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Everything posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. So today I learned that the humble doily is indeed the key to ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER! ...somehow

    1. TheInvisiblePony


      Wow, okay, my imagination works over time when I'm tired. Dear me.

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Remember that ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER comes with an itty bitty living space.

    3. TheInvisiblePony


      Meh, pros and cons. Mostly pros.

  2. I wouldn't say I'm a great player, but I do fairly okay. I'm 'bout level 21, and I mainly play bots if just to avoid angry people (who are rarely fun). When I do come back around to pvp I play a decent support Sona, an ap Malzahar, and my personal favorite: Heimerdinger. I just wish he was a better champion. I've been looking into Mord and Trundle as of late, too.
  3. So, today I was turned into a newt. Let's hope I get better by tomorrow.

  4. Oh dear, where do I begin? I suppose my favorite one would be Castle in the Sky, followed closely by Princess Mononoke, followed even more closely by Howl's Moving Castle. I have always loved the scenery and backround given to these movies. Every one of them just have amazingly detailed worlds that make the characters and plots infinitely more interesting. So yeah, my favorite part about Miyazaki's films is the setting. Thought, I'm tempted to say characters trump setting in this regard, just because of characters like Turnip Head and those robots in Castle in the Sky. Oh my Celestia, the sky guardians (I think that's what they're called) were just fantastic!
  5. Fantasy tapped her chin in thought before responding. [colour=#800080]"Well, maybe not neat, but certainly more so than one would expect of a cave-esque type place in the woods. And as for going, perhaps it could be fun to carry on..." [/colour]She glanced around the room, but they certainly seemed to be no way of going forwards, given that the only door was the one they had entered through. Something still didn't seem right. Standing up, she became lost in her own thoughts as she walked over to examine the wall. It was perfectly ordinary in pretty much every way, except... [colour=#800080]"Why would there be two slots for torches?" [/colour]She mused, not really to anyone in particular. A thought struck Fantasy, and rather quickly she turned around and grabbed the torch and slide it into the one that it hadn't been in when she and Darkness walked in. Then came a moment of waiting, as Fantasy stood expectantly at the wall, almost not even blinking for a few moments. After a pause, she turned around slightly disappointed. [colour=#800080]"Huh. I could've sworn something would have-"[/colour] At this point the mare was interrupted by the sound of something very old sliding open. Turning around, she saw a second door next too the torch. [colour=#800080]"-happened. Haha!" [/colour]She spun back around (again) to face the pegasus, speaking in a normal volume for the first time since meeting the pegasus, with the excitement evident in her tone. [colour=#800080]"You may never get lost, but I know my cliches! Now, If you'll care to come along, I do believe its your turn to ask a question."[/colour]
  6. "Chocolate rain, some stay dry and others feel the pain."

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I move away from the mic to breath in.

  7. Yeah, okay. I can see where you're coming from. That shouldn't be to difficult of a rewrite. Edit: Okie dokie loki, In theory I should be done. Most of the changes are semantical in nature, but it should look as though he didn't invent the spell, he just stumbled on his own brand of it, and rather than invent more spells, he strives to refine what he already has. No heavy re-writing, but I hope enough.
  8. Just finished a Nostalgia Critic marathon, and I pretty much have one thing to say. Sparkle sparkle sparkle!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales



    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Sparkle sparkle man, sparkle sparkle

  9. "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it" - Arthur Dent

    1. StarStorm
    2. Tenkan



    3. TheInvisiblePony


      This wonderful quote brought to you by: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

  10. Oh dear, I must have spaced out somewhere Anywho, should be all done and everything, barring any errors I've overlooked.
  11. [colour=#800080]"Well, you know, a hobby. Sports, collecting things, things like that. I can understand the nature part, so I guess you preferred camping? Small expeditions, perhaps? Or maybe I'm just over thinking the whole thing. I tend to do that." [/colour]Fantasy tried to elaborate. She took another look at the torch again, simply because it was rather cool. In waiting for a reply, she her mind began to wander as she thought of various books she used to read. Snapping back to attention, a thought occurred to her. [colour=#800080]"If I might change the subject, and I do apologize, but something seems a little off about this room. Don't you find it a little strange that the inside is so neatly taken care of compared to the outside? Somepony definitely wanted this place to stay hidden, but if the torch is any sign of something, they certainly must have come here often..."[/colour] The last part of her sentence trailed off as she examined the table for a brief second, then looked back to Darkness.
  12. 'What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets? But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!' - Dracula

  13. I might as well throw in my two bits here: Bit 1) Regarding the whole Discord thing, I do believe he was evil. Not stroke his goatee as he plots murderous revenge sprees evil, but he wasn't good and he sure as heck wasn't neutral. One could argue that he was doing the corruption of the main six shtick so as to prevent his second petrification, but he seemed genuinely pleased that they were suffering (Which they undoubtedly were. Rarity was starting to get very exhausted from carrying Tom, Pinkie Pie was snapping at anything that looked at her funny, etc.). He vary well may have been a force of nature, but that doesn't change that at the very least, the mane 6 considered him to be villainous. And when we boil down right too it, that's all that evil is, isn't it? A direct stark contrast from an individual's idea of good. i.e. The mane six believed harmony was the ultimate good. Therefore, as the embodiment of chaos, discord must be the ultimate evil. Bit 2) Chrysalis was evil. The changelings were also evil, but again, this is strictly a perspective viewpoint. Did the changelings see themselves as evil? No, they thought they were doing what was necessary Why they chose complete warfare over any more subtle strategy may have stemmed directly from impatience for food. Why steal scraps when you can take the whole dinner for yourself? However, the ponies were directly threatened by the changelings, and viewed them as morally unjust because they had A) brainwashed their prince, B) intended to eat their love, and C) Invaded their city and took it over by storm. So, really, it just boils down to who's side you look at it from. I prefer to think of them as evil because they seemed to take direct pleasure in the strife they caused, but they almost certainly thought they were just having a feast, or having some fun. The end justified the means, after all.
  14. So, recently I've been toying around with the idea of starting a vlog. Now that tennis season is over, I may actually be able to get around doing it.

    1. StarStorm


      Oh cool! Good luck if you do it ^^

    2. Tenkan


      Ah, vloggity vlogs. Have fun!

  15. I think I may be needing to change my avatar soon. This one's starting to settle too much in the back of my mind.

    1. StarStorm


      I like to change mine quite a bit. It's fun, and keeps things fresh. Although your current one IS amazing, there's other amazing ones out there too! :3

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      I know right? Sometimes I almost wish I could have more than one avatar.

  16. After watching every episode (including the newest one with the return of Gideon) about twice, I can safely say Stan is my favorite character in the show. I just love the animation and look he has, not to mention he has a surprising amount of great lines. Course, there isn't a character on the show that hasn't had a great line at some point in time.
  17. One of my friends seems to be trying to rope up a group of people to either go as the mane 6 or the power rangers for this Holloween, simply for the lolz. Actually, we've had a bit of fun with costumes in the past. I believe about a year or two ago we all went as a barborshop quartet. That was a fun night.
  18. I apologize for the time this one's taking, but between mentally working out ideas with the app and my own life getting somewhat busy it very well could take a while. Or I could finish it tonight. It's all relative, and I'm fairly bad at judging lengths.
  19. Well, I suppose I had a bit of a hiatus that I wasn't expecting. Ah vell. I'm back.

  20. She nodded at the his answer. Fantasy could certainly relate to that answer. It wasn't quite why she went exploring herself, but it was certainly close enough for her to sympathize with it. She was mildly surprised when she heard that bit about her being his second conversation. Perhaps she had underestimated the situation just a little, but that was no matter. If she was only number two, Fantasy was determined to make it a good one. With this in mind, she replied to his question without the usual pause, but she did give a brief glance at the shooting star on her flank along with a smirk. [colour=#800080]"I guess you could say it means a few things, really. Let's see... from a literal aspect, I like to fancy that like a shooting star never stays put in the sky, I never stay put on the map. That is too say, I do a lot of exploring. Course, a shooting star is generally a symbol of wishful thinking, isn't it? When I'm feeling a bit cynical I wonder if it means I'm a little naive. Probably, but it certainly makes things interesting."[/colour] Only after she finished did Fantasy give pause. Even then, she was only thinking of a question to ask in turn. Already only a few rounds in and she had to take a moment to ask a question. Still, she had to hold up, so Fantasy did eventually ask one. [colour=#800080]"Let's see... Okay, I think I've got one. I understand the outcast scenario, but there certainly must have been something you enjoyed doing. I think that would be a good thing to know."[/colour]
  21. I don't suppose anyone's heard secret of survival? The song's been stuck in my head all day.

  22. Well, I'm officially exhausted. Been so all day. That's about all I have to say.

    1. Tenkan



    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Well, that was something I didn't aim for. Perhaps I should rhyme my posts some more.

  23. Fantasy paused, as she considered his question. It was certainly innocent enough, so she thought of the best way to answer that. [colour=#800080]"Well, to be perfectly honest, I didn't know my mother or father that well. Rather, I was raised by my Uncle in Canterlot." [/colour]She gave a brief mental smile, thinking of her childhood. It had been a good one, if admittedly a solitary one. [colour=#800080]"He and I got along quite smashingly, barring the odd argument. If there was any strife, it would be those constant lessons in proper manners. My uncle was a bit of a socialite, you see, and he was determined that I was going to be one too. He figured the best way would be hands on, so he tried to teach me by bringing myself along to every party he threw." [/colour] Fantasy took a pause, as[colour=#800080] [/colour]she collected her thoughts. She never had any fond memories of those parties, and she had always wondered why her Uncle was so optimistic about them. She continued [colour=#800080]"I did learn quite a bit, now that I think about it. For example, I can say with pride I can easily identify the most isolated corner in a party and manage to hide in plain sight for hours. Really quite useful, seeing as how groups of larger than, let's say, three or four ponies render me catatonic." [/colour]She chuckled in spite of herself. [colour=#800080]"I suppose that makes it my turn again. Let's see... oh! I should think it would be interesting to know why you were in the woods in the first place. Probably an altogether different reason than mine."[/colour]
  24. Life's a laugh and death's a joke, its true. You'll see its all show, keep 'em laughing as you go; just remember that the last laugh is on you!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Always look on the bright side of life!

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      That entire song is a surprisingly good life lesson. Not to mention that its hilarious.

  25. I'd have to agree with you with Twilight in the Mane, but for background? I'd have to say Octavia's the most adorable in my humble opinion.
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