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Everything posted by Kryptchild

  1. Request Livestream in 20 minutes! www.Livestream.com/Pharmparty You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Naturally I can do more tumblr style sketches than I can regular. All requests will be sketches, and I’ll pick out three or four that I really like to color later in the week. You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or line art in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Will draw: -Shipping (Yaoi, Yuri, or hetero (booooring)) -OCs -Headcanon behavior -R63 -Ecchi -Dark Will not draw: -Alicorns -Clop -Gratuitous violence. Hope to see you there~
  2. Hiya~ Tomorrow at about 2:00 PM I'll be starting an open request stream to go well into the evening! Bring your OTPs, your OCs (no alicorns), and your headcanons! You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Naturally I can do more tumblr style sketches than I can regular. I'll of course be a LITTLE picky about what I draw, since I probably won't get to absolutely everyone. I also may combine ideas, I dunno yet! All requests will be sketches, and I'll pick out three or four that I really like to color later in the week. You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Will post an announcement twenty minutes before I start up (or right away if I run late). Hope to see you there~ ~Kryptchild
  3. If only I had wings for someone to nibble on ...and someone to nibble them ;_;
  4. You're totally welcome to draw Pharm if you want! I sorta post him everywhere, and he's hanging out in my signature.
  5. From the album: Cast

    Drawn and colored during stream tonight! Braeburn is helping Soarin preen his wings. I'd imagine that tickles a LOT.
  6. I'm shipping Soarburn! Who wants to come watch? http://www.livestream.com/Pharmparty It'll be sketch only for now (I'll color later) so I'll probably be done with time left for a request or two.
  7. *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* There's no place like Oz, there's no place like Oz, there's no place like Oz!
  8. 2/5 because well... it's just two words. Sorry
  9. "The cult of Discord" Hmmm... I like that idea.
  10. Oh WOW! We sure got a surprising influx of new folks this afternoon~ Welcome to Canterlot
  11. Good thing there's enough of Rainbow Dash to go around! Welcome to Canterlot!
  12. Hooray for more artists! Welcome to Canterlot!
  13. MmmmmmmMMmm~ What do YOU think?
  14. <3 <3 Also I'll work on a sketch using 2 and 5 later tonight, see where it takes me. Thanks for the input! "Style will find you"... I like that. I'll keep experimenting, keep drawing, and let it come to me as I grow. Thank you, Rosewind~
  15. I joined the herd at the beginning of November 2011. I'd known about the show since it first hit /co/ back during my 4chan days, however. I just never payed any attention to it, passed it off as a trolling fad. I was rather impressed however with some of the actual fan art that popped up from time to time, but thought nothing of it past "hm, that's kinda pretty".
  16. From the album: Cast

    Frustrated scribbles are frustrating. I wanted to draw how I think Sweetie will look in her later years. I hit a major block at her head and just couldn't get any eyes to work for her. I originally wanted a 3/4th view of her face, but she flat out refused. That's when I realized I've been totally inconsistent with my eyes, and they've been the weakest part of my work recently. My so far best piece (in my opinion) looked good because her eyes were CLOSED. Just when I start to get the body down, some other body part decides to throw a wrench. All part of the learning process I guess. Maybe I should go stalk Solar-Slash. His pony stuff is like, 80% big soft eyes. I went with the one that's closest to the show for this one, but I dunno... I'm still trying to find my own style. Something people can look at and say "Oh yeah, Kryptchild drew that!" the first time they see it. My head is probably too far in the clouds right now, but part of why I look up to artists like Joey-Darkmeat, John Joseco, Speccy, Madmax, Jitterbug, Solar, Will, Slugbox, UC77, and Egophiliac is they're not just recognizable names, but the have recognizable art styles. They own how they create, they're consistent... and it's my goal to graze my fingers across the bottom of the clouds they sit comfortably atop. I really like her mane.
  17. Anyone want to trade something for my Strange Bazaar Bargain? I don't really play sniper. I'm willing to trade for a Strange weapon for either Heavy, Medic, or Scout. I'd really love a Strange Syringe Gun or Strange Mini Gun, but I'm not terribly picky!
  18. I have to apologies to the folks who were waiting and any new hopefulls, but I'm closing off the avatar requests for now. I may pick this back up again the next time I get a new style or hit artists block, but for now Pharm's Blog along with classes and my own very sporadic artistic trends makes maintaining requests pretty much impossible. I'm sorry for being so unpredictable about this and dropping it without warning. I opened this request to help practice basic pony heads and shapes, and get a better handle on Sai. I've still got a long ways to go, but I'd say I have made some headway at least, and in no small part thanks to you guys! Again, sorry for people I didn't get to, I need to work on not making a habit of biting off more than I can chew with projects. For now, this thread is Closed Thank you for stopping by, for helping me get better, and being patient with me!
  19. I'd be TOTALLY happy to help give you ideas for projects and provide some concept art. Once you make yourself a DA page look me up (I use Kryptchild for like, everything!). I wana see what you're made of!
  20. Welcome to Canterlot! Let's hope you put those CS3 Flash tools to good use! There's definitely no shortage of demand for able animators. Do you have a DA page for animations? Or have you not started yet?
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