. I found the first one more entertaining, there were certainly a lot of good fan nods in the first one. I've seen the second one before. I'm guessing it was a lot earlier promo. ...? before a lot of fandom had developed. Wasn't it all season 1 clips too?
  23. I'm mortal enemies with Gilda. I'm ok with that. Just watched Brush Off today, kinda fitting.
  24. It's a reasonable fear, and one I have a tiny bit of as well, just not a great deal. I think a lot of what is seen as fandom nods may just be due to the fact that the crew is a bunch of geeks of a similar vein as the Brony community. As a result they throw in a bunch of pop culture in-jokes that we get and love, but aren't aimed directly at us as much as they are personally entertaining to the folks doing the work. The fact that it works for us is a bonus.
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