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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. When the Professor saw the mushrooms that candy pointed out, his face brightened. "Wonderba!" he shouted, "dose vill be perfect! Danka, fraulien Catchem!" The gray maned Pegasus quickly landed and began to pick the mushrooms. "Dees vill be more den enough for mein casserole, und I hope you vill have some of it vith me vhen I cook it! To answer your question, fraulein, I used to teach Applied Physics at dee University until I retired years ago. Now I spend mein time inventing tings, like dee leaf blower you saw me vith. Some of mein inventions do not vork so vell, like dee dragon repellent I made in mein lab. Found out dee hard vay dat if vas a failure, I am hoping dee rest of mein tail grows back in dee next few months."
  2. It was a typical sunny, warm day in Appleoosa. As was his custom, Sheriff Silverstar would always trot over to the Train Station to meet an arriving train. Trains did not often come to this remote western pony outpost so any time a train comes, it is a very big event. As the mustached stallion approached the station, he heard the familiar flutter of wings above him. Without looking up, the Sheriff said..... "Mornin' Miss LaMare!" "Good morning, Sheriff," Louise Lamare said as the brown Pegasus mare landed beside him. "I see the train's on time! Very reliable transportation isn't it?" "Absoltively!" the Sheriff replied as the two watched the train stop. As passengers walked down the entry ramp, the two saw a mare with a black hat on speaking to some of the gathered crowd: “Hey ! I've never been to Appleloosa before, mind giving me some pointers ? I don't know the place.”, “Uh, and I'm Opuntia, hello !” "Hello!" Louise neighed her greeting to the newcomer. "Welcome to Apploosa!" "That's right ma'am," added the Sheriff as he took off his hat. "We loves havin' tourists come visit our fare town! I'm Sheriff Silverstar, and this here's Louise LaMare, one of our newest citizens! How can we help ya?"
  3. "Javol Fraulien Catchem!" Professor Krashkop neighed as he picked up his primative leaf blower up off the ground, get it on his front hooves and began to work the bellow end of it. "Dis vill do dee job nicely! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Candy Catchem. It is an odd coincidence dat you und me are staying at dee same hotel! I alvays try to stay at dee Prancing Pony Inn vhen I visit Ponyville! Day let me use dee kitchen und I promised to make mein sauerkraut casserole. ACK! I forgot! I must find mushrooms for mein casserole! In all dis excitement, I forgot all about it!"
  4. Louise knew that Arrow Plain was responsible, but she wasn't about to volunteer that information. The Pegasus mare had a hunch that the Sheriff was going to figure this out on his own. "I reckon dinner'd be a jim-dandy idear, Miss Bistro!" Sheriff Silverstar neighed as he got back up on his four hooves. "What do you say, Mr. Rockefilly?" Louise LaMare asked. "Maybe we could even get all of the members of the Chamber of Commerce to attend to listen to your plans. Honey, would you be willing to attend?" Louise was hoping she could difuse the stressful situation with diplomacy and kindness. She was also counting on the Sheriff not wanting to 'make a scene' with Arrow Plain so as to embarrass her or the town any further. But the Sheriff gave the unicorn filly an icy stare, a stare that basically said - "I know what you did, young lady, and yur in a peck of trouble THIS time."
  5. Granny Smith was still hard at it, mozying as fast as her elderly legs could move, bucket handle with her mouth. After dumping her first bucket in the barn, the gray maned matriarch of the Apple family moved slowly towards the well. Since this well was a different well than the one Twilight and her friends were using, poor Granny Smith was unaware of the other events unfolding all around her. The lime green mare was focused like a laser beam on her own one pony 'bucket brigade.' In the back of her mind, she vaguely remembered tap dancing with a cane, and wondered why her elderly body didn't have the same agility and durability that it had that day. Of course, she also thought she saw her grandson Big MacIntosh acting like an excited puppy dog that day too. Maybe it was her old memory playing tricks on her. "Got to... keep movin'... " she said as she was panting hard. "Got to... save the... barn... can't let.... my grandkids..... down......" She put every bit of energy and heart into her efforts, as feeble as they were, to do her best to help put out this fire.
  6. "Sounds terrfic, Aqua!" Starflower neighed. "I haven't had fresh seaweed or kelp in years! Don't often have it available where I live. There are no dry land farmers that can grow water plants, Lead the way and we'll follow!" Starflower walked with the group towards the center of town. The light blue unicorn passed by Dusty, of course she had no idea who he really was. The stethoscope wearing mare was weary from the long train trip and was more concerned with stretching her legs than looking all around for danger and was thinking more about her 'patient'. "So far, Aqua seems to be alright, but you never know with the kind of magical exertion she recently went through. My magical energy transfer did help her, but she'll probably need time for her body to rebuild her internal magical reverse energy. Better keep a close eye on her for the next few hours."
  7. "Chill out, miss Whirlwind," Mojo said in a peaceful tone. "Didn't mean to imply you were helpless, but after all, you did need rest and care when you landed here yesterday." "Modge is right," Jubilee said as she fluttered up to the young Pegasus. "Just looking out for you because we care." "Indeed," added Starflower. "You're looking much better than yesterday and you seem to have a lot more spunk too. Still, you're not quite 100% well yet. Please don't be angry with us. We're just thinking of your welfare." "Betcha you'll be feeling groovy by the time we hit Fillydelphia," Mojo said as he finished his breakfast. "Time for me to clean up so we can get movin' along." "I'll help!" "As will I!" "Cool! The faster we get everything packed up, the faster we can split this scene!"
  8. Well, it's already been declared that (for the moment) Discord will NOT be a 'playable' character. But does this ALSO mean that there can't be a RP (possibly crossover) that consists of ponies who have been ZAPPED by Discord and thus, had their personalities REVERSED? THAT sounds like something that would be a LOT of fun!!!!
  9. "Javol! Vee need to see if dat bug left other vebs around in dee trees," Professor Krashkop said with a nod. "A friend of mine vas caught in vone of dose vebs during dee Running of duh Leaves und it vasn't pretty." The elderly Pegasus watched as Candy held the shrunken spider in a sack. "Now dat dis crisis is over, fraulein, vould you please tell me who you are? I haven't zeen you around Equestria before. Are you new here und vhere are you staying? Dere are many fine hotels in dis area."
  10. Professor Krashkop watched as Candy Catchem wrapped the giant spider's legs with her bola. "I've got to find mein spray bottle!" the gray maned Pegasus shouted as he continued his frantic search through the fallen, blown leaves. Suddenly, his front hoof touches it. "Found it! Got to hurry!" he yelled, grabbing the bottle and taking off into the air. "Now it's time to make tings normal again!" The green Pegasus began spraying the giant spider with his Poison Joke cure. He sprayed every inch of it's huge body, including the egg sack on its back. Professor Krashkop neighed for joy as the spider shrank back to its original size. "Vee did it, fraulein! Wonderba!"
  11. And let's not forget the two MLP FiM spinoffs in production: My Little Pony - Luna's World: At long last, Luna gets a realm of her own to rule, a land of eternal MOONLIGHT! My Little Pony - Friendship is Derpy: By sheer accident, Derpy Hooves and her friends Screwball (from Season 2 premier), Snips, Snails, Dr. Whooves and Cyclops (from Episode 26 - starting sequence) become the NEW guardians of the Elements of Harmony (much to the dismay of the Princess Sisters) and use their new powers to summon piles of muffins for all of Ponyville to enjoy! Hey, if we're going to use our imaginations here, let's TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT!!!!
  12. "Vait! Vhat am I doin'?" Professor Krashkop asked, dropping the leaf blower and reaching for his bottle of Poison Joke cure. Before he could get it out, the mighty spider took a swing at the airborne Pegasus with it's legs, one of them striking him in the head and sending him crashing down to the ground. "Dee spray? Dee spray? Vhere is mein bottle?" the dazed green Pegasus shouted, searching the leaf covered ground with his eyes and hooves trying to find the bottle he had dropped in the confusion. Looking up, he now saw the spider was moving towards him, ready to strike. "ACK! UN-KNEE-MAL!" he screamed while he continued searching through the leaves, knowing he was about to be eaten if he didn't retrieve the bottle fast.
  13. Hayseed was still enchanted by the lovely music and the beautiful mare who had been playing it. As Octavia spoke to the group and gave her name, the Earth pony waited his turn, then took off his hat and began to speak. "Miss Octavia, my name is Hayseed and I was jist passin' through this wonderful town of yours. I was pullin' my wagon along the way and when I heard your perty music, I had ta unhitch myself and come a-runnin' to see who was a-makin' it! I sure do love the way you play that thar oversized fiddle and if'n ya don't mind me sayin' so, yur the pertyest lady I ever did see! That bow tie yur a-wearin' makes you as cute as a button! Would ya please play some more of that thar slow big fiddle music fer me, please???"
  14. "Javol fraulein! I vill keep mein eyes vide open for any signs of dat monster, dat vicious oversized brute, dat big ugly silly looking dumkoff bug! Dat stupid..." Suddenly, the airborne Professor stopped talking when he felt something eerie brush by his flank. He used his flapping wings to spin around to see that he was now looking straight into the eyes of the giant spider. "Er, I didn't mean all dat stuff about you being a monster, brute und dumkoff!" the nervous green Pegasus said in a squeaky voice. Still holding the 'leaf blower' in his front hooves, Professor Krashkop began pumping it, hoping to distract the beast long enough to retreat.
  15. Mojo was tired, sticky and spent after the race. Misty's magical 'net' had caught him after he dashed across the finish line, but now it had vanished. While his friends set off in different directions, Mojo decided to trot up to the winner and congradulate her, the beautiful Lyra! It was true that during the race, the Paint stallion had misinterpreted a note left along the road as a 'love note' from Lyra directly to him, and the lovely unicorn did tell him of his error. Still, Mojo thought there might be a chance, a chance that she might still accept him. The hippie brony trotted up to her, smiling widely. "Oh, there you are, miss," Mojo began, "I know we might've gotten off on the wrong hoof, but I'd still like to congradulate you on a fine race! Y'know Lyra, you are by far the most beautiful filly in this entire race. Will ya do me the honor of going out on a date with me?"
  16. Others may have said this already, but I'm very miffed about Luna not being in this episode at all! Ok, she's the younger sister, but couldn't they have put her in the final celebration scene? Or does she sleep during the day because she 'raises the moon' for night? Lauren Faust needs to answer this question
  17. (ooc): wow, that was a quick change of pace! As the passangers disembarked from the train, Starflower walked with her group (Hoss, Shanna and Aqua) as they came down the departure ramp. The light blue unicorn used her levitation magic to pull a wheeled rack of her suitcases behind her as the group moved into the station. "Well, that was certainly an interesting trip," Starflower said to her friends before turning towards Aqua. "Aqua, was that a friend of yours you were arguing with? I'm not trying to be nosy, but you are still my patient and if you overexcert yourself or go through undo stress then it is a medical concern. I ask because I care about all my patients."
  18. Another great line came from a restored Rarity: "We shall never speak of this again."
  19. Seated across from Shanna and Hoss was a light blue unicorn mare with a stethoscope around her long neck. Her face whined at the arguing that was taking place in earshot of her, and quite possibly, the entire train car. "Oh my, I certainly hope they don't argue like that all the way to Hoofington," Starflower said. "A race in Hoofington? That sounds interesting. We all had quite a wonderful time during the last Running of the Leaves. I hope Aqua's alright, she really doesn't need to be straining herself after that episode with Dusty."
  20. "Javol, fraulein!" Professor Krashkop neighed with a nod as he followed Candy. The gray maned Pegasus held the spray bottle at the ready as he fluttered along, hoping his worst fears were not realized. The thought of giant spiders roaming all over Equestria was unsettling to him. "Fraulein, do you tink dee two of us alone can handle dis job? Do you tink vee may need help? And who is dis Peryton you spoke of earlier?"
  21. Professort Krashkop followed Candy to the mound of leaves. "NEST!" the airborne Professor Krashkop shouted in excitement. "If dat giant spider has laid eggs und dat is a nest of eggs, vee vill be in serious trouble! Vee have to cure dat big bug before it can reproduce und das forest gets overrun vith dem!" Slowly, the Professor hovered closer and closer to the pile of leaves. "Although dis vould be a wonderba opportunity to study insect life for dee good of science, vee must stick to dee plan und cure this ting very soon, for dee sake of dis forest und all of Equestria!"
  22. "Well look, Mister Rockefilly, it ain't that we're all agin' ya, but ya have to understand somethin'," Sheriff Silverstar began to explain. "Before us settler ponies came out here over a year ago, thar was NUTIN here! Weren't even a settlement till we all built it! We even managed to git railroad service here, so the railroad company must have faith in our efforts. No sir, Mr. Rockafilly, this here town ain't gonna jist die like that. We're a democracy here. All of us have a stake in Appleoosa. Folks like me, Braeburn and Honey Thread, newcomers like Madam Bistro and Louise LaMare, even youngins like Arrow Plain here and .... say, where'd that little filly go?" As the Sheriff turned his head to look around, Louise could feel a slight brushing motion on one of her wings. Looking down, she could see Arrow Plain under the table looking up at her. As the brown Pegasus smiled, Sheriff Silverstar began to move in an effort to find the ellusive filly. "WHHOOAAAA!!!" the mustached stallion shouted as he fell to the floor, tripped over by the shoelaces tied around his leg. "SHERIFF!" Louise neighed, getting up to rush over to him. "What in tarnation's goin' on here?" "How did you get your shoelace tied like that... wait a minute.... since when do ponies have shoelaces?" "Sumtin' funny's goin on here!"
  23. Discord really DOES have a 'flighty' mind. And why not? HE'S THE SPIRIT OF CHAOS!!! Even has a brain loaded with chaos too! This is PERFECT!!! And all THAT made Twilight as crazy as Discord!!! Excellent work, Lauren Faust!!!
  24. I LIKE the ballet dancing buffalo and 'puppy dog' Big MacIntosh! And what can beat a dancing Granny Smith! Guess that old hip of hers is working fine!
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