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Everything posted by themanofpokemon

  1. Thats great! I wish icould do that, but alas, i do not own photoshop.
  2. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! Welcome! Guten tag! How are you? What are your interests, other than ponies?
  3. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! Welcome! How are you?
  4. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Welcome! How are you? "Ametuer graphics enthusiast" What does that entail, exactly?
  5. when you order pizza from papa johns and request rainbow dash to be drawn on the box. and then it actually happens. no, ive only seen it. i havent done it.
  6. beating super mario galaxy completly for the first time with Luigi and Mario. AMAZING. Also, the trash destroying stars were a pain in the butt. seriously... Getting all of the star coins in any mario game. so difficult...
  7. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! How are you? I would have a question, but Bellosh stole it! :!:
  8. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Welcome! How are you? Have a good time!
  9. Howdy! Hello! Greetings! Salutations! Welcome! How are you? What do you draw? Manely ponies, or other things?
  10. Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Welcome! How are you? Ah, I can't come up with an original question! not enough info! oh, wait.... There! tell me more about yourself! haha!
  11. Hello! Welcome! How are you? Also, what tabletop rpgs do you play? D&D? Pathfinder? Dark Heresy? What?
  12. Welcome! Im a new person here as well, so dont ask me anything. ever. lol
  13. Ok. List time. 1: A new wii, because our old ones disc drive didnt work 2: several orange shirts 3: A new, awesome looking fedora 4: new headphones and earbuds 5: $250 towards drivers training 6: a new watch 7: a new body pillow, because my little bro ripped apart the old one 8: A pair of jeans (which were not orange, sadly) 9: MLP: FiM a canterlot wedding dvd (YUSH ) 10: some body sprays 11: A Pair of converse (which are actually faded glory (which i am curently drawing rainbows and rainbow dash on ))
  14. Welcome fellow newbie! I am going to be your friend. Is that ok?
  15. Thanks! I'm also wondering why exactly you like my mane? Thankee! Why, thank you!
  16. oookkay, i dont those apples either now. ill just leave for Apple Jack
  17. I will! *pulls 2-liter of mountain dew out of the fridge* Oh, I will. hehehe.... Thanks! I'll be sure to check it fully at some point. i went over it a little bit last night. Yush.the fred fred burger thing is totally unexpected coming from anyone. i didnt think anybody remembered the grim adventures of billy and mandy. sadly, this is not a reference to him.
  18. what if i dont like THOSE apples, but i do like THESE apples? over here on the right? *points to random bucket of apples*
  19. Well, i dont know about the furry thing because I'm kinda into the whole idea, but i have no idea where to get started. Like, i dont know what animal i would be. anywho, welcome fellow newbie! (love bronies . so friendly.)
  20. Ah, but good sir, the hat you seem to be wearing, is a TRILBY fedora. as opposed to the doctor, who is wearing a genuine fedora. real fedoras usually have about 2 inchs or more brimwise. anyway, heres a question for you. How many fedoras do you own?
  21. ahhh, that is a good question. none, I'm afraid. Only some pokemon rps and a couple other random ones. but i do have experience in the rp category. dont you worry bout that!
  22. About Myself: I like to socialize, be friendly, and act cool. Ohio. Total spaz. fedoras forever. How I found Canterlot.com: wanted to find a pony rp! How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My Friend Dylan, was all like "you should watch this" and being a very open person, I said "OKAY!". Thats where the trouble started! My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie Oh hai! I'm the most amazing, friendly, coolest person ever. Yush. I am also apparently self-absorbed. Yush. I find the brony fan-group to be the most lax, friendliest, amazing people ill ever know. EVER! big nintendo nerd. i Watch lots of streams and lets plays. i Has a rarely used deviantArt account. Also has skype. wants to get to know you. loves being a spaz. talks too much. Wants YOU to talk now!
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