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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "your a monster!" she spat, "Capturing innocent Pokemon to use for your fun 'games' and never care!" she glared, "I'm trying to save them!"
  2. Shaymin was sucked inside the ball and suddenly te ball glowed white as the Pokemon inside released a solar flare that exploded the capsule and caused te attack to destroy a few trees nearby as she glared at him, "You DARE to capture me like one of your slave pets!"
  3. (gotta love how no pony noticed the solar beam also apparently the person with the Torchic went offline, meh )
  4. Shaymin grinned, it had been absorbing light, "Bad move bird!" it spat and waited till te Torchic was a few feet away and released a Solar Beam.
  5. The shaymin flipped out of the tree and landed on its paws deeper into the woods as it glared put at the Torchic, oh so wanting to teach it a lesson.
  6. The shaymin watched from a tree with disgust as they captured poor innocent Pokemon and contained them within the confides of a small spherical capsule. It disgusted her, they treated Pokemon as play things, so vile!
  7. As the shaymin made to leave a Crobat landed nearby and smiled, "Wait up missy!" he teased. She grumbled as turned, "What?" she aske and he smiled, "Boss wants you to follow this pony," he said and gave her a picture of Time. She laughed, "That weirdo, met him, ugh fine!" she said as ahe took off
  8. "Hahaha, me!" she laughed twistedly, "Why would somepony like you care about me?" she sneered, "On second thought; I don't care," she turned and began to trot away, "I've done my deeds here, goodbye!" she said and bounded away into a bush and ducked into a tunnel that she had made earlier and began making her way to the nearby lake.
  9. The Shaymin grinned, "Fine," she got I to a battle stance, "Let's do this!"
  10. The pokemon felt him watching, and just drawing her, but it was getting quite annoying. She turned toward him and glared, "Get out of here!" she yelled at him, "NOW!" her fur stood up a bit, she wouldn't hesitate to attack
  11. The Shaymin took great interest at watching a clumsy pony go toward the pokelab, "That's quite sad," she said to herself and jumped down and made er way to the lab, remaining in shadows until she wa outside a lab window where she hid in the shadows to watch.
  12. A small charcoal coloured Hedgehog looking Pokemon watched from a tree at Professor Rowan's lab, "So this is where he hides away," it said in a deep but femine voice. It's red grass back was soft to look but sharp to touch, the red little eyes watched below as it waited. (Hope this is fine, it's a Shaymin but Shadowfied, she is able to be caught but not easily. Also she will still be 'evil' when caught but bear with her stubbornness as eventually her heart will be opened and she will return to normal) (for those who played Pokemon Gale of Darkness, you k ow the drill haha) (Also she talks like meowth from Team Rocket)
  13. A Rook quickly took the piece as Darkness found he could, on small occassions, control 'his' own piece and looked, he could always find a way to get his rooks out of trouble, but he had to protect Jigsaw, though he wasn't sure why.
  14. Hey I was wondering, can I be a rouge pokemon belong to team Galatic, like a mind trapped mini legendary (Such as Shaymin, Keldeo) or a shadow Pokemon that someone will have to eventually capture and restore to a normal mind set??
  15. Hearing a shout Darkness made his way up the hill and hid in nearby shrubs and watched the board. It made a bit of sense him being rooks, he sat and waited. He closed his eyes and mapped out the chess board and began to imagine millions of plays, he then waited and opened his eyes, ready to recalculate
  16. Darkness weaved in and out and stopped to catch a breath and looked around, the cold walls of this maze made him sigh as he looked back to the sky. He closed his eyes and remembered the voice, and nodded, "I'm close!" he said and tore off once more, he wouldn't give up!
  17. Darkness pelted through the maze, dodging in an out and from side to side. The voice would talk in his head, tell him he was always alone and how he wouldn't be anything special at that. Finally he stopped stomped his hoof, "Shut up already!" he was quite irritated, "Your words are meaningless, like you! All you do is speak the truth, I've been alone and pushed aside all my life, nothing is gonna change anyway," he closed his eyes the relax from anger, "I'm just here for the foal, and to help these other strangers," he looked toward the sky, "For all I care I hope you get sent to the moon!" with that he pelted off, marking a path to the mate he had heard cry out earlier, there were small breaks in each of there mazes that allowed access to the others
  18. Darkness said nothing and shuffled a hoof as he looked around, he knew this would be quite easy for him, but he had to go slow, it could be an ever changing maze. He already had an entire layout of the maze in his head and planned put the quickest route and nodded, "This shall be fun" (before anyone argues read his bio, his special skill is to never get lost)
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