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Everything posted by Kryptchild

  1. Welcome to Canterlot!
  2. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm more partial to the G1 stuff myself over G3. Kinda wish I'd seen it when I was younger!
  3. When you Buy a $90 piece of computer hardware just to draw ponies Watch youtube videos of MLP more than actual TV Accidentally use words like "Everypony" "Somepony" and "Buck" in every day life
  4. Welcome to Canterlot!
  5. I've got a few friends who live in upside-down land too! Welcome from the northern hemisphere! My little brother has aspergers, though to be honest you really can't tell now a days. He gets better grades than I did going through school in fact! Hope to see you in some of the discussions around here
  6. I'm here! Ponies teaching english?! That's awesome! We've actually got quite a few young members. One person that just joined is 13, but I dunno how old our youngest is. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Kryptchild, one of the many hobby artists here!
  7. Well welcome to the community! Hope your stay here is good and we leave a positive impression on you! Maybe after the jet lag from your trip you'll find an area to dive in to. We've got plenty of art, music, and roleplay! Also you've got great taste in mane cast Rarity and Pinkie are totally the best.
  8. PC and Xbox360. Frankly I've not gamed much on either lately! Too much ponies.
  9. Sunday request streams! http://www.livestream.com/pharmparty Tonight starting at 6:30 PM CST I’ll be doing my weekly request stream. Heres how it works! You request something, I draw it! I do requests one at a time and you have to request it in the stream. You can request -Single pony line art with color -Single or multi pony line art -Single or multi pony sketch I will draw: -OCs (submit references to mod blog after I’ve taken the request) -Canon Characters -Shipping I will not draw: -Pron (tonight) -Gore -OC alicorns -Anthro/human (tonight) -Snips
  10. I dunno! I suppose I could figure out how to save them and post them! Or are they saved automatically?
  11. Sunday request streams! http://www.livestream.com/pharmparty Tonight starting at 6:30 PM CST I’ll be doing my weekly request stream. Heres how it works! You request something, I draw it! I do requests one at a time and you have to request it in the stream. You can request -Single pony line art with color -Single or multi pony line art -Single or multi pony sketch I will draw: -OCs (submit references to mod blog after I’ve taken the request) -Canon Characters -Shipping I will not draw: -Pron (tonight) -Gore -OC alicorns -Anthro/human (tonight) -Snips
  12. From the album: Cast

    Shippy shippy
  13. That's a Friendship necklace! I totally ship those two XD I'm glad someone finally noticed though!
  14. OH OH OH! I would so totally love it if you could do one of my OC Pharm Party! He's actually got a pretty simple design and a nice and easy color pallet to work with. If you do make one for him, would you mind if I show it off on my tumblr? Naturally credit will go to you darling! You can find tons of references of him by clicking the banner on my signature (that's him by the way!) OR if you're looking for someone less boring, I'd love one of my RP OC Free Fall! Hes a Pegasi, but if you do draw him I ask you make sure to get his wings right (they're clipped and damaged). Ref: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/183/4/b/free_fall_concept_art_by_kryptchild-d55qzjf.jpg Either or would be wonderful! Take your time and have fun with it!
  15. Welcome aboard! 13? Whew it's kinda refreshing to see folks at that age taking up MLP! Honestly wish I had it during my VERY grouchy teen years (I didn't even have a REASON to grouch! I was just a grumpy pants.) Anyway welcome! That upperclassman you mentioned sounds like a good potential friend! You should see if you can meet up with them when your school year starts again... unless you're still in class! Then just go for it.
  16. Kryptchild


    Fluttershy can play any class she wants! :<
  17. XD I LOVE loose cognitive associations!
  18. From the album: Cast

    I like to think this came out better than Demoshy did. Cant draw Fluttershy for ****, but I can draw Rarity just fine while drunk and distracted by my boyfriend. Starting to reconsider Flutterpie as OTP… danget. Her nose is a little long now that I look at it again D: FIXED IT!
  19. Kryptchild


    From the album: Cast

    Silly Fluttershy, they don't give you time to reload on TF2! Crappy little "Yay!" piece I did as a personal celebration for 800+ kills with "Kindness" my Strange Grenade Launcher on TF2! Oh god I suck at shading help
  20. WOOO! Another Pinkie fan! (Rarity seems to be taking me over though). Welcome to Canterlot!
  21. For the Solar Empire! Down with the separatists! What would a 1,000 year old outcast know about ruling a modern society anyway? (I love choosing the alleged bad guys XD)
  22. Write "Do you like mmmmmm bananas?" on it and glue it to your front door! I'm kidding, I've got no ideas! XD If it were me I'd probably just dumpster it.
  23. I actually really like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They bring a sense of realism to the show, because there really are kids and adults who are like that. The world needs brats! Not to mention despite how much you might hate them, you can't deny they are CUTE. Trixie falls under a similar category. Not to mention I've seen so many stories and fanfictions sympathizing her story I just can't bring myself to hate her D: I think the reason folks don't like Twist is the way her nose scrunches up, and her overtly heavy lisp. Like it's REALLY heavy. I know a few people with lisps, people MISSING teeth don't even lisp that much. Snails is kinda cute, but they projected that "dopey icky boy" thing onto those characters. They were made in an early episode long before they had an adult following, so they made boy characters how a fair number of girls that age view boys. Still hate Snips.
  24. Welcome to Canterlot! I've actually yet to stick my nose into the RP forum yet, text walls intimidate me. But I've heard good things about it! Hope you have fun in there!
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