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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Site is now fully operational for me!  Excellent!

    1. tacobob
    2. Dio


      Looks like the IPS team is still on point :)

  2. Sorry if folks have been waiting on me for stuff, My laptop is still in the shop and won't be back until Friday or Monday. 

  3. Sprained ankle :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blueblood


      Thanks guys.  I probably won't be on much until pain has subsided somewhat.

    3. Rosewind


      Sorry about that! Next time I'll try double-knotting the rope.

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Get well soon~!  Those hurt quite a bit...

  4. To anyone I'm in threads with: I'll be on vacation for a week at my folks', so won't get much posting in.

    1. Ciraxis


      Have fun! On my part, I will make sure to cook something for you to reply to when you get back!

  5. Traveling home for Thanksgiving, likely to be back Saturday!

  6. Ugh... came home from vacation with a fever... gonna be a little while longer catching up on RP here...

  7. What better way to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day than a Royal Wedding?  Mini event linked below!  https://www.canterlot.com/topic/24849-hearts-and-hooves-day-a-royal-wedding-open-mini-event/


  8. Whoops!  Forgot Swift was at the cider event, I'll edit to make sure Blue responds to him too.

  9. Why do I have the urge to turn all the musical artists I'm a fan of into OC's?

    1. Trombone2015


      That sounds like a wonderful idea. 

  10. Will be away for the weekend at my cousin's wedding.  See all you beautiful people on Monday!

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