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Everything posted by Talex

  1. Rosewind's got a point there. Everybody will form their own little circles and friendships. The trick is for you to join the right ones. It's not that big of a deal for me since my school is so small and I'm fairly popular, so I can just roam from group to group and everybody will be like "sup Talex!" So I don't have much advice on how to help. I know that wearing pony stuff on the first day might intimidate people, so instead, perhaps just make a few references that only bronys would get and see if anyone picks up on it. And the number one rule I have to offer you.... FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PONY DO NOT PROCRASTINATE ON ANYTHING!!!!! Procrastinate later..... (that makes sense if you think about it.) Oh, and that first picture is the story of my life.
  2. Doom you say? this calls for the doom song! "I'm gonna sing the doom song now!"
  3. I haven't been active on here Dx and I hate it! ;n;

    1. StarStorm


      How terrible! Well, I've missed you :D Not that I've been very active on here either..

  4. Absolutely, the rp hasn't even officially started I'll be posting it, hopefully later today. So everypony get your crew ready! Argh!
  5. Another brony joins the herd! xD I just showed a friend the show :3

  6. I start school august 20th ;_; I don't want to go to school! Dx I want to stay on canterlot ._.

  7. There's smoke in your picture! Allow me to play you the song of my people...
  8. Gluttony "eats it all" better than Epic meal time. (Full Metal Alchemist reference for those who don't know.)
  9. I personally find leeches fascinating and their mal reputation undeserved. This does remind me of a leech species I found while doing research on the internet.. I can't remember it's name, but I recall that it had some sort of teeth that it would use to "saw" at a host's flesh. The website over exaggerated the whole thing but I found it interesting. Does this ring any bells bugmaster?
  10. WE SHALL KEEP GOING REGARDLESS!!! Earplugs can not stop the bass. The bass will flow through you. And the Bass canon only makes it stronger...
  11. Is there something wrong with my application? It hasn't been seen to yet in 9 days. I know the moderators have their hands full but I don't know if this is a normal wait time or not. ._.
  12. first I would make an audible gasp, then squee, then I would hug her, and then try to figure out how to explain that the princess of the night is in my room to my parents.... Then I would get distracted by her cuteness and admire her more. I think that's about it. ^^
  13. Twinkiepinkie said she would be only gone 14 days and it has been 16. I am worried and slightly disappointed. My impatience also grows stronger...
  14. I was never truly sure about that plural form thank you. ^^ fixed that. And I see what you're saying with the first choice xD I just wanted to make a pun.... it backfired a bit...
  15. Talex


    Your work is AMAZING! Keep going please. ^^
  16. Talex


    Some one said it on the first page, but I too have a fear of wasps, bees, and hornets. I'm not allergic, and I handle being stung quite well. I just can't stand the sight, sound, or look of them. their appearance freaks me out. It fascinates me how nature made them, but I still get scared. Recently this has turned from a "run away silently" fear to a "let them be" fear and now its coming to a "I'm bigger than them, they'll leave me alone" fear. Unfortunately my hair is blonde so they always, ALWAYS, think I might be a flower and come close to me. (I read somewhere they see color before the image so that would explain it. Might ask stonetribe about that....) Also, I don't know how to describe it but I have a fear of heights. I dont know if it's actually heights though. I can be up somewhere pretty high and not be phased but I can't stand the climb up on a rollercoaster. Which sucks because I live in Florida where there is a bunch of those and all my friends want me to go with them. And then everyone else who doesn't live in Florida thinks I'm silly for not. The irony of it all >.> there's me rambling away ^^ enjoy.
  17. Yeah, it's a bit confusing. Sorry about that. I added two new rules that hopefully answer your question. ^^ So free-for-all it is.... TITLE TIME!!! (You get to vote!) - Pony Buck-aneers [Open] (I tried to make a pun on the word "Buccaneers" with "Buck") - Ponies of the Caribbean [Open] - Legends of the Pirate Ponies [Open] (I don't want to decide myself xP and suggestions are more then welcome!)
  18. But.... but.... I wanted to keep my Da'wwwwwww..... Why did you take all of my Da'www from me?
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