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Everything posted by BrainedBySaucepans

  1. The fact that I acknowledge that I'm a pretty poor artist makes me a better artist, but then again, knowing that makes me worse. It all depends on depth of recursion...

    1. Tenkan


      Nah, you're good, man.

      It's good you see yourself like that, though. No one should ever see themselves as perfect, because that way they won't improve. ;)

  2. The fact that I acknowledge that I'm a pretty poor artist makes me a better artist, but then again, knowing that makes me worse. It all depends on depth of recursion...

  3. In my opinion, any console exclusive title that doesn't have some form of local multiplayer is doing it wrong. As far as I'm concerned, local multiplayer is the biggest advantage consoles have over PCs, and for a developer not to include it is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. Sadly it seems many developers disagree with me on this, and as a consequence I've switched over to mainly PC gaming in the last year. I'll definitely be dusting off my 360 for Halo 4 though; I've had too much fun with that franchise not to...
  4. Well I won't, but the user below me is feeling rather peckish. Although they're watching what they eat at the moment, they figure some corn isn't going to affect their calorie count too much. In actuality, they don't really need to watch their figure since they're pretty darn attractive as they are, but they've always been a bit paranoid about stuff like that.
  5. Just noticed that the piece in my Gallery with the most comments is the one I spent the least time on. Go figure.

  6. And now I think about it, the front legs really should be straight and stretched forward...
  7. Inkscape seems to be pretty good, and it's free, which is always a plus...
  8. From the album: Random Daubings

    A request from Kryptchild, drawn during my weekly Livestream (details here: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/10888-weekly-livestream-art-requests-next-session-saturday-15th-september-2012/)

    © Use as you want, but don't try to make money off it. The Hasbro lawyers will come for you.

  9. From the album: OC Character Art

    A piece I did for SilverSwirl of his OC Silverbolt. Drawn during my weekly livestream (details here: http://www.canterlot...september-2012/) Not really happy with how the wings turned out, to be honest, but they're better than I thought I could have done.

    © Original Character is property of user SilverSwirl. Obtain their permission if you wish to use this image in any way.

  10. That's possibly because I use Flash (the animation program used to make the actual show). Main reason I do so is I started as an amateur animator and it's the toolset I'm most used to.
  11. From the album: OC Character Art

    MyLittlePonyTales' OC Shadow, taking tea with Princess Luna in the Canterlot Gardens. I spent a lot of time on this image, and it's gone through a lot of changes since I did the original. Personally, I'm not really happy with the background, but I've gained a lot of experience, so yeah.

    © Original Character is property of user MyLittlePonyTales. Obtain their permission if you wish to use this image.

  12. Professor Ashen "Footnote" Smirk Earth Pony - Male - Stallion Mane RP Profile Current Threads [sweet Apple Acres] 100 Country Kisses - Active from Page 25 The story so far:
  13. The radio series is actually where it all started. I'm a radio comedy fanatic, mainly thanks to H2G2. In my opinion, yes. If you haven't heard the original radio series, I advise you to seek it out; it's brilliant.
  14. I am disappointed. The correct answer is the radio series...
  15. Welcome, welcome welcome! You seem like a chap of similar interests to me. I have an important question for you though: Which H2G2 is best? TV show, books or film? Choose wisely, as I will judge you based on your answer... Also: I think I've just realised how to make a perpetual motion machine! The laws of thermodynamics can kiss my flank!
  16. No. We say splendid. At least I do... @TheBritishBrony Welcome to the site old chap; I can tell from your taste in headgear that we'll get on just fine! Although, thinking about it, I can hardly prepare to be tophatified if I already wear a topper, can I? That would just be adding another top hat on top of the first. Which would be absurd. No; I'll substitute the additional top hat for a monocle if you don't mind. I've always wanted a monocle. On an additional note, there does seem to be a surprisingly large overlap between 40K fans and MLP fans...
  17. I intend to Many thanks to everyone who helped me with this app.
  18. Got it, thanks - Fixed. To be honest I only threw in the apple story as a riff on how the whole Judgement of Paris story would have gone down in Equestria. I realise now, it wasn't really the right place. Also, please tell me if you actually got the reference; it'd make me feel better if I'm not the only one whose brain got filled with all this classical trivia as a kid...
  19. Understood, in that case I could use some advice on what might make a suitable alternative, unless I could just use the golden apple as a generic symbol of knowledge? I'd really like a symbol that subtly hints at his beliefs, but couldn't find anything else that worked...
  20. Once again, I highly enjoyed this episode. You have a great format which makes it a real pleasure to listen to, and both the hosts and the interviewee were highly entertaining. Here's my comments on some of the things brought up. Noctriix - Go find season 2 right now. Watch it. No arguments, just do it. I also disagree with your (rather strongly worded) sentiment that watching the show in the order it aired is somehow the wrong way of doing it. In my view, saying this is doing a disservice to the creators; for whatever reasons, they made a creative decision as to which order the episodes should go in, meaning that is the way they are intended to be viewed. I'm not saying that you're wrong, that's just how I see it - with any form of art, you should always consider the creator's intentions. Please don't shoot me. Finally, thanks for putting the podcast on soundcloud, but could you pleasepleaseplease make it available for download somehow? As I said on the last podcast thread, I like to listen to stuff like this on the go, and it would make it a lot easier for me if you did...
  21. So, I've made the changes suggested, and have updated the original post. I'm still yet to redo the artwork to reflect the change in cutie mark, but that can come later. Major Changes: 1. Completely stripped out all the footnotes, inserting them into the main text. Unfortunately this makes it rather lengthy, but I’ve always been terrible when it comes to pruning my own work. If necessary, I suspect I can cut it down a lot, but I wouldn’t enjoy it… 2. Changed cutie mark from the sacred chao to a more generic golden apple. 3. Removed all explicit references to Discordianism and the POEE. I have kept his personal philosophy pretty much intact, but would be willing to alter it if necessary; the feedback I was given indicated (to me at least) that the problem was not so much with his beliefs, but with the referencing of a real-world religion. 4. Altered backstory to clarify the age at which Ashen gained his cutie mark. Hopefully this covers the points already raised. If not, or if there's other changes you'd like me to make, please let me know. Thanks to everyone for the help so far, I hope that we can continue to work together to put together a character that fits in with the spirit of the Mane RP.
  22. None; I probably should have specified which Sunday I meant.... should be back to work on it in a day or two.
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