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Everything posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. ((I believe the word you are looking for is Rampant. And all I did was play off of the dangerous tree thing. I explained why Midnight and Stardust were there, so I hope none of that was directed at me If so, I apologize deeply Whitefeather, for I did not intend to ruin your RP. If you wish me to leave, I shall do so. Otherwise, I have no idea what's going on here, so I will just rp A reaction from Stardust if that's okay.)) Stardust turned around to face Whitefeather. She lowered herself a bit, and whispered [colour=orange]Lovely to meet you too, Whitefeather. I do hope everything is alright. I don't like the look of that shadowmaster bloke.[/colour] Stardust then heard the yells of Harvest Moon, and looked to the origin of the knows. [colour=orange]Know anyone named Autumn Moon? Sounds like he could use some help.[/colour] she said, determination in her voice. [colour=orange]Come on, we need to get you out of here[/colour] she said, holding a hoof out to Whitefeather. [colour=blue]Excellent idea, I should go with you two[/colour] Midnight said, trotting towards the two mares.
  2. Midnight was shocked at this. [colour=blue]Alright, fine. What do you want, sorcerer?[/colour] he said stepping closer to the colt. Stardust, seeing Midnight move, stepped in front of Whitefeather to take his place. [colour=orange]You'll be fine mate, I'm here. I'm Stardust, Midnight's marefriend. What's your name?[/colour] she whispered to Whitefeather to calm her down
  3. My two main OC's: Midnight Blackhorn: The one I put my logical, cynical side into. He's a writer, which is one of my talents, and very intelectual. Always curious, always learning, always working. That's one side of me. Stardust: I have always related to female characters more for some reason, which is why Stardust is female. Stardust represents a more humorous, more light-hearted side of me. She is almost always relaxed, and loves to preform, but gets really nervous when preforming in front of others, thinking she won't be good enough. She represents my insecurities as a whole. She also represents one path I hope to take in life: Music. To be honest between the two of them, I prefer to RP as Stardust, but it depends on my mood some days. I've been told she is too close to Rainbow Dash, but while Rainbow Dash is a small influence on some things about her (the fact she's a pegesus) her personallity is dramaticly different in the sense that she doesn't like to lead, or ironicly be put in the spotlight. She's fine where she is.
  4. Rock/Metel eh? I like! But where are my manners! My name is Midnight, but you may call me Eric if you wish
  5. Midnight still didn't want to chance it, so he stayed in front of Whitefeather. [colour=blue]I don't know if I can trust you. Is there some way to prove yourself?[/colour] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Stardust spotted Midnight on the ground below. [colour=orange]You! Where in Equestria have you been![/colour] Stardust started tearing up, so she turned away. [colour=orange] I was worried sick about you![/colour]
  6. I guess that gives me the upper hand? Or hoof? Whatever... I won't greet you with text, I've done it in the vid already xD I lol'd Anywho, Welcome to Canterlot! What sort of band is yours? I'm a punk/rock fan myself
  7. Midnight looked sternly at the new colt, stepping in front of Whitefeather to protect her from any hostile magic. [colour=blue]And why in Luna's name should we trust you?[/colour] he asked coldly, eyes sparking blue. Flying overhead, Stardust was searching for Midnight in the woods. She knew she'd find him, but she was starting to worry, since Midnight had missed their date earlier that afternoon. [colour=orange]Luna's flank Midnight, when I find you, they'll bury what's left of you in soup can[/colour]
  8. Midnight looked back at Tipper, nudged Whitefeather to get her attention, pointed at Tipper and laughed.
  9. Nope, so knock him out of the wheelchair, then yell at him
  10. Stardust walked into the salon, not knowing what to expect. She never cared enough about her mane to go into a salon, but she had today off from work, and hey, first time for everything right? She didn't have the foggiest clue what to do now, so she just waited over by the door.
  11. Hello there! My name's Midnight, but you can call me Eric. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope to see you around
  12. Any time you want for the free rp section. As for mane Rp, you must submit an application for a character, then have it approved by a senior rp helpet. Then you can post in manerp
  13. Midnight walked alongside Whitefeather and od along with her the whole way. He rather enjoyed her company as well
  14. Midnight laughed. [colour=blue]Indeed. Would you like me to accompany you to find your companion?[/colour]
  15. Stardust plays guitar, but that's about it. So where could she fit in here?
  16. RainbowPie or TwiDash myself. Guess I'm a shipping kind of person too. *shrugs* Anyways, Welcome to Canterlot! I'm terrible at art myself, but I do write, so, meh. You can call me Midnight, Or Eric if you prefer. This is probably the friendliest community I've ever been involved in, and I would love to see some of your art sometime!
  17. HOLY WALL OF TEXT! ......Sorry about that Anyways, Hello there! My name IS Midnight, but you may call me Eric. I'm a writer myself, and a huge punk rock fan. As for RP, I'm looking foreward to seeing your RP skills. I love RPing too!
  18. Hello there! I am also called Midnight, but I'm Midnight Blackhorn. Funny eh? Anyways, you can call me Eric! Be mindfull of that Linkhopper! He specializes in cyanide, so make sure he doesn't touch your food!
  19. Hello, I'm Midnight, but you may call me Eric! I look foreward to seeing your art
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