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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Ok revised again, made sure story stayed pretty clean. Hope this will be accepted soon want to get started on my new charrie
  2. I have 2 more OC I could have enter? For Easy that is, easy is a colt right?
  3. Oh wow, now I feel strange, I have been playing and Alicorn the entire time
  4. NightGhost remained quite as she followed the group.
  5. Yeah kind of makes the entire reason she has her cutie mark because without this secret her sister wouldn't have ran away making he find her.
  6. I did eliminate his death. And any suggestions cuz I got nothing, without him being abusive or a conspirator whats left that would cause the royal guard to come and drive him out?
  7. "I wish not to bother you with such a sad tale," she smiled, "for if I upset you then a friend I might fail,"
  8. I'll post as soon as Chrysalis is liked...so maybe at some point...maybe
  9. Either fine by me, but I perfer them still in Equestria.
  10. What does 'conclatantly unfollowing' mean?
  11. Yes well I'm not posting there till she is accepted by most in the Grey Area original.
  12. Oh, u mentioned clovers and stuff got me lost. Also she is in her own room she rented, Cloud is just with her, just figured I would let you know that.
  13. The hell was the last post supposed to mean at all? All I got is easy is gonna hear something and your starting the new rp soon, that was all. The rest I was just like, woah, what?
  14. She is terrified to leave her room, remember Easy? Yeah she is scared.
  15. "Ah Canterlot where my family did live," she sighed, "Till there lives my parents did give," she closed her eyes and tried not to cry and shook her head and sat looking down.
  16. "home is where your heart is," She smiled warmly, "But far from birth home I is," she say down.
  17. Oh well I guess I'll join that after people, erm ponies, start to like me in the original grey area
  18. (hat with face?) She looked confused, "well I'm just a typical mare," she smiled at him, "I'm not that special I'm just quite fare," she looked at him with a warm smile and then looked up, "That will do, the hole is boarded with care.
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