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Status Updates posted by abc

  1. Drinking about a quart of mountain dew, and eating muddy buddies, not gonna gain a single pound...........life is good...

    1. StarStorm


      Life's short, eat candy and chug soda :3

  2. :o i got a 275 out of 613 points in the season 3 quiz on i am brony! "Not bad! You seem to have an eye for details or you watched the show quite attentive."
  3. i dont wanna go to school! D: Im hoping i can stay home for take your child to work day today!

  4. i just went to the greatest mall ever today...it was so beautiful...@_@

  5. i gotta practice the mario theme for piano class, i will be playing it for the class!

  6. *sniff* *sniff* Whats that smell? *looks to feet* Oh, its you guys

  7. hehe, if anypony sees my avatar broken, it means im swapping avatars and testing new ones lol, im sorry if anypony had to see that XD

    1. tacobob


      So far you have cutest pony as your avatar...

  8. today's one of those days where i just listen to music and do nothing :P

    1. StarStorm


      Those are always fun days :D

  9. *yawn* Im soooo bored :/

  10. omg...the events happening in Maine are crazy....

  11. Stormy got me hooked on pokemon white -_- now i cant. stop. playing. I hope your happy! (cuz i am ^^)

    1. tacobob



    2. abc


      well i haz 6 badges and like, 40 pokemon, including two legendaries

    3. tacobob
  12. Feeling much better nao ^^

  13. m slowly losing the motivation to do anything, and i just don't know why.....

    1. tacobob


      It happens. You'll get your groove back.

  14. WoOOOOoooo! Dubstep!!

  15. well, fl studio is very confusing...there goes wanting to make dubstep... D:

  16. that mother of celestia moment when you only get an hour of sleep

  17. in honor of my favorite race, imma be changing mah profile pic to random zerg units this week....yes...this is what i do when i get bored...XD

    1. abc


      actually.....i may just keep it as this, this is adorable!

    2. StarStorm


      It's pretty cute!! :D

  18. i need teh monies! i need to get heart of the swarm!

  19. anypony wanna add meh on steam? i only have tf2 and combat arms tho X3 Steam id:Fleetfoot

    1. FluttershyGrimshy


      I added you ^^ I'm Rainbow Dash with the awesome profile pic XD

  20. Everybody do the FLOP!

  21. alright, got mah computer up and running today, W00T!

  22. W00T i got a computer today! i can finally stop posting from xbox!

  23. its snowing...in baltimore....during spring...

    1. Frost137


      It snows at my school during the spring! I mean, ((Sweetie Belle)) COME ONNNNN!!!

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Just snowed in Washington a couple days ago.

    3. StarStorm


      That's intense!! Southern Oregon hasn't seen snow since before Christmas!!

  24. god...still waiting for my defience beta key!! anytime now!!

  25. That mother of god why moment when you step on a lego, and you make up new curse words to explain the seering pain

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Few things in life can match that pain.

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