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Status Updates posted by Manestream

  1. There is so much I should have said, and so much we should have done together. Thank you for your kindness, your life, your thoughtfulness. Thank you for your smile, and the life you shared. Rest well friend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bellosh


      *Joins in the hugging*

    3. SparkleFire


      You have our support, Mane.

    4. Davroth


      I'm sorry for your loss, Mane pony. :c

  2. Here's to new beginnings, healtheir life styles, and spending more time with the person I love. Canterlot is in good hands- I can trust our successors to do amazing things while I get my life back on track, do my marraige justice, my job secure, (and my body back into shape)!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RarityDash


      Good luck with everything, Mane! <3

    3. Davroth


      I hope you new, brighter future involves Skyping every now and then. Otherwise I'll miss you a lot. <3

    4. Armony


      Best of luck Mane! Hope we still get to talk on Skype every now and then! <3

  3. Woohoo! workin on the board!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Woohoo, wake up to a new theme every day!

    3. BaconofChaos


      Didn't you just change it yesterday? XD

      Looks good though.

    4. Hippo


      yay! Best pony continues to be in banner!

  4. I am at FC! Internet is spotty, we dont have it in the room. I am enjoying a few actual days off! hooray!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manestream


      XD its really meeeee but i'm sleeping now <3

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Mane doesn't take days off... >:S

    4. Hippo


      Herro stranger! :P

  5. Working with Chrysalis, taking notes, making plans for her little buddies to find a home. Now, I wonder where that would be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Davroth


      It'll all work out in the end, I'm sure. :')

    3. Halide


      *Screams internally*

    4. tacobob


      Now if they all looked like this: http://equestria-prevails.deviantart.com/art/Love-starved-354044840 They would have any problems getting all the wuv they need.

  6. Wooo 12 hour work shifts- sooooo much fun! But the money is preeeeety goooood.

    1. Kodokuna


      Money and much fun?

      You lucky mare. >3<

    2. RarityDash


      Yay, money! Good luck with the long shifts, Mane. <3

    3. Davroth


      I'll never ever see you online again, will I? :P

      Glad you found something, Mane pony. <3

  7. Great quote: "The relatioship I have with people is largely determined by the relationship I have with myself" I find this to be very true

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      That almost sounds like one of those quotes that's meant to sound deep but doesn't actually make sense. :P

    2. Manestream


      lol; most quotes make sense if you understand the context. This one is simply saying "The more at peace you are, the more at peace with others you will be"

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Is that mood or lifestyle?

  8. My cat will be 18 this Christmas. He's not doing well though, he can't eat and his liver is having problems. Going to say goodbye this week.

    1. weesh


      I'm sorry to hear that. What's his name?

    2. Manestream


      Rudy, for Rudolph- we got him over the holidays all those years ago :')

    3. Linkhopper


      I know that feel ;____;

      My cat pancake died of throat cancer at the age of ten a few months ago. :(

  9. wow... i've been promoted for ONE day, and i'm now being sent to interviews for another promotion. Cross your fingers for me everypony! When all this is done, i'll have a lot more time to spend here on the boards!

    1. Dessa


      If you're half as competent RL as you are online, then you're a no-brainer for promotion. Go get 'em, champ!

    2. Manestream
  10. Well, looks like everyone on my project at work may be let go. Client doesnt like that we cant handle more work when they wont let us hire more people. Stressful times.

    1. tacobob


      Sorry to hear that. :(

    2. Rosewind


      Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that, Mane. I just got laid off myself, so I can commiserate with your situation.

  11. Last two days of work at Sbux! And it is rainstorm CRAZY busy!

    1. Haseo


      I know that feeling, got hired for a temp position over here. I knew that Starbucks was busy, but HOLY COW it's like Black Friday 24/7 it seems!

      Note to self: Get job outside of mall ;-;

    2. Dessa


      Mall jobs are brutal, especially around this time of year.

  12. Thank you for loving me- I'm learning to love myself.

  13. Two days until wedding- crazy time. Sick today too, but resting to get better before wedding

  14. Here safely at anthrocon! Met up with Artax, got our room, got food, and now i can finally sleep!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Keep away from strangers!

    2. Dessa


      Keep an eye on him. Those internet people are dangerous.

  15. Flight to Houston- 5 Mins behind sched. The flight is oversold- hopefully won't be an issue

    1. Hippo



    2. Manestream


      on my way to pitsburg :3

  16. Done with Jury duty- not a juror, time to enjoy birthday shenanigans, and cake!

    1. Davroth


      Duty didn't call. Celestia be blessed. Have fun with your celebrations. :)

    2. tacobob


      Lucky you. Last time I did jury duty, I was placed in the jury. Murder case. Lasted an entire week. Hope you had a birthday filled with cakenanigans! mmm.

  17. Cleaning House, and thinking about Artax! Wishing him a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you!

    1. BaconofChaos


      What happened to Artax? D:

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Check his status update(s) Diego.

  18. getting married in less than 24 hours :') oh my~!

    1. frenzyhero


      What are you doing on Canterlot? What kind of wedding will it be?

  19. Sorry guys- I know there is a LOT to do on the forum, just need a few days to unpack after moving, and see if I have a new job or not. Be back in action very soon, and in full force.

    1. Davroth


      Don't worry, Mane. The fires will still be roaring as usually when you return. :)

  20. Had a surprise audition today- didnt quite pass. I thought I did horrendous, but they said I had almost passed- so here's hoping on try #2

    1. weesh


      How much advance warning did you get? A surprise audition sounds terrifying.

  21. Bachelorette party is going well, but Internet doesn't work here, and reception is spotty unless in town. Be back on forums soon- sorry guys

  22. Watching How to train your dragon and Tangled back to back, all the good music and sappyness makes me wanna cry xD

    1. Chocoswirl


      I really liked those movies! ^^

  23. Whew. RL really kicking my butt lately. Got off work an hour late- didnt get to Kat's until around Midnight 30. So much to do, so little time- but this is a good time in my life. I am tired, yeah, but I am working on a forum and project I love. I'm in a job that I enjoy, and i'm advancing upward quickly. Been thinking about starting a blog; I notice a lot of things in my line of work I think would be interesting to share.

    1. Dessa


      go for it! You've got at least one subscriber here.

  24. Empathy should be the ultimate pursuit- for in achieving it, you live through others, and experience more than any one person ever could alone.

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