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Status Replies posted by Windwright

  1. Spent the good part of the day watching actual equines race for the amusement of humans, if anybody's curious.

    1. Windwright


      Is it time for the Running of the Leaves already?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Moving has started in earnest!  I'll be out of the RP game through Saturday, when I'll hopefully be set up at the new place.

    1. Windwright


      Good luck! We'll keep things ready for when you get back.

  3. I've been getting into anime recently, and I wanna know which ones you recommend. I've already seen Attack on Titan, One punch man, DBZ, Naruto, One piece, and my favorite of all of them, Cowboy Bebop.

    1. Windwright


      Currently addicted to Black Butler, but I can also recommend Fate/Zero, and Fate/Stay Night with gusto.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Taking suggestions for a cutie mark: what would be good for a pony that has many enthusiasms, but a short attention span for each?

  5. Remember people, the Gallery is for your original art, or art done for you as gifts/commissions, not for screenshots or downloaded vectors, favorite art, etc. Use a image host for that stuff!

    1. Windwright


      Too much Doctor Who lately. I just read that as 'Gallifrey'...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Going to be inactive for an unknown period of time. A couple weeks at the most. Things have been going on and getting progressively worse...ah, you get the point. Again, sorry for my inactivity. :/

    1. Windwright


      Take care of yourself first. We'll be waiting for you when you get back.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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