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Everything posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. I'll give this 2 more days. If nopony else is interested, there's no point in starting the topic
  2. Wait, soo you mean to tell me the times i looked up how to spell aubergine were all pointless? Luna's flank i'm stupid
  3. Hearing Overeasy's voice saying something about the princess convinced Stardust to follow her voice to find out what was going on. [colour=orange] Hello? Who's there?[/colour]
  4. [colour=blue]Very well, I will stay put. Wait, did you say.....Shadows? Oh dear, umm do hurry![/colour]
  5. Stardust left the area as fast as she could. When outside, she called out "Hello? Anypony there?"
  6. Hey there! My name's Midnight Blackhorn, but you may call me Midnight, or Eric (Coincidences eh?) if you wish. So what kind of music are you into? also, do you watch Dr. Who?
  7. Stardust searched for the weight. She flew up and looked around. It wasn't long before she found it lodged under a rock. She grabbed it and pulled. The object was heavier than it looked, but nothing she couldn't handle. She put the weight on the pressure pad [colour=#ffa500]See? Easy![/colour]
  8. Ohay I was wondering about that. So, any idea how long the process regarding the ManeRP will take?
  9. Sherlock Holmes, duh. Anyone else say Elementary my dear Wattson on a daily basis?
  10. Basically, we start at A, then go through all the leeters of the alphabet. The objective is to post an Image of something that starts with the current letter. For instance, let's say it's on O. I post an image of something that starts with O (I.e. an owl), then the next person does P, and so on. I'll start: A is for aubergine
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