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Everything posted by abc

  1. well hellooo! and welcome to canterlot!, if you cant make it here you cant make it anywhere! im browneh, co-leader of the topic derailment team(tee-hee),top ten blogger and general my little pony fanboy! do ya like video games? if so what do you play on/ whats your favourite? and i hope your time here is awesome and epic!(oh and no need to be shy around these ponies, once you have been here a little while, they will start to feel like family, (so that makes me your creepy cousin that nopony takes for family photos ) jk lol but seriously, have fun!
  2. "Moving day.." Browneh says with a sigh today was finally the day he moves out of his parents house 19 long years being there, his mum comes in, "are you sure you want to leave, sweetie? your always welcome here" "no, i dont wanna grow up in my parents house, i wanna have a life of my own, and an apartment is the best i can do for right now" Browneh says, his mother looking at him, teary eyed says"good luck honey, just remember you can visit our home, in cloudsdale where we always will be" Browneh says" i will mum" as he gathers his things and heads out, "dont forget to write!" his mother yells as he leaves the confort of his home he comes opon the house, hmm this looks like its it, he opens the door..."hello?" nopony answered "helloo? anypony here?" "Great an empty house with no tenements, a good way to get over my shyness, now isnt it?" browneh sighs and explores the house, finding a room with two beds, "hmm guess i could stay here, wait theres TWO beds? well then this shouldent be hard to get over my shyness! ill see 3-4 ponies everyday, well thats IF i find anypony in this madhouse" he sits down in the bed and begins to unpack.
  3. heh heh..., its a joke, get it? lol im so bad at jokes
  4. is it too late to apply?? if not: (ps i havent played too many roleplays so i wont be very very good ) Name: Browneh Hooves (couldnt think of one >.<) Race: Pegasus Appearance: Brown colored Colt with bright blue eyes and a dark blue mane, cutie mark is four 1/8th notes, in a tie (if you know music you should know what im talking about/picturing it in your head ) Brief Backstory: Was never liked in school, even though looks just like an average pony, is incredibly shy and has little friends Relationships: like the others, forever alone, and alone forever Personality:shy, but can be outgoing to ponies he gets to know Flaws:doent exactly like company that much, and is sometimes easily confused or tricked, also not the brightest pony around. Likes and Dislikes: likes music, solitude and gaming (i guess board games) dislikes audiences, preforming in front of people and getting yelled at/scolded Anything Else We Should Know:nup Who Do You Share a Room With: If you're not sure yet, no pony for now.
  5. welcome to the greatest city in all of the wide, wide world of equestria!! i hope your time here is as long as it is fun!
  6. Hey everypony! sorry this one took so long to put out, its just hard to think of some stuff to talk about, ya know?? so firsts things first, if you have any feedback, hatemail or curse words, then leave a comment below! also ive been running low on ideas for top tens, so feel free to request some down below! anywyas, let do this!! 10.pokemon im talking about the OG swagtastic pokemon, (150) not the newer ones, the amount of pokemon is too many to count (its over 9000, trust me) 9. Regular show i love this show for some odd reason, its kind of humorous, and it sometimes has dark humor which is always funny 8.powerpuff girls another awesome show, with some dark humor in it 7.fosters home for imaginary friends i love this show sooo much, ive seen every episode like, 3 times 6.good vibes (WARNING do not watch this show if you are not 18+years of age) major dark humor, sex jokes, and surfing...its just american...and hilarious 5. hard times of rj burger i love this show equally as much as my #6 they are like the same, but ones animated...and they are both off the air ;__; 4.my little pony: FiM obviously, what did you think i was gonna exclude it form the list?? 3.Drake and Josh another great show taken off the air without a proper ending...WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN! 2.adventure time i LOVE this show, like alot i havent watched many episodes but form the few ive seen, its a good show 1.ed edd n' eddy i loved this show so much, most of my childhood was wasted wathcing it, and i wanted to throw a baby when i saw the movie, just because it was all over ok so i hope you have enjoyed ,and dont forget to like, comment and subscribe (whut) and i will see everypony around!!
  7. topic derailment team..... i kinda like that, ya know, it really sticks considering that we do this non intentionally lol :P, but it makes us sound organized for our (mostly my) short attention spans :P

    1. Linkhopper


      Topic derailment team unite!

    2. MidnightBlackhorn


      Can I join? Please? Wait, are there tacos? I love tacos. But I hat yogurt, especially with strawberries. Anyone else seen spaceballs? I'm hungry, brb

  8. Well that's good to know, now maybe we should convince saucepans and conor your not one
  9. ok thats not even funny, I could die of brain damage from watching that....... Somepony.....help
  10. I tried to rule the sun once, I failed miserably
  11. Hater? Tenkans robot mind is not programmed for that word "This does not compute" *explodes*
  12. You have found my one true weakness!!! *Gasp* Hold on...before I'm ended, we should watch season 3 premere first.
  13. Oh my god.... Everypony run!! Leave them alone! Take me instead!
  14. theres no rules! *takes shirt off* "put your shirt back on!" Theres one rule! *puts shirt on*

    1. aFlatmajor


      Only at My Little Caesar.....

    2. SkyshotSwift


      I have rules... I'm going to dye my hair! "No hair dye on parade!" I'm going to dye my hair! "I just saiDON'T CARE! HAIR DYE!

  15. le spoons! le spoons are everywhere! (they are like aubergines but scarier)
  16. that awkward moment when you have been here a month and didnt know you could do that 0.0 oh well i feel stupid, its only when you HAVE the apples......um.......yea
  17. Welcome to the greatest city in equestria! my cousins girlfriend races horses!
  18. Welcome to the greatest pony forum out there! we are the capitol of equestria for a reason, ya know. so what kinda games you play? 30 minutes here and no friends? time to fix
  19. i just saw a my little pony season three ad on youtube!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aFlatmajor


      Oh....My glob...I just remembered I have DJ-P0N3 shirt....I'm wearing it when I watch the season 3 premier

    3. aFlatmajor


      Double oh my glob, I just realized that Skyshot Swift's avatar is Sesshomaru from Inuyasha!! Epic lol

    4. SkyshotSwift


      I'm going to dye my hair the way Vinyl Scratch has it. The Cadets Officers at Remembrance day will be MAD! XD

  20. i have no money, therefore i cant get halo yet, im dying inside every day i dont play it
  21. abc

    Oh My Glob

    so does that mean if they are gone when i go there i have to go to washington D.C, then arizona?? ima need my running shoes and , a brick to threaten people with but not actually do anything
  22. abc

    Oh My Glob

    ok so i went to the mall today... and i walk into hot topic to find guy stacking boxes near the counter, the boxes said my little pony, so i said meh i will look at one, little did i know that it was a limited edition rainbow dash vinyl figure!! after i was done drooling, and subsequently sqeeling like a little girl that just had her first kiss in my head, i realize i had spent the rest of my money on a pair of vans sunglasses, im hoping they are still there when i go back, or else ima cry in a corner
  23. If that were to happen, i, for one, am launching a global assault on disney HQ... we shall make them tremble with our love and kindness....
  24. five bucks well spent in my opinion
  25. no but i saw a movie called obsessed, it was pretty wierd....anypony else see some wierd movies?
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