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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Birds and lag body of water.
  2. This year… I lake the words for it! NEVER! at the start of 2011 did I think I well be here with the lads and lasses I know. I can’t even name all the good that fell on me! I came out with some of the best friends of my life. The joy and love I feel is off the charts, so I can’t think of one thing to show ever one how I feel…. So here is all ah got to say. THANK YOU ALL, TO EVERY HATER AND FRIEND! TO ONE’S ON HERE AND OFF! TO ONE’S OVER SEA’S AND NEXT DOOR! I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST OF LUCK AND THAT THIS YEAR, OR YOUR NEXT ONE WELL GIVE YOU THE BUCKING JOY THIS ONE DID! and here is a yell to ever pony that is more or less family to me now. Appliance, BlindJester, Bronies For Life, Davroth, Doc Hoof MD, Dubstep, ProfKibble, WillTravel, Sulvuss and many more not on here! this is a HUGE thank you and happy new year to y'all! now, with all of that out of the way. how was ever pones year?
  3. did a tiny fix to show his mother Belle Star raised him and is not his biological mother, but is the only mom he knows.
  4. Dusty


    Why yes, the hat never leaves my head. even in the shower.
  5. As do I good chap! Have a must spiffing X-miss!
  6. you left out the one that tops it all! british! By the power of british nothing can stop us!
  7. time to take over a country with your help Sulvuss it well be 100% more british~
  8. Sulvuss we must team back up to love raid.
  9. Dusty

    holiday will

    more so if it's cute as can be :3
  10. Dusty


    No ah don't know who ah am! XD
  11. Well the game is out (for the must) but ah have no pc for it! But win ah get my gaming rig going going ah'm so making a pony clan.
  12. ...oh god... must... not...make...dirty joke..
  13. I can't live in a world with out bacon
  14. Dusty

    Ready, steady

    sorry to busy looking at the plot to read that,
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