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Everything posted by brianblackberry

  1. I had thought about that myself, but all the hints I have given had come back showing the negative, that the program is dismissed outright as some "silly little girls show". For myself I used the excuse my nieces love MLP as an excuse to bring it up. I also drop little phrases such as "needs to be 20% cooler". Sadly I am the only bronie at $employer and my coworkers would view my fannish devotion as something bizarre if they found out. So a closet bronie I stay.
  2. Carrot Fields gave a shy smile, listening to Bolt's questions, still finding it hard to believe that a filly this pretty could be interested in astronomy like he was.  Sure, it was one of his passions, perhaps the greatest one, but no one else ever shared his interest - at the most, they just smiled politely and nodded when he excitedly enthused over stars, constellations, and so on.  Bolt, though, seemed genuinely interested.  A nagging bit of doubt whispered in the back of his mind, Don't be stupid, she's not really interested, she's just trying to be polite.  He steeled himself and yelled back, still only in the silence of his mind, No! Not this time!  I'm not letting you sabotage this!  He would be respectful, he'd take her at his word, he'd give this a chance! All this took only a few moments, and he looked up with a nervous grin on his face, a shaky confidence swelling through him.  "Oi've been reading up on th' night sky e'er since oi was a wee bairn!  E'er since 'at first day Oi got tae get up high, an' see th' night sky full bhoona, from horizon tae horizon!  Me kin got me a copy ah The Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac of All Things Astronomy, an' Oi was quite a happy foal!" Carrot's ears were perked up with his excitement, and his shaky confidence was growing stronger as he talked, and watched the happy smile and genuine interest on Bolt's face.  "Oi don't care if they're silly.  Oi ken a buncha th' real names're silly.  Just came about cause some colt or filly was sittin' on a hill an' said, "Oye!  Dinnae that look loik a boat?" er some such.  Oi'd love tae hear yer creative names, silly as they moight be, an' yer story story fer each one."  He really was looking forward to it, too - spending the night out with a cute filly - true, he'd just met her, but ... there was just something about her that started to make him feel more at ease, more relaxed around her than around most other fillies. At Dash's comment, though, all that nervousness came rushing back.  Lovebirds?!  Oh, geez... he'd been presuming too much, hadn't he?  Not that he'd actually expected anything to happen, but ... oh, how embarrassing!  And what if that made Bolt embarrassed, too?  Sure, she was cute, and plus she liked stars, which just made her all the cuter!  But ... Argh!  Why'd she have tae say that?  Did Oi do sommat wrong? ... ... ... Does she know something about what Bolt feels that I don't?  The unexpected positive thought just caused Carrot to flush harder, ducking his head to hide the little nervous, goofy grin that was spread across his face. Fortunately, they were at the post office!  He'd almost forgotten about it!  "Aye, 'ere we are!  Thankee sae much, Dash!"  he exclaimed with a little too much excitement, wanting to somehow lessen the impact of Dash's previous question and change the subject.  Well at least now he knew where it was at, although it didn't seem all that important anymore.  His mind was on other things now, especially ... oh, he forgot to ask her what night would be good for her!  He was almost scared to ask, after Dash's teasing. Carrot nervously looked up at Dash, then to Bolt, "Thankee both of ye lasses, fer helpin' me get here!  Was right kind of ye!"  He pawed at the ground with one forehoof.  "So ... umm ... were ye wantin' tae see th' stars taemorrae noit?  Oi know there's a great hill just o'er that way.." he gestured to one direction with a forehoof.  "There were a good bunch a' ponies watchin' th' meteor shower a couple weeks by!"
  3. Martini continued her cheerful demeanor in the hope that it would put the orange unicorn more at ease, hiding the worry she felt for the likable unicorn. She didn't want to pry - but it was her job to be a good listener, and she just plain liked being social and talkative. "Actually, from what I heard, Canterlot is the best place to go to improve one's magic, I am sure you can do your family proud there!" She smiled encouragingly, not sure entirely what more to say. She just wanted him to feel at ease. The thing that struck her as most unusual, however, was his cutie mark. He didn't seem too sure one what it meant - which was odd. It was, after all, an outward symbol of a very personal and life-changing realization, a representation of their special talent, their potential, and what they wanted to be. Everyone she'd ever met was proud of their cutie mark! "You guess?" She asked with mix of curiosity and surprise. "Well, hon, if you don't find it too personal a question for me to ask ... If you're a jeweler, why is your cutie mark an uncut stone? How'd you get your cutie mark? What were you doing, that you loved, when it appeared for you?" She gave a slightly awkward smile, hoping maybe if he told her, it be a happy story that would make him feel more comfortable. After all, who didn't like talking about the origin of their cute mark? The cutie mark was always the happiest and most exciting moment of a foal's coming of age, and he seemed to need a reminder of what had so moved him when he was younger.
  4. Evolution could, but it be a very long development since there are no creatures on the Earth today remotely close to dragons or phoenixes or hydra. By the time such species developed naturally from anything today (and to be honest it have to be some special environmental factors involved to ever "guide" evolution along such routes), anything remaining of human civilization would be so long gone, pony-kind would never use our technology or culture at all. I could see it has much more plausible that sentient ponies (along with Pegasus and unicorns), dragons, phoenixes, etc. Were the result of severe, long-term purposeful genetic tampering for whatever scientific reasoning (even if it was just curiosity).
  5. Trixie at first thought about dismissing the whole affair with this "Doctor Hooves" and moving on, ignoring the griffin's eagerness to test his absurd contraption.  What an exceedingly rude Earth Pony, having the gall to refer to her as "Rikki", even after she informed him of her real and beautiful name! The Great and Powerful Trixie could handle local showoffs or hecklers in the crowd with aplomb.  She could handle challenges without fear.  She could show-up local unicorn toughs without breaking a sweat.  Hardship was nothing, she always bounced back stronger and more showy than ever. But if there was one thing she simply could not bear, it was to be ignored and dismissed. And besides, she had to admit a tiny little tidbit of curiosity ... what if this so-called Doctor really did have some way to detect magic? So be it.  If he needed a display of magic to test his ridiculous little toy, then he was going to get the most spectacular display of magic ever!  He WOULD acknowledge the awe and majesty of the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE! Trixie just smiled at Lola, "My dear student, I, The Great and Powerful Lady Trixie, would be happy to exhibit her magnificent skill for the testing of this device!" Trixie looked about and quickly noted an open grass field full of flowers near the forest canopy, plenty of room to put on a large display. "Not the stage I am used to using, but I believe that will be barely adequate for my needs!" she stated rather proudly while pointing to the field with her forehoof.  "I will perform for you from over yonder!  We will finally see if this "Doctor" is telling the truth or is just another crackpot earth pony who only pretends to understand the mysterious nature of magic!  Be prepared to be in awe!" Trixie made her way quickly over to the center of the field, barely visible to her audience, but it didn't matter, her show will a big enough display. Her horn began to glow its soft purple color.  She lowered her head, focusing upon her magic like she hadn't in years.  Yes, this was perhaps what had happened... she was so used to being so wonderful, so powerful, of having everything so easy, that she'd become lazy.  That wretched purple show-off had given it her all, but Trixie herself had been coasting by on her own incredible talent.  Perhaps it was time to really study and improve once again.  The energy flowing through her filled her with life.  The purple glow from her horn swelled in size and brightness as the power swelled within her. If there was one thing that Trixie prized as much as her magic, it was her showmanship.  A crowd needed a big showy start to get their attention ... but a work of art, for an attentive audience, that was something else again.  She started small, just gathering her power, sending a soft wind across the grass around her, bending it away from her, and the taller grass and flowers as well, until a strong wind was bending everything away from her, Trixie herself standing at the epicenter with her cloak billowing around her. Then, from the glow of her horn - soft purple petals started to appear, as if from nowhere, carried on this wind to create a delicate display, swirling in patterns throughout the air, natural patterns that shifted and changed, wind currents drawn out by the soft petals. Suddenly the wind ceased, and died, the petals floating downwards, touching over everything, for several long moments... Suddenly the wind started up again, but this time in the opposite direction.  The plants which had all been pulling away from her were now drawn to her by the wind that built in intensity, pulling the petals in towards her, all spiraling in to the tip of her horn, drawing in all the power she'd just expelled, and more besides.  Gathering to deliver the show, till her horn was glowing more fiercely than ever!  And as water came flying in, drawn by the pull of her horn, it splashed around her to form a rainbow above her. Once again the wind subsided, but Trixie did not rest.  The glow suffused her horn, casting a purple light upon everything nearby, the long grasses surrounding her bobbing in the sudden stillness.  No, not bobbing - rocking back and forth, dancing.  Tall blossoms appeared, with long leaves like arms that waved in a sinuous dance Trixie had seen ponies dancing once in the tropical islands.  Notes appeared, sliding across the rainbow scale, throbbing as the notes played a phantom music.  It started slow, gentle, quavering, but it started to build as if something huge was coming.  Something dramatic! Little bunnies, now glowing purple from her magic, danced out of the long grasses, their legs lifting high as the music started to incorporate elements of a cha-cha she'd heard in another far-off city at the other end of Equestria.  Butterflies swirled around her, also glowing with the purple of her magic, making living aerial displays above the dancing bunnies, the swarms bursting and then coming back together with the large drum-beats of the music. And then massive six-foot-tall flowers erupted from the ground behind her, as Trixie tossed her head dramatically, the massive daisies rocking and bobbing and swaying in an energetic dance!  And before one could even register that, another two erupted, and another two!  Till there was an entire row of giant flowers dancing behind Trixie, and whole flights of butterflies decorating the air! Light and sound and scent erupted, and everywhere something different to look at!  Leaves pirouetting, squirrels doing a tapdance, even the ground itself *shivering* as if the very dirt was a massive drum!  Action and music and dancing and movement!  A GRAND CLIMAX! And then Trixie sagged, lowered her head, though her horn stayed glowing just as brightly.  The dancers all ceased, all turned towards Trixie, raising paws and leaves towards her in supplication.  Two long seconds of utter silence and stillness... From Trixie's horn, great gouts of flame - gold, red, green, of every color imaginable - rocketed towards the sky, exploding in giant blooms of fireworks, lighting everything with fantastic colors and thudding booms so loud it rocked you back on hooves, claws, or paws.  For half a minute her horn spit out the massive fireworks, with every last ounce of magic she could muster!  And for a true GRAND FINALE!  She let loose with blue and purple into the sky, constant streams of spark and flame from her horn, to create the image of her beautiful, wonderful face, thirty feet tall in the sky! Finally, she collapsed, panting desperately, worn to the absolute limit by the spectacular performance.  Trying desperately to suck in a little air to sooth her burning lungs, she half-opened her eyes with a broad grin, ready to receive the accolades for her talent.  All the bunnies and squirrels and butterflies had fled during the fireworks display, all the new flowers disappeared as if they had never been, leaving only Trixie there, the sole target of any adulation and praise.
  6. We know Rainbow Dash is a character that has been around since G3, but back then she was this generic stereotype of "the girl who is all about fashion and shopping", basically sort of like Rarity but without all the character depth and developed persona. From what I am told Lauren wanted a tomboy, athletic character for the cast and had to fight hard to make that happen, as Hasbro was initially quite against the idea. They relented and that is how she started as the RD we all know and love. Most likely then it is coincidence.
  7. What the hell is that? XD I believe it is a Flash "tween" error, where they turned part of his face in animation but forgot to set that same turn in the other layers for the rest of it (such as the eye , hair, etc).
  8. Well we know they will bring back Luna, and there will be some major new baddie to face. As for major story arcs, we shouldn't expect those as Lauren did want to write out the first season that way but Hasbro required it to be episodic. I would expect a Dash-Scootaloo episode where perhaps Scoot has to learn to find her won way and hero worship so much and Dash will learn that it is bad to take advantage of someone who does hero worship her as Scoot does. It be nice if Trixie, Gilda, and Braeburn appear again.
  9. All of those I think can be explained away: 1. Applejack said she was the last in her class, but also younger then the CMC when she got her mark, which could easily be true, as the CMC formed because it would appear that by their age most foals indeed have their mark. 2. Dash said she was the first in her class to get her cutie mark. There is no reason to assume those two jock foals are in her class, they may be older. 3. Faust said Dash wouldn't treat a younger sibling well. Fluttershy is neither younger nor a sibling. 4. Spike stated his egg was purple and green, instead of light purple with darker purple spots. How would he remember what his egg looked like? He may just assumed it was since he is purple and green. 5. Pinky said her grandmother taught her to laugh things away. It could be her parents adopted their 'no talking, no laughing' lifestyle or one of them married into it. 6. The jock claims the Rainboom is bull, he may not have seen it (as he crashed early), or he may simply deny that she could do it (out of pride).
  10. I think people here have generally covered the reasons why, both positive (She gives the LGBT community a character they can see as an unofficial representative), and negative (because she is a tomboy, aggressive, athletic), and even neutral (her hair is rainbow colored). Nothing is wrong with viewing her as a lesbian character, or writing her as such in fanfic, or drawing her as such in art. What is, I believe, is wrong is insisting that she is a lesbian as some sort of fanon "rule", or worse as pseudo-canon and that people who draw or write her otherwise are somehow "in the wrong". My view if you are going to do RD art or fiction, in which her sexuality is any sort of a factor, wither straight, bi, or lesbian, its all good; as long as you draw/write her in character. And if you can't decide you can always make her what my friend refers to her as "bi-winning".
  11. [u Royal Mad?] -- Successfully troll Princess Celestia
  12. I swear, somepony at some point needs to use HAYDOKEN! In the RP, because that is waaay too awesome not to use. Double plus bonus points if a bushel of hay is used as some sort of weapon during that HAYDOKEN yell.
  13. Braeburn didn't understand why nopony was fleeing ... Flying. Burning. Needle-shooting. Cacti. But no sort of Appleoosian gentlecolt would run away while the ladyfolk were in danger, so he followed after Willow Wisp and Bluebelle, staying close to Bluebelle after she pulled the water skin from his saddlebag, trying to keep her covered as well as he could, tensing up as he waited for the needles to hit him. Much to his surprise, it never happened - the cacti drawn away by Bluebelle's clever distraction, the flights of needles ceasing. He met the clearly injured pegasus coming the other direction, needles in his wings no less, dragging the wounded dark unicorn, still glowing. The pegaus wanted her to be placed on his back, but he looked to be in no condition to do, that no matter how large he might be. "Y'all look pretty beat up yerself, pardner. I can take her from here." Braeburn's tone carried the urgency of the situation, his eyes flicking towards the cacti, and the big patch of wet sand that was already half the size it had been. His attitude brooked no disagreement as he worked with the pegasus to get Willow Wisp across his back, and then the strong farm pony was off and running in the direction the strange Doctor Whooves had disappeared in. "Tarnation...They will never believe this back around the Salt Lick... In all my years, never have I seen a herd o' ponies do something so amazin'," he said to himself, impressed by the bravery of those around him. Then, glancing to the side to look to Willow Wisp as he galloped, giving her a reassuring smile, "An' y'all were th' most amazin' of all, callin' out th' fire from those there cacti." Looking back towards the bluish gray molly with a worrisome expression, he motioned for her to run first towards where the strange earth pony had fled to, "ain't leavin' without you first Miss. Bluebelle!" Looking forward again, he couldn't help but wonder, A cart ... what good would a cart be...
  14. Martini smile warmly to the large red pegasus, happy to see that not only was he alright, but that he was good natured about the entire embarrassing accident. She has seen patrons in the past at various locales where she worked who, in similar circumstances, would have become angry, even violent, over the affront to their pride. Fortunately the imposing pegasus had a good disposition - there would have been little she could do if he hadn't, which made him all that more appealing to her. Martini winked, "Well, I think I can quickly whip up some good ol' fashioned strong coffee for you, hon". Her horn glowed, and a trailing, rippling blob of coffee floated up out of the coffee pot; regular, black coffee, but not good enough for Martini. She wanted to show off - the floating bubble of coffee suddenly contracted, expelling steam in every direction, as she took the coffee and distilled it to double-strength, before letting it spiral down into a mug on the bar. She seemed to do this without even considering it as she continued chatting with Dio, radiating sincere curiosity. "So hon, where will you be flying off too next? Any place exciting, or new?" She hoped he didn't mind talking about his job! One thing about being an expert at bartending and having unicorn magic was the ability to do multiple things at once - so even as onlookers were watching, a bowl of ripe, brightly colored oranges floated out through the kitchen's doorway. Three oranges parted from the rest of the bowl before it deposited itself behind the counter, and Martini showed evidence of concentrating slightly, a small smirk on her lips. An empty glass floated up, under one of the oranges... the orange distended, seeming misshapen, before it actually twisted in a spiral, her magic wringing it out like a rag, and spilling the juice out into the glass, till there was nothing left of the orange but a mangled rind. The second orange did the same, filling the glass up to 2/3 full, but the third orange was a bit different. It floated over to Martini, who waited with a sharp knife held sideways in her mouth. The orange twisted as she slashed her head left, then right, cutting out a spiraling orange slice. Only then did the third orange squeeze itself out into the glass. A little paper umbrella lifted itself from a supply behind the bar, opened itself, and stabbed first through the spiraling orange slice, then through a cherry, before propping itself up on the rim of the glass. She slid the orange juice down to for the beige earth pony carrier who had already made some good headway into the morning muffins. She couldn't help but let out a small giggle at being called "ma'am". "Here you are, sir, one official orange juice," she said with a teasing, friendly grin. With the two customers served, Martini started to collect the plates, noticing that Sterling had returned downstairs and back around the bar in a fine mood. Perhaps I can finally get to know Miss Stone. it would be nice to finally have a stable job and place to settle ... I hope this is it, she thought eagerly to herself, if with a touch of nervousness.
  15. Sunrise Beach had heard of the Traveling Players - they were famous after all, the most famous traveling stage show in Equestria - although she never seen any of their performances.  It always cost too many bits, and her mom Martini never had enough to splurge on such an event. Sunrise didn't really mind, she was used to going without, but she was rather surprised that suddenly she could see this famous group without having to put down a single bit! How exciting!  This presented another dilemma, though - who could she take with?  She couldn't take her mom; she was all the way back at Roughrider Ridge, working.  Would her patron, Mrs. Cozy want to go?  It seemed unlikely, as she was so close to giving birth.  Sunrise didn't relish the idea of being the only foal without a parent or someone there with her. Though what really worried her was what Ms. Cheerlie said next - that they would have to do some writing assignment about the play.  Sunrise fidgeted nervously. She wasn't good at writing ... swapping from school to school, she'd always found it hard to focus on her studies ... and she found spelling, punctuation, grammar, all those things so hard. She could draw out the letters with little effort, but that was about it. Like, this is totally horsefeathers ... Wanna am I going to do? Like, I don't wanna look like some class dweeb who doesn't know how to write  Perhaps equally as worrisome was the idea of show and tell, what was she going to do there?  She didn't own anything cool or interesting really.  Then it dawned on her, Hey, like I know! I may not be, like, the fanciest foal in school, but I bet I'm totally the best athlete here!  I can like, talk about all the places I live while bouncing a ball continuously without dropping it, no, two balls at the same time!  She smiled, finally she had something she could be confident about, for the first time since she arrived.
  16. Braeburn was looking suspiciously at the strange brown earth pony with the wild hair when Willow Wisp snapped to attention - her ears erect as if she could hear or sense something he couldn't.  Her rather poignant question to the stranger about running into *something* in this supposedly haunted pass didn't help put the Appleloosian's mind any more at ease. If the occult expert's sudden concern wasn't worrisome enough, Braeburn heard yet more movement upon the hill the strange earth pony just came from. Tarnation, now what could it be?  The next thing he knew a large amorphous, opaque cloud of dust and debris came rushing down the hill towards them.  Is this what Willow Wisp felt was coming?  Braeburn's hooves stamped rapidly, nervously, on the ground - should he bolt? No, the ladies! It was coming awfully fast!  Before he could his conflicted mind could come up with a decision, the pony in the midst of the cloud of sand collided first with the stranger, and then the next thing he knew ... Braeburn opened his eyes, it was bright and warm, a beautiful day in his dear sweet home in Appleoosia.  He was laying on his back in the warm grass of his orchard, shadowed by his beloved apple trees, looking upwards at a lovely, feminine silhouette ... For some reason, he felt a little dizzy, and couldn't remember who it was... Willow Wisp?  Bluebelle?  There was no answer, just the lovely sensation of a beautiful smile, the rest of the face obscured in shadow by the bright sun, inching ever closer.  He moved his head forward, wanting to kiss the beautiful shadow before him ... "OYE! I AM TALKING HERE!" Suddenly Braeburn came too, jarred back into reality, his head throbbing painfully. He was merely inches from some large red pegasus stallion's face, the face that he almost kissed in his delirium. Braeburn twisted, getting out from under the strange stallion - where'd he come from?! Braeburn's pulled away, face burning with embarrassment, twisting out from underneath the pegasus and getting to his feet, rapidly, looking around quickly as the stranger spoke rapidly. Some small bit of him hoped the already galloping earth pony was just nuts ... but the sand below him and around him was illuminated. It wasn't the moon, which was obscured by the clouds. It wasn't Willow Wisp, though it was similar - she simply wasn't bright enough.  It was as if the sand itself was aglow with an eerie energy.  "What in tarnation ... Ah don' reckon this is natural, not at all!" He looked over to Willow Wisp, hoping she would know what was going on. "GALLOP for your lives!" There they were. Cacti. Luminescent, burning blue cacti, floating towards them and ... shooting needles?! This was far, far beyond this simple country pony's experience! He wanted to flee, but barely kept his mind enough to put himself between the cacti and Miss Willow and Miss Bluebelle, pressing them forward to follow the stranger's fleeing form, his eyes wide with terror as he gladly followed the instructions as well as he could.
  17. Trixie waited with frustration for an answer from the peculiar earth pony; after all she did just save his inept flank. She shouldn't have had to remind him of her glorious triumph, rescuing both him and his ... *ugh* unsightly trashheap of a house. Finally, he acknowledged her with rather quick and straightforward thanks. Did he say it was "not bad"?! Not bad?? It was marvelous! Stupendous! What do I have to do to impress this colt!? With a rather incredulous curl of her brow, she contemplated some sort of new magical stunt to really show him what the Great and Powerful Lady Trixie was all about. Although what really set her off is what she heard from him next, he asked her name! I just told the ignorant oaf!, she thought to herself angrily, Did he ... did he just call me RICKIE?! That was too much! He not only couldn't remember her wondrous title, he had the gall to mispronounce her name as RICKIE!? 'IT'S TRIXIE! TRIXIE, YOU SIMPLE MINDED BLUNDERING LOUT!' she yelled in a rather undignified manner, right into his ear. How could he be so dismissive! At first Trixie was just incensed - just like any previous encounter when she came upon anyone who dared insult her wondrous magic. Her usual response was to display even a more forceful demonstration of her skills to said doubters. This time, however ... this time she hesitated, her self-doubt creeping in. Maybe he was right to be dismissive, maybe she wasn't so great - after all, look what happened to her in this very town. Humiliated, shown up by somepony she couldn't hope to match; now homeless. No! She shook her head as to literally shake those self-defeating thoughts from her mind, she was on a mission! A mission to bring back her former glory! She was about to say more with Lola asked her about the earth pony's unusual contraption, the one he claimed could detect magic. At first Trixie didn't know what to think. She'd never encountered an earth pony who was interested in magic before, at least to the point of trying to figure it out. They always seemed content to be impressed by unicorn spell casting and that was the limit of their concerns. She didn't even know if such a device was possible, and if it was, certainly a unicorn would have figured it out first! At least Lola showed the proper respect, calling her Lady. Oh, how she loved that title! "How should I know what sort of crackpot device this is? He is probably a crank and it doesn't do a thing but attract lightning bolts! Earth ponies and their strange ideas, they don't know anything about magic!"
  18. Listening to the orange unicorn, Martini could see the worried, nervous, even introspective look on his face. He was rather vague on the type of magic he was speaking of or what profession ran in his family, but it seemed very important to him. Martini figured she could ask him more about it - that was the most important thing Bartenders did, after all - ask questions, and listen. Not to give advice, not necessarily to even find an answer ... but just be there to help the customer work through it, to give them a friendly ear. More than being part of the job, Martini loved being the pony customers could talk to. It was a special talent as much as her drink mixing. Hearing him talk about how nervous he was, she gave a reassuring smile. "It is quite alright, hon. It can be hard to talk to strangers, after all, and you don't know me. My name is Martini Paradise, but you can call me Martini, almost everyone does", she winked. "And now we're not strangers', she giggled. "If you don't mind me asking, hon, what is your family's trade? It sounds important to do, since you are traveling all this way just to work at it. It sounds admirable." Martini gave a friendly, tranquil expression, softly putting the bottle down next to them. She wanted to be attentive, but she didn't want to push the drink on him at all. "What is your special talent though, hon?" She couldn't really see his cutie mark from her angle, and didn't want to appear rude by craning for a look. Besides, every pony loved to talk about their special talent.
  19. Carrot watched as Dash flew in a very casual manner, but with a sudden new aura of pride and confidence, after he mentioned the Young Flyers competition to her. She seemed particularly proud of her accomplishment, even if he still wasn't sure if the legend was true. Did she really do the famous "Sonic Rainboom?" Normally, Earth Ponies don't talk much about the pegasus competitions, but even among the farmer ponies back home, the Rainboom was a legend brought up from time to time when the local farmers gathered about to drink and exchange stories, and point up at a rainbow shining in the sky after an afternoon shower. "Oi heared th' tale that ye won through a Sonic Rainboom! Aye it fact? Didje do 'er first time in th' contest? 'ow 'ard was it?" For Carrot, who always wanted to fly, it seemed amazing any pony could pull off such an amazing, magical feat. . Of course the lovely pink pegasus filly walking next to him was stunning in her own way. Incredibly friendly and amazingly cute, she probably was noticed by all the pegasus colts all the time. What was more incredible was that she actually liked star gazing! Why had he done that?! Why did he go ask some stunning filly out, in front of her friend, no less! Oh, this would never end well ... ah well, he was used to reject- W ... wait on a mo? His ears perked up, and a big goofy grin spread across his face. She said ... she said YES! He couldn't stop a joyfull lil' hop from entering his step. Carrot had to hold his emotions inside, to not do anything obvious or silly like ... like yell out "yippie!" or rearing up while neighing proudly. Instead he just grinned, and blushed, and grinned some more. "Oi'd shine tae showin' ye th' constellations! Oi'm sure ye must ken tae some good high, dark places where we'd see full bhoona!" He had his own proud skip to his gait, almost mirroring the proud strut of the pegasus above him, when she asked if he knew the constellations, "Aye! Oi ken each 'n ever' one by name an' by sight!" That fact made him proud for a moment, but then he realized it may also make him look dorky, or worse, arrogant for stating that fact with such gusto. He ducked his head a bit more, his face matching his mane for a bit. "So, umm, ye said ye came up with yer own names for them? That's right-on creative! Maybe ye kin teach me yer names, too, when we hie out tae see them!"
  20. Egad you drawn Spitfire some much and so well, your are like the official Spitfire artist! Man I cannot even draw her now
  21. I suspect for whatever reason, their marketing department is telling them that it isn't worth the cost, and unfortunately, they really don't count the fandom outside their target demographic. It doesn't hurt to sign the petition but very likely it would be ignored unless they believe there is such an overwhelmingly huge demand for the DVD/Blu Ray as to make a real profit for their efforts.
  22. THIS. Really, all you can do is just watch, you are either going to like it or your not, but the only way to know is to watch.
  23. Riverhippo..that was just scary. OR perhaps just to me.
  24. Well the show isn't getting a new director, just the old executive producer is moving into a less active role, likely because they have become too busy. Also season two is pretty much written so she probably had as strong influence as she did throughout most of season one. Also looking at the list of shows he sounded off on, do all fans feel the same way about that? Really that is the opinion of one pony. No one wants FiM become the horrible things you mention, but we can't do anything about it one way or another. Perhaps the others who work on the show are correct, perhaps season two will be great. We cannot and will not know until it airs. At *worst* we will always have the 26 episodes of season one, which was an amazing ride. If we get another 25 awesome episodes and that is it, relaly that will be more than I ever hoped for and I will be very happy.
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