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Everything posted by ping111

  1. Well, there was "who wants to be a Gazillionaire" here, but they were Bill Clintons (very easy questions, like "how many generations have there been").
  2. I read every single comic last night. I told all my friend about it, and asked around for Sweden and Åland ponies for my shipping pleasure. Yes, I'm disgusting. XD
  3. I live in Canada. I have visited 'murica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Il Vaticano. I want to visit Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland (I know I will be there soon), Australia, Japan, Russia, Egypt, Israel, and others. Africa and Central Asia (Mongolia, China, etc.) don't interest me. I have no motives for misconceptions but this:
  4. *snif* We don't get the Hub in Canada.I'm sure I can find it on YT, but... it'll never be the same.
  5. That was surprisingly funny, and I realized I do pronounce "sorry" that way.
  6. I REALLY hope you were joking. And the word for being Canadian is Canadiana, just like your Americana.
  7. Well, I am at least. Besides, what's wrong with Communism? The Soviet Union got it all wrong with Stalin/Leninism. I could go on for hours here, so I'll just stop by saying Communism can be good if done right.
  8. CURLING IS A MANLY SPORT!I'd like to see you try - you'll fall on your face like capitalist pig-dog! I could have so many retorts to that, but I'll save 'em. Canada's too manly and awesome to stoop down south like that.
  9. No worries! However, as a Canadian, I'll always enjoy the Winter Games far more... XD
  10. The video game. The Olympics were fine.
  11. Enjoy London 2012 Olympic Games, especially Aquatics.
  12. What is your Steam name? stackman1525 (In-game: -RB - Sir Pinkie the Pious) What game do you play the most via Steam? TF2! What is your favorite game? Kerbal Space Program/KSP (non-steam, free demo for both systems and Linux!) Do you have a group? Several - RailBait, FiM, KSP, Toronto Bronies Do you play on Mac or Windows? Mac... I might be getting a really good gaming PC soon!
  13. If you find a village, find a bucket in a chest, make an infinite water source from the well and another from the lava at the blacksmith. Using pick-free method, make portal with obsidian. Trade for/find flint and steel (the roads are made of gravel and there's usually iron in the blacksmith's chest) and open portal. Kill Blazes, get Blaze Powder, return home. Wait for nighttime. Kill Endermen. Craft Eyes of Ender. Done.
  14. But now we're mixing up IS (in-show) and OOS (out of show), if it will. They may never release a true name for winged unicorns, but we still discuss it. We needn't know the value of a Bit relative to a dollar, yet we've done that. I wasn't talking about Dukes and Duchesses appearing in the show, because yes, that would be too complicated for a young'un's mind, but politically it's correct.
  15. There used to be a couple ways to do that, including putting and growing a sapling under the bedrock, but I'm not sure that works anymore.
  16. OH DON'T I? I have to belt and use vibrato to THIS and more: http://haftorahaudio.com/shemini.html Click "play your Haftorah" to learn the true meaning of pain. This guy slowed it down so that he wouldn't die half way through. Maybe I'll record myself doing it someday..
  17. I might, because I had to sing for 20 minutes straight today. IT BUUUURNS.
  18. No, 1B does not equal $1. A mathematician actually figured this out, so check it out: http://thing07.deviantart.com/art/Bits-Dollars-Conversion-Theory-198512195
  19. Kill a Puffstool with Puffmin in Pikmin's Challenge mode in Distant Spring.
  20. ping111

    Hebrew pony songs!

    For the past month or so, I've began writing lyrics to, and covering, the various songs from MLP:FiM into Hebrew. Here's what I have so far. I've included the Hebrew lyrics, transcripted lyrics, and a direct translation. For the transcription, a capital H signifies a 'Chet', or the hissing/growling sound often heard in Hebrew. Here's a handy guide: Skip to 1:25 to hear it. Cupcakes: כל מה שצריכים זה כוס קמח, הוסיפו בקארה עכשו, משו שמתוק לא חמוץ, וגם קצת מלח לאופות עוגות היא לא קשה, גם הוסיפו כפית וניל קשגמרנו יהיה סוכריות לכול אחד בשביל עוגות-מתוקות בלי חבר עוגות- אל תאכול כל כח מהר עוגות, עוגות עוגות עוגות! Kol ma she'tzriHim ze cos shel kemaH, hosifu be'ke'ara AHshav, mashu she'matok lo Hamutz, ve'gam ke'tzat melaH Le'ufot ugot hi lo kasha, gam hosifu kapit vanil Kshe'gamarnu yihiye sucariot, le'Hol eHad bishvil Ugot, metukot bli Haver Ugot, al te'eHol kol kaH maher Ugot, ugot ugot ugot! All you need is a cup of flour, put it in a bowl Now, something that's sweet not sour, and a little bit of salt To bake (cup)cakes isn't hard, also add a teaspoon of vanilla When we're finished we'll have sweets for everyone! Cupcakes, sweet without peer Cupcakes, don't eat them that quickly! Cupcakes, cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes! Slosha Winter Wrap Up (WIP:) שלושה חודשי החורף, הוא זמן רק נעימה שמרנו פרסות שלנו חם, חופש מעבודה אבל בקרוב האוכל יגמר, ולא יכול לנטוע בהקר ולמרות שאני אוהבת המגפיים שלי, אופנה זה היא עברה הזמן בא לקבל אביב, וכל דבר חם וירוקי אבל הוא גם זמן לאמר 'להתראות', כי חורף יהיה נקי אז איך לעזור? אני חדשה בכפר מה עושים כל החברים? לא יכול להשתמש בקסם, כמו סוסים האחרים! החורף נקי, החורף נקי! גמרנו כל החגים החורף נקי, החורף נקי! כי מחר באה האביב! כי מחר באה האביב! Slosha Hodshei ha'Horef, hu zman rak na'ima Shamarnu parsot shelanu Ham, Hofesh me'avoda Aval be'karov ha'oHel yi'gmar, ve'lo yaHol lintoa be'ha'kar Ulimrot she'ani ohevet ha'magafayim sheli, ofna zeh hi avra Ha'zman ba le'kabel aviv, ve'kol davar Ham ve'yeruki Aval hu gam zman lemor "le'hitra'ot", ki Horef yi'yeh naki Az eiH lazor? Ani Hadasha bi'kfar Mah osim kol ha'Haverim? Lo yaHol le'hishtamesh be'kesem, kmo susim ha'aHerim ha'Horef naki, ha'Horef naki! Gamarnu kol ha'Hagim ha'Horef naki, ha'Horef naki! Ki MaHar ba'a ha'aviv Ki MaHar ba'a ha'aviv The three months of winter, it's a time that can only be pleasant We kept our hooves warm, a vacation from work But soon our food will be finished, and we can't plant in the cold And even though I love my boots, this fashion has passed The time has come to welcome spring, and all things warm and green But it's also time to say goodbye, because winter will be freed So how to help? I'm new in town What are my friends doing? I can't use my magic, like all the other ponies Winter is clean, winter is clean! We finished all the holidays Winter is clean, winter is clean! Because tomorrow spring is coming Because tomorrow spring is coming
  21. I have been inspired. האחים פלים ופלאם. WILL HAVE FUN!!!
  22. And, a penblade is another word for a box cutter or Swiss Army knife.
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