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Status Updates posted by Emerath

  1. I need sleep. I need lots of sleep. And also less cold. Less cold would be nice too. Too bad neither of those things will happen anytime soon... D:

    1. StarStorm


      I'm sure that they can happen soon!! Sleep deprevation actually makes a person more susceptible to cold. I've been having horrible sleep problems lately myself..

  2. Sometimes life is sour. Although, thanks to a certain Lime, I've found that isn't always a bad thing.

  3. All the nostalgia. All the feels. Why must I be old now?!

  4. What does one do when the world ends, not by explosions or by earthquakes or floods.... but by losing someone very dear?

  5. Life is funny. But it's ok. I'm laughing with it, not at it.

  6. You're a toymaker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball~

    1. Shame


      And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resiliant~

  7. A certain mare's words have sent me spiraling into daydreams and imagination... I dunno if I'll be able to think straight today. o3o

  8. After living a chaotic life, going back to normal almost seems impossible...

    1. StarStorm


      Nah.. It all just depends on your perspective of things, scamp. C:

    2. Emerath


      It's true. But it's funny how much more I appreciate the little things than I used to, since I pretty much had to spend a month without them.

  9. Where do we go when we reach the end of the world?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Emerath


      Actually, it's neither. It's something I was thinking about when I played Minecraft one day. Since the world of Minecraft is in fact flat. Although the "end of the world" now, after countless updates, is just endless ocean. So I suppose the answer now is to sail forever into an endless sea.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
    4. StarStorm


      ..Umm.. I would say that you can either fall off, or turn around C:

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