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Everything posted by abc

  1. i ate some fruity pebbles(heh heh u c whut i did thar) has anypony else eaten some awkwardly named cereal lately?
  2. just spent my WHOLE day yesterday watching drake and josh, good vibes, and my little pony on netflix.......mother of celestia where is my life going...

  3. why hellooooooo andwelcome, to the awesome, spectacular world of canterlot! here you will find gamers, nerds, me, musisions, artists, writers, and generally awesome people! i hope your time here is as long as it is fun!
  4. HA disapeared without a trace!
  5. (no links unfortunately on mah xbox ) Ok everypony and hellooo welcome to my official countdown Blog!! *makes fake cheering noises* today i will be talking about music, more specificlly EDM, even more specificlly, Electronic dance music lulz ok anyways i have no links because im too poor for a computer and im on xbox soo here we go! 5.Disconnected-Pegboard Nerds Very awesome song, makes me rejoyce in unholy happyness(especially the pmv) 4.life as we know is- Djalexs and oddysey eurobeat this song is awesome as well! it is very cheery the bass drops, i have a stroke and die 4 times! 3.Self destruct-Pegboard nerds Another amazing song by the nerds woith a pegboard has very cool beat and when the bass drops, i soil myself 2.Adventure time-Rogue has nothing to do with the show, but very happy and upbeat electro song, bound to bring you joy 1.truth- tristam one of the best songs i have heard in while, the song is very emotional, and ive never been moved by an electro song before, when the song ended i was nearly in tears of joy, this songs beauty is amazing, go look it up on youtube, you WILL love it. Tust the browneh...trust him
  6. my brother in law just put like,3 hundered ballons in my aunts car, that thing is FULL this is gonna be funny

    1. CatCakey


      Tell me what happened, it's gotta be hilarious :D

    2. abc


      it wasent too funny, actually she just came in called me a bad word and said "wait till yall find something in your bed" 0_0

  7. i used to have it, may rent it because i love that game, but i suck very badly, like bad bad XD P.S "shanks" 0_o i wanna see this character.
  8. lol if i had a computer i would play with yah and we could dual comm and spazz together but alas i dont (first world problems)
  9. (before i start should i make a seperate blog for top tens? let me know) Ok everypony its that time of the month (wait whut) for my first top ten (oh ok) ive been wanting to do this, and just shoot my opinions at people, so i thought "heck why not?" so ima be talkin about the top ten things that "rustle my jimmies" so to speak, ard here we go: 10.people trolling bout stupid stuff weve all seen it, weve all been angry, but not as much as me evry time i see stuff like "mlp is stoopid hurp durp" i want to throw something out my window i mean it mainly makes me mad when say someone has a username on youtube with the word "pony" in it and out of nowhere trolls just like, explode with anger, idk why, it just happens >_<. 9.When i get mad because of my short temper Yes i really get mad when i get mad, like seriously, im such an idiot that i get mad over stupid stuff and it makes me even more mad that i just got mad over something that stupid lol im so weird its crazy. 8.when people spam invites to me over xbox Oh my GOD this makes me angry this happens on a day-to-day basis with me, like getting an invite from some random person? meh i let it go, but getting five in the past minute? no just...no 7.When people go on a video, dislike it and go like, crazy Weve all seen it, it makes me angry, and these people are idiots.*goes on mlp vid*"Gay Homos hurp durp" <that makes me laugh at their stupidity its this that makes me mad> *goes to dubstep vid* "dubstep is stupid skrillex is better blah blah blah". 6.seeing dubstep in like, a fricken childrens commercial like seriously? every time i see this i wanna, like headbutt a baby, its just stupid...its not evn good dubstep either. 5.when im playing a game, do amazing one match, and suck a second later why does this happen to me?? i go like, 34-5 one match and then like a minute later im like 2-40 its rediculous!! 4.when my internet derps out this is like majorly painful for me, because it always does it when im in the middle of something, its dumb, i have to wait like an hour, its agonizing. 3.when girls show "mixed signals" i hate this so much they are like brain ninjas and just like eat your brain with their beauty, then they take advantage and the next thing i know, im doing this girls class work, wtf? 2.when im trying to sleep and my friends keep texting me why does this happen to me? this is why i cant sleep at night, and im too lazy to turn off my phoned so im screwed! 1.when im listening to music and my phone derps out This is like the bane of my existance i hate this so much im in the middle of listening to like adventure time by rogue, and my phones like"welp im tired ima sleep" and it just shuts off, 75% battery, i hate my life. so i hope you werent completely bored at this, might make some more but idk depends on if i feel like typing a wall of text. anywho see-ya!
  10. WELCOME!!! you have come at a perfect time!! season three is coming soon, moonlight blogging about him playing minecraft and having like an aneurysm and a crapton of other ponies joining! (is it just me or has there been like an influx of peeps coming to canterlots lately)
  11. ^ this is why i dont even want to put up a cod commentary >_< tales would KILL ME!! its not even cod ill talk to myself when im playin minecraft "ohai mr creeper *kills* *gets owned by like five others* "mutha#@%$&*&% #$%%$@ 6@^ %!$#^%%% T$#!^ #^ %$%$ @ 546y%$@ 7 stupid god%$# thing i hope you go- *screen cuts out*
  12. abc

    Uh.. Hi...!

    Ohai there! What kind of xbox games do you play? i like Halo, CoD(sometimes), minecraft and um other stuff Any ways welcome and enjoy your stay here!! P.S your avatar is soooo adorable <3 is that your OC?
  13. ive only been here about 2 months so i have no idea, besides one thing [colour=#800080]SEASON 3 HYPE!![/colour] And how do you leave this place? i love it here too much to leave anyways enough of me rambleing [colour=#0000CD]WELCOME[/colour] [colour=#40E0D0](Back)[/colour]
  14. *Stands up* Commen-tary! Commen-tary! COMMEN-TARY! COMMEN-TARY!
  15. i find it odd they didnt use silver spoon or diamond tiara.....very odd actually, oh well, stilll exited for the premere in 8 DAYS!!!!
  16. Just made a twitter everypony! follow me @Necro_Paradox! Support me and my clan Necro!, well if you want :P

    1. PIJIN


      What's the clan for?

    2. abc


      mainly CoD and its a clan between me and a few friends irl i believe we have 6-7 members but idk

  17. lol i saw somepony in a gumby costume, me and my friends started Yelling out Fu-...reakin gumby Heh heh.... *Puts glass bottle down*
  18. happy nightmare night everypony!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SonicRainb00m


      Happy Nightmare Night! :D

    3. CatCakey


      You too! Did you do anything?

    4. abc


      i went trick or treating :D

      and got a can of green beans 0_o what did you do cat?

  19. ok so i rode my bike like a mile to this place that gives out craptons of candy (yes im 16 still going trick or treating, like pinkie says, "your never too old for free candy!") and i got a decent amount, hung out with my friends from school, and just had a blast i also got two thumb tacks and a can of green beans -_- no idea what thats about all in all i was pretty happy with this years nightmare night, and plus it was the first one i could share with you guys at canterlot! (P.S love you guys ) so how was everyponys nightmare night? was it as awesome as mine? or better?
  20. i went outside during the storm last night lol it was fun
  21. so i take it D.C didnt get hit that hard then
  22. were fine down here in baltimore, OC got hit the hardest i believe
  23. holy buck, has anypony seen Ocean citys board walk? its like underwater......

    1. hitman61live


      I was there one year..kinda glad I'm not now. Hope those people get to safety.

    2. abc


      i think they were evacuated before the storm hit tho, idk tho

    3. hitman61live


      Stormy weather. Blah.

      Rain=Yes. Flooding=No. Death-winds=No.

  24. also, tales does your avatar match the reaction you had when you saw luna XD
  25. well it has hooves, and a lions mane... ima go with ponylionbearmanpig
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