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Everything posted by ArcadePerfect

  1. Could you do my OC's cutie mark? It's sort of a N64 style controller
  2. Could ya do a pic of Arcade Perfect levitating and eating a ton of snacks while levitating a game controller and playing? There's a ref in the gallery pic I have, also in th app I put. He has a N64 game controller cutie mark.
  3. Thanks Flutterscotch. Added to the character summary. Just need to do the history.
  4. Hello and welcome. Nice to see you still have the catching p to do while we have this big dry spell called summer and early autumn anyways have fun here!
  5. I will definitely be putting a romance novelist as my second app. Dramatic but more controlled than Rarity and into that special feeling. Ideas? Lazy teenagers who do nothing with their lives (like Arcade) and have their parents trying to get them to take the family business or join the guard Hat makers Odd job ponies (cart pulling, simple mechanics, standing out in a silly costume advertising, etc) Teachers/scholars/researchers
  6. From the album: Arcade's Pictures

    Sprinkles has a crush on AP but he couldn't care less
  7. more of a classic rock music listener. Stuff from 1960-80. Queen, the Kinks, Loverboy, Reel Big Fish
  8. Hi and welcome! i think heres a fanfiction or book section on the forums on that. Personally I've enjoyed The Immortal Game and My Little Alicorn
  9. Roleplay Type: Free for All Name: Arcade Perfect Sex: Male Age: Older Foal/Brink of colthood Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Dark Blue Coat colour: Purple Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Black Mane and Tail. Golden streak. Physique: Skinny Cutie Mark: Game Controller Origin/Residence: Marepolis Occupation: Lackadaisical, hogwash consumer. Also does video commentaries. Motivation: To get to the next level. Likes: Games, Achievements, Dice, Curly Hay Fries, Multiplayer, DLC, High Scores, All-Nighters Dislikes: Work, Losing, Trolls and Hax, Insubordination Character Summary: History: His family lives in a started 2 story home witha basement. Arcade did have a lot of friends but lost all of them when he started sleeping in school and staying home playing games. Hs multiplayer consists of forum friends doing RPs on voice and video chat and cool people randomly put with him. He tends to sleep late and hat's mostly why he sleeps in school (or he's bored). He lacks in education skills. Parents: His mother is a stay at home pony. Unicorn with a pelt blue with yellow mane and a cooking cutie mark. Father works in a business orginization. He's an Earth Pony with a gray pelt and and black mane and an ex police pony. His mother was always there with him while Arcade grew apart from his dad. When his gaming absession began, his mother tried to nurturing and pleading approach. That would never have worked in a million years so now she tries to savour every little moment he talks to her. She does things like make cookies and other snacks for him, get him to do chorese to save up for pre-release packages and DLC. His dad on the other hoof tries to stomp him down with discipline and shuts the power everytime he's home. Fortunately for Arcade, that's very rare since his father is never home during the day with work and stays pretty late (maybe all night) at the office doing projects. Cutie Mark Story: Arcade found an old box in his basement one day after school. He read the instructions and plugged the box into the TV and connected a controller. Arcade turned it on and began to play the colorful pixelated adventure. The next time he looked at the clock it was 3 a.m. and his cutie mark was on his flank. Flaws: Not very bright when it comes to things like vocabulary and science. He is very good at math when it comes to stat boosts and dice rolls, however. Eats a lot of junk food. Has a very small social life besides Sprinkles and his mother. Personality: Spends all his time in his basement. A great Co-op friend (unless you're never online). Goes for every achievement, finds every Easter egg, and gets to all the secret areas.
  10. Thanks everyone! Yes. I tend to play Paradox and Total War strategy games on the computer. I want to show off pony mods and games as my main focus and would like to do both the Vicky 2: AHD Equestria mod as well as the Civ Pony mods (IV and V). Maybe a pony tekkit or terraria on a server with some people would be fun. Favorite games? Anything made by Paradox Interactive I generally like. Civ IV. Star Wars: Empire at War and the Republic at War mod. On console I tend to play a lot of old GameCube games cuz they're pretty fun. Xbox I play borderlands 2, halo reach, and RUSE. Looking to get the new games coming out like Assassins creed 3, halo IV, total war: Rome II. My computer is currently broken right now and hopefully will be fixed in a couple weeks
  11. Intro: short, sweet, to the point. I like it. Welcome
  12. About Myself: It's down below How I found Canterlot.com: Looking for MLP forum How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Saw others watching and thought to give it a try My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash I'm Arcade Perfect. I'm a gamer and saving to buy FRAPS and a xbox recording thing to do youtube commentaries I draw and do art so I can do art trades here and there Luna is best pony overall
  13. Could you do a pic of my OC Arcade Perfect? My avatar pony. The colors are the same. Tail is black and also has a gold streak. cutie mark is a N64 style game controller. I would like some silly pose, I'll leave the details up to you though.
  14. ArcadePerfect


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