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Everything posted by Chocoswirl

  1. I must have one! It would make my day if there was one with Luna, RD, Pinkie, and Twi all together in one, but of course, that is impossible.
  2. Okey-dokey-loki. In the meantime, I'll be doing the same to these new surprise pokemon of mine, but I think I may have over-leveled one of 'em. DX
  3. More nominations! Best Cast Roleplayer- SonicRainboomGirl Best Cast- Scootaloo (SonicRainboomGirl) Best Creature- Skye [Peryton-Played by Skye] Best Inactive Roleplayer- Skye
  4. So she be a Gardevoir now? OOH! Tell me what level you want to have her at by the time of our battle (Only if you've decided on the level already). I only ask so I know what to do with my surprise to show you for the battle. :3
  5. Anyways, I think we have a due battle. How's Kirlia/Gardevoir?
  6. Yes! That's what I meant. I have a Porygon 2 and it's possible for me to get a Z. DX Slip of the tongue and a bit of confusion.
  7. I meant the second evo, and the third. DX FAIL. EDIT: I think one of them was Z and another was 2.
  8. With a bit o' breedin', and another item, and another necessity I can get mahself a Porygon Z too!
  9. I think Scootaloo is the coolest, Sweetie the cutest, and Apple Bloom the most reasonable....est.
  10. I have a Porygon (PKMNDW) and Porygon 2. BEAT DAT. XD EDIT: LOL Fail
  11. A blog is basically like a journal. Blog posts are entries to this journal, and often share updates on things, although they don't always have to. A blog can be about anything, like the progress of a WIP games, a person's everyday life, showing off art, and a bunch of other stuff. This would seem like a blog post about your everyday life.
  12. "Hey, Patrick. I thought of something funnier than 24."

    1. hinata2000100
    2. Chocoswirl


      "25~" *uncontrollable giggling and slams fist on table*

  13. "Really? I didn't know that!" Applejack spoke with interest. So bugs were actually more useful to farms than she thought. "Sounds pretty great to me!" she smiled. "Do ya mind if I hold the little thing?" AJ asked hopefully as she viewed the grasshopper with interest. This camper seemed to know quite a bit about bugs, and maybe she could learn a thing or two about them in the future.
  14. "EEE!" Electric let out a high-pitched squeak as she heard the sudden sound. She whirled around to come face to face with Thunder. She glared at him with ice in her eyes for a few moments, but the ice was soon melted by the warmth in her forming smile. Grinning, she began to laugh for a bit. A part of her had to try and expect this ever since she got to know him quite a bit. "You're here!" she smiled, nuzzling him affectionately. She shuffled nervously for a moment before mentally sighing and pushing aside all thoughts of screwing up the date. "Ready to go? I can't wait to get there!" Electric spoke enthusiastically all of a sudden. Sure, she was very nervous about it, but she decided to try and bring out the more excited side of her thoughts on it. C'mon Electric! This'll work out just fine! This is a date- you should be excited! You should be stoked!
  15. Thanksies Hinata! I'll add 'em Gotta Add 'Em All! tomorrow, since I'm on mah mobile version.
  17. LUCKY EGG. LUCKY EGG TO DEATH. LOL Nevermind. It's traded, so Lucky Egg is no needed. :3
  18. VAT. But for my first Ralts which gave birth to your Kirlia, it took me only 1 hour to get it from LVL 1 to 55! Have you tried the Elite 4 method- Oh wait Your team isn't that high up in level. :C My pokemon are a bunch stronger than the Elite 4, so i just use the weak pokemon first in the party and give it a lucky egg. Then I switch it out and use the stronger pokemon. Of course, I always bring tons of Revival Herbs and Moomoo Milks with me using the money I get. So far, I've used the method so many times, I went from 1 Hall of Fame entry to 5 in one week. It really helps. Once your team is high enough, use it to the point of breaking your game! Though, in your state, I suggest the stadiums in Nimbasa. They're pretty strong, but not Elite 4 Strong, and there are loads of trainers there! Plus, some trainers will give you a Rare Candy after beating them, which really helps! Good luck with Kirlia! I wanna battle it as Gardevoir very soon!
  19. I'll try and give 'em to you tomorrow. I was pretty busy today, and I couldn't get a battle in, but I'll be sure to initiate the trade and battle tomorrow! :3 Now, I'd like to see your progress on Gardevoir, if you wouldn't mind. How's the training going, and how strong is she? 'Cause boy do I have a surprise for you when we battle.
  20. Electric Vibe sighed, as she trudged through the thick Everfree Forest. The eerie night and random sounds that accompanied the already uncomfortable atmosphere poked at her nerves. She often masked her fea-"uncomfortable feelings" by growing angry. She had a very small saddlebag attached to herself, which contained a sketchbook, sharpener, eraser, and 3 pencils. Not too long ago, she met a rather interesting pony while searching the forest for inspiration for songs and art. In fact, he happened to be a pirate, which interested her even more. The new stallion and herself had almost immediately formed a connection upon meeting, and found herself going out with him to take a trip to Roam to view the sunset. The original intention was to help give her some inspiration for her art and music, but it soon turned into a date. The thought of going on a date made her rather uncomfortable, as she never expected herself to be going on dates, yet at the same time, it joyed her. It also made her quite nervous, as she didn't have any experience with dates and the like, but she hoped she would come up with something on the way. "Darn it. This stupid overgrowth is really getting on my nerves!" Electric hissed, as her hooves ended up tangled in a rather large and flowing vine. She swept off the vines with her wings, and continued to make her way to the spot where the pirate and herself met. They had planned on meeting up at the same spot they came across each other, and Electric had to mark the area by piling leaf, by nut, by vine, by pulled grass on top of one another with the help of him. Soon, it turned into a large mass of forest-based items, and would certainly stand out, also given the fact that it was in the middle of a clearing. Soon, the white pegasus found herself at said spot, and she looked around the area, searching for signs of the other pegasus.
  21. "Well hi there little fella!" Applejack spoke, crouching down to level herself with the little green creature. She never took the time to learn a lot about insects, and often enjoyed seeing them. Of course, she highly disliked it when they invaded and swarmed Sweet Apple Acres, but outside of her work field, she found them rather interesting, and cool looking. "Course not! Bugs are mighty fine. I think they're quite the sight. Just look at 'em! I ain't never seen any other animals like bugs before!" she spoke, looking at the grasshopper from different angles. "Well, the only thing I don't like 'bout 'em is that they tend to fancy mah apples on mah farm, Sweet Apple Acres." she explained, staring at the insect, and getting closer to it to get a good look. The bug was just centimeters from her eyes now, and she inspected every bit of it. It wasn't too often that she got to see one up close, except when she had to stow away apples from the hungry ones.
  22. I can only name all of them if you show a picture to me. XD I can get you a Gastly. :3
  23. "Huh? Oh, hiya there!" AJ spoke, as she turned to Buzz. "Welcome to Camp Whitetail! Mah name's Applejack!" she introduced herself in her strong country accent. This camper seemed a bit different from the rest, but she liked that. "You can call me AJ, though. Doesn't really matter what ya call me, although some of the other counselors like Twilight and Rarity insist on usin' 'Ms' and the like." AJ whispered to the camper. She often didn't mind if others called her AJ. She felt that a title like "Miss" was unnecessary but her friends insisted that the title was to be used. AJ just hoped none of the campers would call her by the informal name in front of the two. She didn't want to be the cause of a camper getting into trouble. "I don't need some fancy-shmancy titles to know that y'all respect me."
  24. Guess you're right, but I still don't find myself enjoying flat rule. I work hard to train those Pokemon to high levels just to have them play at a lower one. But if people insist on using it, I guess I have no choice.
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