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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. nah, nah. it's fine X3 he's just messing lol, I get like that to when people mess with me. especially when I'm new to a site. welcome to canterlot, btw
  2. be kind to ducks, 'cause the duck might be somebody's mother~
  3. ah, I got the #400 spot without even noticing
  4. I need a hug. please post your hugs here for both me and others on a side note, this is the 100th topic in spam stables
  5. yeah it is XD I play it non-stop anyways though
  6. does anybody else cry when they hear loud music? whenever I hear a loud, powerful song, I always start tearing up, even if the song isn't supposed to be sad ._. I also start tearing up when I pretend to cry
  7. I would think a perfect 50/50 split would be perfect for discord ._. if it's a 50/50 split, there's no "magority wins", then there's more arguments. if this was a real situation, we'd all be arguing wether or not we let him free.
  8. so far this IS up to date XD we have a painfully slow moving class. at the moment, we're supposed to have one (yes, one) paragraph of our comparitive essays done. I handed my one paragraph in on friday, so I don't have any feedback yet. this is a grade 11 class. I don't know why our teacher is slowing this down so much.
  9. I love it what did you make his neck thing out of?
  10. All I really do is digital art, but if it was for a contest, I'd be willing to make some request art for a prize. Digital art that isn't a request isn't that great of a prize because you don't get a physical piece and digital art is all over the interwebs I dunno there's better artists than me here who would make better prizes
  11. Magic, for defiantly. Why? Because magic looks cool. You know, with all the glowy stuff flying around? At first I thought this was where would you want to use your super powers. If that's what it was, I would've said in gym class.
  12. Cookies! This is good for when you need a cookie dough fix. Or you can bake it, that's fine to. 1 tbsp white sugar 1 tbsp brown sugar 1-2 tbsp chocolate chips Pinch of salt Pinch of baking soda 1/4 cup +1 tbsp flour 1 tbsp butter 1 tbsp water 1/8 tsp vanilla Mix together ingredients Bake at 350 (F?) for 12-13 minutes Makes one cookie - make sure you don't make the cookie too thick or else it won't bake. Good for toaster ovens.
  13. Breakfast? Breakfast meat! Sausage, bacon, pea meal bacon, fried spam, fried bologna, fried hotdogs, fried meatballs...
  14. I don't care that most of Pinkie's speed is for comedic effect. I still think she's the fastest runner. I'm defiantly sure she's the fastest runner when going backwards.
  15. I know they're all thinking I'm so white and nerdy...
  16. FFFUUUUUU LittleClown! I wanted that post #300 spot DX<
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