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Everything posted by Armony

  1. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  2. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! Your grammar actually looks very good to me, at least from what you've posted so far. Also, if you'd like a proofreader for fanfiction, I'd be willing to help out with that (I compulsively edit fanfics as I'm reading them anyway).
  3. Have some tons more songs! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAk6d58Ri60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPX45fF1AAo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43vX_Mrv4A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI-MBQY8KFE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qhr1f9NDzA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbgz0VjyTv4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKTCe4F3Oco
  4. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  5. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. Armony


    Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  7. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  8. Working Black Friday at fast food is like working the Saturday morning rush, except the rush lasts all day and not half of the day.

  9. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  10. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  11. Armony


    Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  12. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  13. When Doctor Betterbones spoke up, Arnica immediately started arguing her point, having expected to meet with rejection. "I understand you may not tr... wait, what? Are you serious, you really want me working here!? I... I..." She couldn't quite find words that would adequately voice her emotion at finally having a job and being able to help others again. After a moment of incoherent stammering, she settled with a "Thank you!" That phrase could never describe the happiness that flooded her at that moment, but it would have to do until she could show that elation through her work. The other doctor seemed to be looking around his office absentmindedly, as if he had come here for another reason and forgotten. As he was doing so, he told her about the empty space in the building, and told her she could feel free to live in the building. That would mean no more paying to stay at an inn, on top of having a job again! She made a mental note to look through the unused rooms later, when there weren't other things to be handled, and pick one out for herself. She didn't own any furniture to move into it, but she thought she had at least enough money to get a desk in and sleep on the floor until she made enough to buy a proper bed. Her train of thought was once again interrupted by Doctor Betterbones, this time voicing exactly what she had thought had happened; he forgot why he came here. She didn't even know why he came here. "Oh, I hate it when that happens. I thought the only reason you came here was to talk, so I can't really help you remember either. Why don't we go check on how Orange is doing? I'd rather not leave an intoxicated patient alone any longer than necessary, especially when they looked like they were in an explo..." Something dawned on Arnica just then, a possible explanation for Orange's presence in the clinic. "He wasn't actually in an explosion, was he?" Not waiting for a response, she hurried out of the office and back to the room where they had left the drunken pegasus. The sight she was greeted with inside caused her to smack a hoof against her forehead, just under her horn. In the absence of the two doctors, Orange had begun bouncing around the room excitedly, still swaying slightly in his inebriation. She cleared her throat in an attempt to get his attention, and as a way to buy time to figure out exactly what she was going to say. "Orange, you weren't... You weren't in an explosion before you came here, were you?" she asked him, forcing her voice to be as calm as possible and fearing that he may be severely dehydrated, on top of being drunk.
  14. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  15. Brought home lots of burns today. That grease was out to get me!

  16. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  17. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  18. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  19. Armony

    Um, Hi.

    Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! Hooray, more potential for RP goodness!
  20. Just bought the Humble Introversion Bundle. CRAYON PHYSICS!!!

  21. Arnica was becoming increasingly concerned with the state of the orange pegasus as he swayed back and forth, obviously intoxicated by the vodka he had drank. She had no way of knowing how much he had drank, but she took it as good, at least for now, that he wasn't passed out. Whether that was good or bad, things seemed to be much more relaxed down here than in the clinics up in Canterlot, and that was definitely to her liking, thus far. At Doctor Betterbones' words, she slid off her saddlebags and set them next to the wall, careful not to cause too much shock to them, for fear of anything breaking. While she did so, the other doctor returned his attention to his patient, and he looked uncomfortable about the situation he had been caught in. Was he afraid that Arnica was going to report him for allowing a patient to drink while under medical care? She couldn't be sure, but if that was the source of his discomfort, it was quite silly; she could really care less, as long as he wasn't intoxicated to the point where it became a threat to his health, or as a means to escape from his mental anguish. She might have to ask about the patient later, if she got accepted on as a business partner here. Thinking about work again, she realized with a start that she had completely forgotten to mention what exactly it was that she did in the medical field during her brief introduction. Before she could correct that mistake, Doctor Betterbones told Orange to stay, and pointed at her and demanded that she walk and talk with him. Arnica was already accustomed to the tendency some doctors had to be more short with their words than they meant to be when under pressure, so she took no offense and accompanied him down the hall. He was moving very quickly, and once again she couldn't help but feel that he was embarrased over the state his patient was in. And honestly, if she had been caught in the same situation, she would be pretty embarassed herself, and she wouldn't be as good as he was at hiding it. They came to a stop outside a door leading off to... another room, she assumed, perhaps his real office. When the other doctor paused for her to respond to his statements on the way there, she said "I've already noticed things are quite different down here; far more... lenient, than what I've become accustomed to in Canterlot. The real reward, at least for me, is helping others, regardless of the procedure, or lack thereof. So, yes, I'm still willing to try working here in Solstice Heights." Nearly forgetting once again to tell him what it is she did, she smacked a hoof into her face and added "And before I forget, once again, to tell you, I've got a pretty good working knowledge of just about any medical topic, though my specialties are in handling bruising, sprains, and strains."
  22. Look at all those trophies. That's freakin' awesome. You're also catching up with me in post count!
  23. Just my luck, Arnica thought to herself as she watched the eccentric earth pony stammered out his response, I frighten the first pony I meet in the morning. She decided not to worry too much about it for now, feeling that she had legitimately startled him and that he would calm down with some conversation. So, she responded with "Well, what kind of information? Transportation to where? And, most importantly, what kind of supplies?" She glanced back at the saddlebags she was carrying, already feeling the weight of her possessions causing her meager bodily strength to slowly ebb away. "I have some medical supplies on me that I might be convinced to part with, but that's about it, unfortunately." She set the bags down on the ground as she was talking, and opened up each flap for the stallion to see inside. In the bags, there were two identical first aid kits, all fully stocked and ready to use. She wasn't going to part with those very easily, at least not until she managed to find a place to set up her practice and had the steady income to replace them. She also had her pair of dissection kits stored within, those particular tools reflecting back the rays of the rising sun. Sitting around these kits were an assortment of bandages, water bottles, and pill bottles; a small examination torch; a flashlight; and her small collection of elastic stress balls. Littered around the bottom of one of the bags were the paltry remains of all the money she had brought down from Canterlot, perhaps enough for her to keep up her search for another two days, and a folded bit of paper. "If you see anything here you might need, I'll give you a reasonable price."
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