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Everything posted by Bellosh

  1. Hola; welcome to Canterlot! What other things have you RPed for, in the past?
  2. Bellosh


    Howdy to ya' too! What video games do you like to play the most?
  3. In other news: IDW Publishing official forums now have a section for their MLP comic.
  4. Greetings! If you like drawing, say hello to this section!
  5. [colour=#008080]“Don’t think of it as luck, Miss Heart;”[/colour] Ingrid earnestly responded after the student showed surprise over the number of enrollment applications; [colour=#008080]“You just happen to display genuine gifts.”[/colour] The counselor took a double-take hearing Fire Heart ask if Spirit had ever been to a library. What kind of silly question was that? How could a pony of Miss Spirit’s age not have ever visited a library before? Did she live under a rock or something? Counselor Marie stayed silent on that particular subject; rather, she simply announced; [colour=#008080]“We’re here! Just remember to use your library voices when inside; other students are trying to study.”[/colour] With that reminder, Ingrid gently pushed the fancily-decorated door open and trotted into the alabaster building. The six-story tall Library Tower may have been the shortest of all the spires comprising Princess Celestia’s School, but Ingrid had always reckoned its interior to be the most magnificent of them all. The tower itself contained essentially one massive chamber, open to the sky thanks to a window at the very top. The ground floor itself was bare save only for the reference and lending desks at the far end, with circulation shelves behind the desks. Directly under the skylight, an emblem of Princess Celestia’s cutie mark lay on the floor surrounded by a checkerboard marble pattern. On each side of the tower, stairways led up to the above floors that housed most of the library’s books, misc. reference materials, and study areas where students either read, wrote assignments, or simply crashed in-between classes. At the far end of each of the above floors, platforms without railing stood as convenient places to land book carts on; even now, Ingrid saw a pegasus library assistant fly up with a half-loaded cart in her hooves (as an equal-opportunity employer, the School happily hired non-unicorns for support staff positions). As each of these stories formed a ring (each ring contained a wooden railing except for the book collection platforms), any part of the library could be viewed from any floor. Finally, the library’s basement housed special collection archives and private study chambers, but those were only accessible with permission through a stairwell in the circulation area. [colour=#008080]“Well,”[/colour] whispered Ingrid Marie;[colour=#008080] “What do you think, Miss Spirit?”[/colour]
  6. Howdy, partner! Have you ever done any RPing in the past?
  7. Howdy there! Where else have you RPed at, before?
  8. Despite signs of Apple Bloom acting a bit stranger than usual for a filly, Ingrid Marie didn’t notice any of these signs at all. No; the unicorn instead spent most of her mental energy fretting whether the birthday pony would like her gift or not. Ingrid didn’t want to leave Apple Bloom with a lasting impression that her “auntie” didn’t really care for her at all. As far as the unicorn was concerned, this was her big chance to make a first meaningful connection with one of her extended relatives. Fortunately, Apple Bloom really loved the My Little Princess doll; apparently, she was only the second filly in Ponyville to own such a toy. In fact, the filly enjoyed her gift so much that she lost her sense of balance. Ingrid sighed in relief, glad to have dodged a crossbow bolt concerning the last-minute present. Apple Bloom also found Ingrid’s birthday card humorous, commenting that earth ponies had magic too. Ingrid had no objections to that claim; after all, it was the intuitive-gifts of earth ponies which allowed them to become one of the greatest masters of agriculture in the known world. [colour=#008080]“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed your gift, sweetie!”[/colour] beamed an elated Ingrid Marie. [colour=#008080]“Have fun with your little friends now, Apple Bloom; Auntie Marie has to get back to the kitchen with the other big ponies.”[/colour] It was so that Ingrid made her back to where Applejack was serving the special cider, unknowingly abandoning Apple Bloom to her own inebriated devices. Spying Applejack with the cider mugs, Ingrid used a telekinetic spell to take one mug from the young mare and then sip from it. [colour=#008080]~Hmmmm........ it's not amazing, but it's not bad either. Then again, I hardly drink cider all that much anyway, so I suppose it's alright?~[/colour] Ingrid didn't quite know what to make of Applejack's cider; maybe she needed a second opinion? The unicorn took a larger second drink, but her indecisive opinion did not budge. One thing was for sure though, thought Ingrid; from her personal experience, this experimental cider seemed to lack the kick that most other fermented drinks contained. Not sure of how to review the drink however, the unicorn kept her mouth shut for the moment, waiting for somepony else to speak up first.
  9. Never ever worry about such a thing. Unless a RP thread's manager specifically restricts new RPers from coming in, it's never too late to pop into one. This especially applies for drop-by-and-say-hi threads, since they need new RPers like you to keep things fresh and active.
  10. Hi there! Yes, we do have a place where you can take your shower.
  11. By virtue of writing my favorite books, my favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien and George Orwell.
  12. Ahoy-hoy! What are the other RP sites that you've been a member of, I wonder?
  13. Archery is quite useful when no crystal unicorns are around to fire zappy-zap magic spells. Still, I wonder why only earth ponies are..... "crystallized" and such.
  14. [colour=#008080]“Ehhh, I didn’t mean to get so loud, heh heh?”[/colour] Perhaps in the future, Ingrid Marie would remember to do a better job of keeping her voice down if she found a bargain. Regardless of temporary discomfort for either of the mares, the unicorn was more than appreciative of the large inexpensive bag of bonbons filled up by Bon Bon. As a field of blue levitation magic surrounded the bag, Bon Bon pointed out precisely where to find Sugarcube Corner. [colour=#008080]~Please don’t tell me that gingerbread-style house I kept passing by was Sugarcube Corner all along…~[/colour] Face-hoofing for a second to get the embarrassment out of her system, Ingrid waved to Bon Bon and happily exclaimed; [colour=#008080]“It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Bon Bon!”[/colour] As Bon Bon moved her stall elsewhere, Ingrid took off with her magically-floating bonbon bag and departed in the direction of the orphanage. *Exit Ingrid Marie*
  15. [colour=#008080]“Miss Heart has the gist of it,”[/colour] Ingrid Marie added as she led the group outside; [colour=#008080]“We typically don’t go out scouting for gifted unicorns because in all honesty, we don’t have to. Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns is the premiere school in the nation for talented youngsters to develop their powers. That means practically every unicorn parent with high hopes for their foals sends us applications to enroll their children here. The application process to get in is extremely competitive; out of hundreds of applications we review per year, less than a hundred of those end up meeting our enrollment standards. In total, we have about fifteen-hundred students studying and living here at the School at any given time.[/colour] [colour=#008080]“Just to correct Miss Heart though, a foal is not required to have a cutie mark in order to be eligible for enrollment. Indeed, a third of successful applicants did not earn their marks yet at the time of their entrance examinations and interviews. For some students, it may take life experiences here at the school and away from home for them to make fundamental realizations about what they want the most out of life.”[/colour] As Ingrid finished, she saw the entrance to the Library Tower coming up ahead. The counselor couldn’t wait to see Miss Spirit’s reaction upon seeing the library’s inside for the first time…
  16. [colour=#ff6666]“So far, so good,”[/colour] Spin Tale whispered to himself. The stallion’s initial look into the library seemingly suggested that nopony was around. Unlike back in Canterlot, Ponyville residents must feel free to leave their doors unlocked. Maybe returning the book covertly would be far easier than originally anticipated? Cautiously optimistic, Spin Tale crept inside the main room, all but confident that the librarian indeed left for lunch. All the stallion would have to do now is go over to the “L” section and... [colour=#800080]“Spike, was that you?”[/colour] An unfamiliar feminine voice rang out from the upper floor, stopping Spin Tale dead in his tracks. Spin chastised himself for making assumptions over the probable ease of his clandestine task, but the voice also sounded nothing like the librarian he remembered. No; it sounded much more youthful... whoever the mare was, she couldn’t be that much older than the curator. Even though it now appeared likely that the previous library matron had finally retired, it didn’t stop Dr. Tale from panicking over how to proceed. Therefore, the stallion couldn’t think of a way to respond to the mare’s question. [colour=#ff6666]~Maybe… just maybe she’ll stay put up there… please Celestia?~[/colour] The appearance of a lavender unicorn mare trotting down into the main room dashed Spin Tale’s final hope. However, Dr. Tale’s feelings of apprehension slightly yielded to those of bewilderment as he finally recognized the unicorn; Twilight Sparkle, the apprentice of Princess Celestia herself. Like any well-informed Equestrian citizen, Spin read of the heroic exploits of Twilight and her companions in The Canterlot Times, although for whatever reason, the newspaper stories heavily skimped on details surrounding their personal lives. At another time and another place, Spin would have started asking the mare questions all about her encounters with some of the country’s most notorious foes. For now though, the stallion gazed wordlessly at Twilight like an awe-struck idiot, completely unsure of what to do next. [colour=#800080]“Hello! Are you looking for a particular book?”[/colour] A few awkward seconds later, Spin Tale’s mind snapped back to reality as he finally grasped the enormity of his situation. While he needn’t worry no longer about the one soul in Equestria who knew that he forgot to return Lootraider’s journal, standing in the former librarian’s place was a pony closely connected to Her Majesty the Co-Ruling Princess of Equestria. Getting caught with an overdue book no longer meant just paying a sky-high fine (if that wasn’t bad enough), but also having the princess potentially know about Spin’s transgression. Who knows what consequences he could suffer from that? Fortunately, not all appeared to be lost yet. Spin Tale still had enough awareness of his surroundings to pick up on the librarian’s grogginess. Taking a snap look at Twilight’s mane, he noted that it had not been effectively brushed as well. With any luck, Dr. Tale could convince Twilight to leave him alone and go back to whatever she was previously doing. [colour=#ff6666]“Actually, I’m just browsing to see what’s here,”[/colour] said the earth pony, summoning false courage in his voice while adjusting his tie; [colour=#ff6666]“If I see a book I want to check out of the library, I’ll uhh... let you know.”[/colour] The stallion hoped that Twilight wasn’t one of those librarians who enjoyed chatting it up with their patrons; while Spin appreciated those sorts of ponies in most cases, today was absolutely not the time and place to suffer such bothersomeness.
  17. [colour=#ff6666]“Yep, that sounds like a good idea to me!”[/colour] Spin Tale wasn’t exactly sure how much empathic magic Heart Healer actually used; at one point, the session felt more like an exercise in cold reading than genuine emotion-reading. Yet Dr. Tale couldn’t deny that right now, he felt more excited about the future’s prospects than he did when he came into the clinic. Sure, he still dreaded the possibility of financial disaster in the back of his mind, but at least he could do a little more about it now. [colour=#ff6666]“Is there anything else you want to ask me, Ms. Healer?”[/colour]
  18. Fire Heart sounded very pleased with Counselor Marie’s advice. [colour=#008080]“Well, unless you’ve got any further questions, I believe now is a good time to introduce you to the professor. Oh uhhh… before I forget, send Miss Spirit my warmest regards.”[/colour] Ingrid mildly regretted not asking about Miss Heart’s companion from last week earlier; she really wanted to know how things went between the two pryokinetic fillies. Shaking the disappointment out of her head, the counselor waved to the student to follow her out of the office. And thus did Ingrid open the door, only to see a most peculiar spectacle… [colour=#008080]~Why does everything look like a scene out of the Gallopagos? And uggggh……… what is she doing here, and what's Clyde doing in a bathtub?~[/colour] Ingrid Marie gaped for a few seconds, but for Fire Heart’s sake, she did not express any loud sign of startling. The presence of Misty Magic, Ingrid’s accident-prone magic assistant over at the Equestria Orphanage, bode ill very much so. After composing herself, Ingrid cast a murderous glare in Misty and Krashkop’s direction and harshly asked; [colour=#008080]“What. In. Tarnation. Happened. Here?”[/colour]
  19. Ah, but remember what it said on the Crystal Empire DVD press release: "In Adventures in the Crystal Empire, a magical empire has suddenly appeared in the arctic north of Equestria, and PRINCESS CELESTIA needs TWILIGHT SPARKLE and her friends to find a way to protect it." If the empire was simply frozen in time, somepony would have found the frozen-over remains long ago.
  20. For the past few days, the forum has been appearing quite odd. You can see for yourself in the attachment. For the record, I am using IE 8. Is anyone else having the same issues as I am? EDIT: Apparently, I also have trouble uploading attachments. EDIT 2: http://i49.tinypic.com/2afwzd4.jpg
  21. [colour=#008080]~Only one bit for six bonbons!? This must be an absolute joke!~[/colour] Ingrid Marie gasped loudly; back at the street markets of Canterlot, the starting price for a pack of six bonbons would have been at least eight bits. Either Bon Bon had no sense of profitable pricing at all, or instead happened to be one of the greatest salesmares out there. Either way, Bon Bon’s prices amounted to a complete steal, and Ingrid was heck-bent on taking advantage of it. [colour=#008080]“I’ll take the large bag, please!”[/colour] the unicorn nearly shouted. Not only would ingrid have treats for herself, but she could also give them to her class and have enough to spare to share with the orphanage staff. Without any hesitation, Ingrid magically levitated eight bits out of her mane and set them down on the counter.
  22. Watching that YT clip....... it sounds like this Crystal Empire somehow traveled foward through time by about a thousand years. That would mean it was still possibly around when Luna got all...... looney. <_<
  23. Ingrid Marie couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Fire and Spirit enjoying each other’s company. According to Fire Heart’s dossier, she didn’t exactly have the easiest of time making friends, so it was great to see the counselor’s files being proven wrong in this instance. When Miss Heart asked Ingrid to help conduct a tour of the School for Spirit, the counselor more than happily acquiesced to her request; [colour=#008080]“I’d love to help show Spirit around; we always welcome visitors here at the School. Unless you two got a late lunch to eat, I’ll first lead you to the library.”[/colour] Trotting out of the dining hall, Counselor Marie added; [colour=#008080]“If you’ve got any questions about the School, Miss Spirit, feel free to ask them while we make our way to the library.”[/colour]
  24. Greetings! Silly question, but when you say you RP wolves, do you mean "realistic" or "humanized" ones?
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