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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. Returning to the Crystal Empire for the first time since awarding them the next Equestria Games, Miss Harshwhinney planned to spend part of her vacation time here. Seeing a group of ponies conversing, the blonde vest wearing mare decided to mingle with them. [colour=#FF8C00]"Greetings everypony!" [/colour]the orange furred mare neighed. [colour=#FF8C00]"I am Miss Harshwhinney, it's a pleasure to meet all of you! It's been a while since my last visit here to this wonderful land. I hope that Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor are well."[/colour]
  2. Mr Waddle watched as Filthy Rich rushed by him. [colour=#696969]"These youngsters today! Always in a hurry!" [/colour]the elderly stallion giggled. His smile soon turned to a frown as the levitating body of Haymaker floated above him as Dr. Stable walked by very slowly. [colour=#696969]"Good heavens Doctor, is she alright?"[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"Yes Mr Waddle, Miss Haymaker is perfectly fine," [/colour]the unicorn physician answered. [colour=#FF0000]"She's merely sleeping, but I must set her outside quickly so I can tend to another patient."[/colour] [colour=#696969]"The Hay Family's cart is parked nearby! Follow me, and you can set her on it while she rests!"[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"Excellent idea! Please lead the way!" [/colour]Dr Stable neighed as the older stallion trotted off in front of him. Meanwhile, the others were trying hard to calm Derpy Hooves down. Haywire now seemed to have her attention. [colour=#B22222]"Please Miss Derpy," [/colour]the rust coloured filly pleaded, [colour=#B22222]"could ya please stand still long enough fer us ta talk to ya!"[/colour] [colour=#0000FF]"That's it, sis!" [/colour]Hayseed said to Haywire before turning back towards Carrot Top, [colour=#0000FF]"maybe betwited the two of ya we kin git Miss Hooves back to reality an' calm her down."[/colour] [colour=#FF8C00]"Fillies and gentlecolts," [/colour]Flam spoke out, [colour=#FF8C00]"I believe I can reach our wayward winged friend!"[/colour] The mustached unicorn stallion floated a six pack of fresh muffins up towards the gray Pegasus mare. [colour=#FF8C00]"Miss Hooves! I have purchased these lovely muffins, all for you, if you'll please stand still and talk to us," [/colour]Flam spoke in a very welcoming tone. [colour=#FF8C00]"I'm your friend Flam, I helped you with your shopping list earlier, remember?"[/colour]
  3. Will do, Lux! Just wasn't sure if there was a separate category for Crystal Ponies or not. Even the MLP FiM Wiki doesn't even have 'background' CP's listed.
  4. Galloping into the town of Ponyville was an unlikely herd of ponies who rode together seeking friendship, adventure and the perfect donut! Texas Tilly Silver Sye Klops Larry the Cable Pony Con Mane Olden Pony On the right flank was a pair of lifelong friends, Texas Tilly (the bobcat magically turned into an Earth Pony) and her partner the robotic steed Silver (magically changed into an alicorn). In the center of the group were the tuxedo-wearing unicorn superspy Con Mane and the blue one-eyed Earth Pony Sye Klops. On the left flank were two more unlikely allies, the rotund comedian Larry the Cable Pony and the older mare simply known as the Olden Pony. [colour=#ff0000]"Well, here we are, Con Mane!" [/colour]Texas Tilly announced. [colour=#ff0000]"Now what do ya reckon we do?"[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"I say we grab some grub!" [/colour]Larry laughed. [colour=#8b4513]"Mission Number One is GITT'R DONE!"[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]"Perhaps we should have a bite to eat now," [/colour]Sye Klops added. [colour=#8b4513]"All except fer ol' tin head thar! He needs food like Celestia needs a sun lamp! I don't care who ya are, that's funny!"[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"Better shut yur yap bout my pal Silver, Larry, or I'm gonna kick yur rear so hard yur goin' inta ORBIT!" [/colour]Texas Tilly snarled at the now frightened looking Larry. [colour=#696969]"QUARRELING IS ILLOGICAL BEHAVIOR!" [/colour]the cybernetic voice of Silver spoke out. [colour=#008000]"Silver's quite right, y'know," [/colour]Con Mare spoke, trying to settle the others in the herd down. [colour=#800080]"WHO'S GOT MY RUSTY HORSESHOE?" [/colour]the Olden Pony asked. [colour=#008000]"Nevermind that. Let's explore this fine town. Perhaps we can find others who will lead us to great adventure!" [/colour]Con Mane said confidently. [colour=#8b4513]"Er maybe to the nearest All-you-kin-eat diner! GIT'R DONE!" [/colour]Larry the Cable Pony shouted. [colour=#ff0000]"Is THAT all ya kin think about, Tubby?"[/colour] the striped cowboy hat wearing mare asked. [colour=#8b4513]"Well, at least I ain't like that ancient mare thinkin' only bout some rusty horseshoe!" [/colour]Larry laughed.
  5. (ooc): Since this is an OPEN RP about Old Timers, I have a few of my own I'd like to bring into it Pigpen Mr. Waddle Walking along a street in Ponyville are two Earth Ponies, one an elderly stallion with glasses on and the other, a very shaggy unkempt stallion who had just finished his working day collecting all of the city's trash. [colour=#696969]"What a beautiful day it is, Mr. Pigpen, don't you agree?" [/colour]Mr. Waddle asked. [colour=#ff0000]"Sure is!" [/colour]Pigpen answered as his loyal flies buzzed in circles around him. [colour=#ff0000]"The sun's shining, the birds are singing, my fly pals are buzzing along, who could ask for better? Didn't you say that your Professor friend would be joining us for a game of bowling?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Oh yes, I almost forgot! He was supposed to meet us at the center of town by now," [/colour]the glasses wearing stallion neighed. [colour=#696969]"Perhaps he's already waiting for us there, let's go!"[/colour] As the two ponies walked towards the Bowling Alley, they spotted Cranky Doodle Donkey with Mended Heart. [colour=#ff0000]"Hay! I know that donkey!"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"You do?"[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"Well, not personally, but I know him because I collect hisr trash! C'mon!" [/colour]Pigpen neighed as the messy looking stallion galloped over to them. [colour=#ff0000]"Hi there Cranky! Who's your friend? I must say that good ol' Cranky throws away some of the most interesting stuff in the whole town!"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Er, what my friend is trying to say is, greetings!" [/colour]Mr. Waddle neighed, trying to make a better first impression than his smelly pal. [colour=#696969]"I'm Mr Waddle and this is Pigpen and..."[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"And here comes the Professor!" [/colour]Pigpen shouted, pointing up into the sky, [colour=#ff0000]"I suggest we all find some cover fast!"[/colour] Prof. Clyde Krashkop Descending from above was an elderly green Pegasus stallion who quickly crashed into the 'Victory' Pony statue in the center of the town square before tumbling down to the street in a heap. [colour=#696969]"Good heavens! Are you alright, Clyde?"[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Javol!" [/colour]Professor Krashkop neighed as he staggered to get up on his four hooves. [colour=#008000]"Dat vas actually vone of mein better landings!"[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"If you say so, sir," [/colour]Pigpen said with a slight giggle as he addressed Cranky and Mended Heart. [colour=#ff0000]"And THIS is our friend Professor Clyde Krashkop!"[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Guten Tag!" [/colour]the green Pegasus neighed with a bow, [colour=#008000]"I am at your service!"[/colour]
  6. I preordered this! Gotta love Season 2!
  7. Roleplay Type: WOE Name: Tilly Tome Sex: Female Age: Older Mare Species: Crystal Pony Eye colour: Violet Coat: Light Gray Mane/Tail: Streaked shades of purple in both, tail in a 'bun' Physique: normal build Residence: Crystal Empire Occupation: Head Librarian of the Crystal Empire Library Cutie Mark: Scroll with two small stars History: Tilly comes from a long 'line' of librarians in the Crystal Empire. Her own mother trained her in the fine art when she was a filly, since Tilly loved to tag along with her to the Library quite frequently. Young Tilly was fascinated with the work her mother did, so enfatuated that it wasn't long that Tilly's cutie mark came in, revealing that her love of books, reading and keeping books organized would be her destiny too! As an adult, Tilly was hired as a Library Assistant, working for her mother until her retirement promoted Tilly to the role of Head Librarian of the Crystal Empire. She had worked there constantly, rarely missing a day of work. Tilly was 'at her post' when the Crystal Empire magically 'disappeared' and was found in the Library once the Empire returned. Character Summary: Tilly is always a kind, helpful and pleasant pony. She lives to serve Library patrons, assisting them in finding the books they need. Tilly's memory is quite remarkable, she knows where nearly every single book or scroll is located without having to consult the library records. Always cheerful (now that the curse has lifted), Tilly is very friendly and eager to please, both in and out of the Library. Beside her obvious love of reading, Tilly Tome also enjoys quiet walks in the country and participating in her local sewing circle of older mares. Sometimes her close attention to detail and 'order' can border on extreme, but she always means well with her obsession with neatness and tidiness. Often, she'll clean up random messes or straighten up piles of papers even when she's off duty or outside of the library. Even before the disappearance of the Crystal Empire, Tilly Tome, like many ponies her age, seemed 'out of touch' with the younger generation. Her thoughts and memories are mostly in the past, not the present, so she could seem a bit old-fashioned by younger ponies. Like many citizens of the Crystal Empire, she has a deep seeded fear of King Sombra's return though he was defeated.
  8. Hi Derpyy! Excellent app! Well written, all of the required fields are filled. As the RPer of Dr. Stable and Nurse Starflower, I do have a 'heart' (excuse the pun) for medical professional ponies such as this one. Well done!!! The only potential snag I could see is if a Senior RP Staffer questioned the name, but I think the name is just fine.
  9. Hi Silverswirl! This app is very brief, but since it is a Crossover App, it looks OK to me. A giant hamster! WOW! Crossover is an 'anything goes' sort of genre, so I guess that works!
  10. Saddlesore was now very frustrated. Now that the 'aura' of his crush has worn off, the blue stallion was beginning to see that any deeper relationship with this mare would probably require a team of attorneys and a lot more intelligence that he ever possessed. Sure, she was beautiful and yes, she did like his company, but now Saddlesore understood that that was not enough to become 'very special someponys' with one another. He even breathed a sigh of relief when she 'voided' the offer he had made earlier. Then he breathed even more of a sigh of relief when she named an apparent male friend or possible suitor. [colour=#0000ff]"You understand correctly," [/colour]Saddlesore said with a nod. [colour=#0000ff]"I think the two of us will make great friends, after all, like they say all the time in Ponyville, 'Friendship is Magic', right?"[/colour] Saddlesore now turned his attention to the meal. He still wanted to be polite and nice to Asteria. After all, he still hoped to savage a friendship out of this relationship.
  11. Hayseed nodded as Carrot Top spoke to him. [colour=#0000FF]"Yur sure right bout Miss Derpy, ma'am," [/colour]the cowboy hat wearing Earth stallion said with a nod, [colour=#0000FF]"we best foller her and keep her from hurtin' herself more."[/colour] [colour=#B22222]"And I'll try ta talk ta her agin'!" [/colour]added Haywire as she galloped on ahead, trying to catch up to the gray furred Pegasus mare. [colour=#B22222]"HAY DERPY! Kin ya talk ta me fer a minute?"[/colour] Meanwhile, as Hayseed turned to follow Derpy, Doctor Stable listened to Filthy Rich's instructions. [colour=#FF0000]"Well Mr. Rich, I could better trend to this unfortunate mare outside, but my main concern is Miss Derpy Hooves. She seems to have experienced some traumatic cranial injury and is acting more, unusual, than normal. Miss Haymaker is fine, she just accidentally swallowed two sedative pills. I'll place her outside then return to treat Miss Hooves. Until then, try to calm her down and keep her still, ok?" [/colour]the unicorn physician said, using his horn magic to levitate Haymaker and then walked her out of the store. [colour=#808080]"Oh my Mr Rich," [/colour]Mr Waddle added, [colour=#808080]"what shall we do? I will certainly help you all I can."[/colour]
  12. Folks, I never ever imagined that expressing my opinion on the last episode of Season 3 was going to turn into a 'Meme' (whatever the heck that is) and take on a life of its own. The bottom line is this: 1) I meant every word I said about the series. It's my OPINION and I'm entitled to have one. 2) I will NOT be entering some sort of Meme/flame war over this. You have a different opinion? Fine. I'm not going to try to convince anyone to agree with me. You have the same right that I do to express your opinion too! 3) I'm not going to attempt to clarify my past remarks because to do so would simply stir things up worse. So, if y'all want to keep this Meme going, do so without me. Never meant for this to happen, and to be perfectly blunt, THIS is the very reason why in the past, I've resisted to use things like blogs, Skype, Facebook and Twitter. Now I have solid proof that my 'fears' are justified. I really doubt I'll be blogging here in the future. Think I'll stick to RP and my duties as a RH Helper (it's safer).
  13. Saddlesore sat and listened to all that Asteria had to say. The longer he listened, the more he began to realize that something wasn't quite right here. The aura of affection that he had felt for her from the moment he first laid eyes upon her suddenly got slammed with a hard dose of reality. Only now did it dawn on him what he was getting himself into with this lovely but highly complex unicorn mare. His initial nervousness had now vanished [colour=#0000FF]"Whoa whoa! I think we're overthinking this situation here, Miss Stillheart." [/colour]Saddlesore began to explain. [colour=#0000FF]"Maybe the two of us are better off just being friends. I do enjoy being with you and the fact you have no qualms about being seen with me does mean a lot. How about we do this instead of going the 'Very Special Somepony' route? The next time you're in town, look me up and we'll do lunch. And the next time I'm in your area, I'll drop by to visit with you. Perhaps all this talk by me of having a closer relationship was a bit premature. Is that idea acceptable to you, Miss Stillheart?"[/colour] As he spoke, the waiter arrived with their entrees, placing them before the two ponies. Instead of just 'diving in' to the food, Saddlesore waited for his dinner companion to respond.
  14. Mojo

    It's over

    No, I'm not leaving Canterlot.com. What I'm referring to is the end of the MLP FiM Series. Just watched Magical Mystery Cure again, and I can't help but come to the same conclusion I came to the moment I viewed it from the first time: THIS episode is the REAL finale of the SERIES, not just the SEASON. MMC ties up all the 'loose ends' left from Twilight's journey to find her 'true self.' It is the climax of her tale of personal discovery. Honestly, where can the series go from here? Don't get me wrong, I'll NEVER stop being a fan of the show. I'll continue to be loyal to the fandom as well as continue my 'stay' here at Canterlot.com. However, I just can't get excited about Season 4. To me, the show's already ended. I can barely get myself up for watching the reruns on TV anymore. I'm sorry, but for me, MLP FiM is over. I feel happy for Twilight Sparkle for achieving the rank of Princess, but I think this story would be better served by having one 'last page' that reads, "and they all lived happily ever after." No sequels, no continuation, no 'reunion' movie, no Season 4. Just let it end here. That's the way I will remember it.
  15. Saddlesore listened very carefully to every word Asteria spoke. First, there was a definite miscommunication on the term 'transparent' that he needed to remedy. Second, the blue stallion was able to gleen from the unicorn mare's words that she had not had many other 'suitors' and that she was indeed open to the possibility of becoming his own 'very special somepony.' It was now Saddlesore's turn to choose his next words extremely carefully. Swallowing hard and trying to look as calm (unnervous) as he could, be began to explain things to his charming dinner companion. [colour=#0000FF]"Oh, Miss Stillheart, when I used the word 'transparent', it was a figure of speech. I meant to say that you can probably sense my intentions by sight as well as my words. As for starting a relationship as being each other's Very Special Somepony, it means that you and I will be faithful to one another, neither of us dating or trying to get other ponies to be our mates. It means that we would spend more time with each other. I understand that you have an important career as a courier, and that's fine. I don't wany our new relationship to interfere with that. I also have a job so we're both hard working ponies. But during those times you and I are NOT working, we can be with each other, maybe go out for a meal or walk together in the park or other mutually agreeable activities. We can start our relationship slowly, maybe some time in the future we'll feel so much love for one another, we could talk about ... well.... marriage..... perhaps...."[/colour] Saddlesore now stood in front of Asteria with a wide grin, waiting for the unicorn mare's answer.
  16. To quote Professor Farnsworth from Futurama fame: "GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!" The Appleoosa Harvest Time RP is now OFFICIALLY Re-opened! Take note of the NEW posting order. I already posted the initial post, so Brianblackberry as Braeburn goes next, and so on and so forth. Everyone who is listed IN the Posting Order is IN the RP. Anyone else who wants to join this RP in the future either post on this thread or PM me. So, we're off and rolling again, folks! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/14626-appleoosa-harvest-time-pm-to-join/
  17. UPDATE!!! Brianblackberry, the RPer of Braeburn is IN! So I will be rewriting my 'opening' entry to allow for Braeburn to lead Team One. Brian will then have the NEXT post (as team leader, he'll need to). I will be posting a NEW posting order very soon, so everyone, hold on just a LITTLE bit longer and then we will launch! Thanks for your patience, we will be starting this RP very soon.
  18. [colour=#0000ff]"Oh my, am I that transparent?" [/colour]Saddlesore asked, trying to see his reflection in a nearby silver tray to see if he really was visibly blushing. Seeing himself in the tray, he now could see his gues was correct. This only served to make him more nervous. [colour=#0000ff]"Well, to answer your question, Miss Stillheart, yes, I am nervous," [/colour]the blue stallion said, taking a deep breath before continuing, [colour=#0000ff]"I must confess, I am very much in love with you. You don't have to apologize for not knowing how I feel. After all, a lovely, beautiful mare such as yourself probably has been asked out by many stallions in your past. Me, I haven't had a Very Special Somepony, ever."[/colour] There, Saddlesore did it. He expressed his true feelings to Asteria. Now he sat and waited for her response. Would she return his love or leave the restaurant in disappointment? It's true that his dinner companion shows little emotion, but he didn't mind that.
  19. Ah! So you've made the change I suggested! Very good! This app is very good! All of the required fields are filled, and although it is very brief in some places, I believe there is enough here to pass Senior RP Helper inspection!
  20. I see. You COULD go with 'Young Stallion' if you're implying that he's a 'young adult' in human terms.
  21. Louise LaMare Tankena Ms. Harshwhinney The excited in the Town Hall was very contagious to a brown furred Pegasus mare wearing her famous cowpony hat and boots. She was Louise LaMare, famous novelist who's best selling books were all about ponies living in Pioneer times. Walking into the Town Hall with her was an orange furred Earth mare wearing her favorite purple shirt and carrying her flowered luggage. This stern looking blonde mare was Ms. Harshwhinney, Equestria Games Inspector who was now on break from her job. [colour=#ff8c00]"Really Miss LaMare, I don't know HOW I let you talk me into this so-called adventure," [/colour]Ms Harshwhinney nickered. [colour=#8b4513]"Oh come now," [/colour]Louise said confidently, [colour=#8b4513]"Didn't you tell me you wanted the chance to socialize with other ponies? To make new friends and to, 'expand your horizons' as a citizen of Equestria? This is a grand opportunity to do just that! There's going to be ladies here from all over the kingdom! You and I will have the best time together!"[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"I DO hope you're right, Louise. I certainly hope none of our fellow convention attendees are like that loud, boisterous green mare I had the misfortune to meet at the Train Station. THAT mare has all the manners of a wild Timberwolf and is SO outrageous she makes Pinkie Pie look calm by comparison."[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"Oh, that's just Tankena, or Tank Mare as her friends call her. She's from the wilderness region of Stalliongrad and I'm sure she didn't mean to knock you off the train platform or scare you half to death with her dancing and singing."[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"Well, I certainly hope SHE'S not coming to this..." [/colour]Ms. Harshwhinney stopped speaking, gasping in horror as Tankena burst through the front doors of Town Hall. [colour=#008000]"GREETINGS MY FELLOW COMRADES! TANKENA IS HERE!" [/colour]the green pelted goggled Earth Mare shouted as she wheeled in her huge luggage cart. [colour=#008000]"I bring everything for real fun-ski in Convention!"[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"Please don't let her see us, please don't let her see us..." [/colour]the conceited orange mare mumbled to herself moments before Tankena came up from behind her and Louise, throwing her front legs around them both for a strong hug. [colour=#008000]"Great to see you again, comrades! Sorry about all dat stuff that happened at Train Station, but now we can let bygones by bygones and become best of friends, da?"[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"Will you PLEASE just go away you..."[/colour] Ms Harshwhinney snarled as she struggled to loose herself from the iron embrace of the excited green mare. [colour=#8b4513]"Oh, hi Tankena! How, great, to see you again." [/colour]added Louise, trying hard to be polite. [colour=#008000]"Please comrades, call me Tank Mare! I am loving Convention already!"[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"Yes, we are all SO thrilled to be here, Tank Mare. If you will excuse us, Miss LaMare and I are going to sign in at the Front Desk so.."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Great idea, Comrade Whinney! We all share room together!"[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"What?" [/colour]the brown Pegasus mare uttered in shock. [colour=#ff8c00]"US? Room with YOU? I would rather jog st night in the Everfree Forest before I agree to.."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"WONDERFUL! IT IS SETTLED THEN!" [/colour]Tankena shouted as she rushed up to the Front Desk where Quicklime was waiting when her turn in line came. [colour=#008000]"Greetings Comrade! I am Tankena, dis is Louise LaMare and dat is Ms. Harshwhinney! We come to register and ask dat all three of us share room together!"[/colour] [colour=#ff8c00]"NOW SEE HERE, YOU CRAZY FILLY!"[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"That will be fine, thank you Tank Mare," [/colour]Louise said with a giggle. The novelist mare felt that this gathering was going to be a VERY memorable experience indeed!
  22. Excellent question, Twitter! I do have a buffalo character and I know Boss Hoss has one too. They will come into play later after the apple pies are baked. I don't think any of them would help with the actual harvest, but then again, there's no hard and fast rule that says they can't.
  23. Hi Angelwing! Normally, we RP Helpers don't start analyzing an app until it is marked (Ready), but in this case I felt the need to inform you that the correct term for the 'wolves' that inhabit the Everfree Forest is "Timberwolf" and not "Tinderwolf." I know it is a minor misspelling, but when Senior RP Staff will examine this app, they will pick up on it immediately. So I suggest to correct the spellings now so as to avoid that problem. Good strong start for this app! I like what you're doing here!
  24. Hi Derpyy! Fantastic app here! All of the required fields are filled and it is very well written! The cutie mark story was a bit brief, but certainly covered the material well. The ONLY issue I have (and this is really a nitpic kind of thing) is with this pony's age designation. Saying that Care Package is a 'colt' implies that he's not quite an adult pony yet. Is that how you want to go with it? It's fine if you do, but I wanted to ask this question first before recommending this app to Senior RP Staff for the next stage of analysis.
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