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Everything posted by Dessa

  1. I'll like it for you then. A bow feels so wrong on AJ.
  2. Judge you? Dude, G1 is the good stuff.
  3. Is anypony recording his heads batted in?
  4. Dessa


    Myself and any pony on the show... Except Derpy. I'd rather have good binocular vision than be a pony.
  5. Dessa


    Actually, I'm really happy you said this, since it was what I was going for in the first place!
  6. From the album: Pixelry

    Cinnamon Twist -- My half of an art trade with Cinnamon Twist. So this is their OC, my design. A bit of an experiment. Originally, I wanted to make her look like a big cinnamon roll, but as I worked on it, I just couldn't make that work. Partway through, I opted to emphasize the various swirls and called it a day. I had a lot of fun working with just 2 colors. I tend to want to use TOO MANY colors for my arts (See Rue as an example of this), but with 2, there's no problem. Messing with those dithers was a lot of fun, and IMO it's this piece's strong point. In terms of the pixelling technique, I'm inclined to call it a success, but the composition lacks clarity and focus.
  7. Dessa

    Sparkle Jump!

  8. Announcer is mayor. That was confirmed a while back. I'm almost certain Spike will be on the roster of fighters. Just makes sense.
  9. Poseida, how U get so good?
  10. Dessa

    Golden Petal

    Yeah, there's something about this that I like. It's charming.
  11. Asta, this is magnificent. It really captures the menacing side of Discord well.
  12. Dessa


    A BOSS. Right now she's all "Swoosh! I'm bousta schedule some meetings up in this!"
  13. Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? 4Chan introduced the show itself to the Internet. 4Chan invented the brony. It's an awful, terrible place where awful, terrible things happen, but every now and again it produces something beautiful... Somehow.
  14. 4 lines, including any html, so long links will count toward the limit. Use a URL shortener to keep the characters down.
  15. The shine adds lotsa 'zaz!
  16. Dessa

    Wassup Spike!

    Looks like Spike needs to cut back on those gems.
  17. This image contains every thinkable kind of awesome. I want to marry Professor Cotton-Candy there.
  18. Notice how there appear to be no female dragons? My headcanon: The great dragon migration is about mating. They're out to get to wherever the female dragons are. The adults don't seem to interact, just the teens. Just like some animals, adolescent dragons team up, but eventually develop into solitary creatures as they mature.
  19. It's in Nightmare Moon's nature to cause eternal night. It's not her fault if everyone dies. She's like wolf that hunts rabbits. Isn't that how this argument is supposed to go? Of course it wasn't caused by Discord. Ginger Mint mentioned that as the sort of speculative gobbledygook used to justify Discord's evil. What if Applejack is secretly Megan from G1? Now disprove it. DO IT. Disprove this ridiculous statement. Then I will disprove the wild speculation that Discord was a cool dude way back before he was randomly imprisoned for undefined reasons.
  20. Even the guilty resent their sentences. Yes, I'd be mad if I was imprisoned for a thousand years, of course I would be. But what of redemption? Luna faced a similar sentence and now she seems quite reformed. Why did the elements banish the evil in Nightmare Moon and simply imprison Discord in stone? Perhaps Discords evil is unbanishable. Why? because he is a deity in a morality play, and his actions are meant to be interpreted as the very essence of his character. He literally personifies Discord, and his behavior is to be taken as the author's interpretation of the concept. His behavio, that which we see, is unequivocally evil. He attempted to make eternal the suffering of the mane 6, and that he failed to do so doesn't exonerate him of his evil intentions. We don't forgive attempted murderers after all, no matter how miserably they fail.
  21. " Celestia could have easily determined it was going to be worse this time around because Discord was out for vengeance against her." ... Discord had no real intent and was doing what he was basically born in this world to do. Palpatine and Voldemort BOTH actively chose to go down the path of death and destruction. Discord never had a choice as the negative side of the balancing act of the world." Okay, so first you speculate Discord is out for revenge, and then you say he was born to a purpose, and couldn't choose his own actions. If he acted to get vengeance, that suggests he had a choice about what he did. The very idea that he would seek vengeance against Celestia means he made the DECISION to do what he did, and is like Voldemort. And if he didn't make the decision, then Celestia was right when she predicted his behavior because she had seen it in the past. So in one case, Discord is evil because he chose to be a jerk, and in the other case, he's evil because he embodies an evil. HE'S EVIL. Making up excuses for him out of thin air doesn't make this any less so. Just like making up excuses for Voldemort that probably never happened makes Voldemort any less evil. All this circumstantial evidence amounts to nothing more than desperate speculation brazenly invented to defend the indefensible. You know you've lost, so you're clinging to a few unlikely maybes. Whereas all of the evidence we can actually see and verify disagrees with your claim. So to review: We see Discord do evil things. We speculate he might have done things not evil. We conclude he's really not all that bad. I think you broke a logic, Stars Wirl He-Bearded.
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