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Posts posted by Derpyy

  1. Though the pony was right about Indigo, Daring did not at all want to turn around and...back track. She never even used to words "back track" ever. And one lost pony wasn't going to change that.

    She knew that leaving Indigo was a bad thing to do but, she was sure he would catch up.

    So Daring stopped and turned to the ponies. "No splitting up. We stay together. And Sparkle is right." She looked around and found the sun. "We do need to set up camp. It's a bit late now." She huffed a bit and started to pull out a few things that they would need for the night., She then noticed that Sparkle had a worried look on his face. So she sighed. [colour=#000000]"Look whatever you saw it was probably nothing. I've seen a lot of things in my days and honestly a figure of a pony doesn't sound at all bad." [/colour]She gave him a comforting smile and then looked back towards the sun.

    The day had gone by so quickly! She wanted that treasure already...

    She wasn't going to stop until she found it.

  2. XVFBviv.png

    "Oh oh oh, Songbird, the view from this balcony is simply splendid! You can almost imagine yourself being a pegasus when you're up here, can't you? Oh, I love it, I just love it! I think Flashbomb is right - you've got a lovely little life made out for yourself, haven't you? Of course, it's always great when you're doing something you love for a living, isn't it? Do you play many live shows? Have I asked that already? I probably have - I can never remember what I have and haven't asked. Do you think I ask too many questions?"

    [colour=#800000]"I don't think you ask to many questions. You came to a city that you know nothing about. You should be entitled to ask questions.[/colour]" He gave her a smile and then trotted over and closed the balcony window. He liked to keep it closed when he wasn't at home and all.

    [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#498995]"We leave tomorrow night, and I want to get as much Las Pegasus in as I possibly can!"[/colour]

    This hit Light a bit harder than expected. He had in his mind that these ponies were going to be living with him for a while and he would get to show them pretty much the whole city. He couldn't show them the whole city in one night! He would need...a lot of nights! They couldn't leave, they just couldn't! He didn't want to lose Foghorn or Flashbomb or Whirligig.

    [colour=#0000FF]You really have it made....dont you Light?[/colour]

    Light realized that his response to Flashbomb was a bit late. All three of them said pretty much the same thing about his home. "I appreciate everything you all have said about my home. I really do." He gave all of them very friendly smiles.

    He then turned and moved towards the door and opened it. He waved a hoof out the door. [colour=#800000]"Well. There's no time to waste. What's say we go and explore this city then." [/colour]He then kept the door open for the three to follow.

  3. [colour=#000080]Unicorns[/colour]

    Light Harmony


    Currently Active in:


    ​Fabulous social gathering planning stallion. If you live in Canterlot, be sure to look out for one of his gatherings

    Currently active in: Nothing yet

    [colour=#8b4513]Locke Wind[/colour]

    Currently active in:

    Regal's Steel and Iron


  4. Daring turned to Xukar and gave him a smirk. "Well you better believe that I will be going back there." She chuckled a bit and then looked over her other friends. She heard something from Star about how they were missing one of the ponies that had been with them. She huffed a bit, she didn't have time to deal with lost ponies...but they needed to find the pony.

    As Daring did a head count, she realized that it was Indigo. She looked around and then back to her fellow adventurer ponies. "I suppose we should find Indigo. Where did she get off to now.." She then started to look around for the mare before decided to call out her name. "Indigo! "She flapped her wings but stayed on the ground.

  5. Daring stopped and took the tool. She looked down at it and studied it. She had heard everything Xukar and Sparkle had said and she realized Xukar was right. This structure did look kind of familiar but she swore she had never seen anything like it.

    So Daring went to work disarming the trip wires. She didn't want any of her friends to get hurt after all. Once she got done she put the tool away. She nodded to Star. "Path should be clear now. Let's get to that temple." She then made her way through the disengaged traps. As she moved along she saw that they were very close to the temple.

    "Xukar. You'll have to take me to some of those temples in your homeland sometime. Last time I was there we didn't go to any of them." She then snickered a bit. "You holding out on me?" She raised an eyebrow and then laughed and went back to moving through the desert.

  6. Stifling her laughter from seeing the zebra fall down the dune, Daring pressed on. She had her mind set on finding that treasure and she vowed that she wouldn't rest until she found it! She was so concerned with the treasure that she didn't even noticed all of the snakes around and Star trotting up and whispering something about them. She just assumed that if they left them alone then the snakes would leave them alone.

    So after a bit of careful trotting, Daring and her friends found themselves getting ever so closer to the structure. Daring could now identify the structure as some type of temple. It made her eyes widen at the sight of it. Granted it was still a little ways away she couldn't help but contain her excitement. She turned to her friends. [colour=#000000]"We are so close now! Come on we gotta keep going!"[/colour] She flapped her wings and waved a hoof and continued to trot towards the temple.

  7. Hello! I've looked this app over, and there's simply too much of a focus on Shady's journalistic pursuits. WoE characters, especially cast ponies, ought to be well-rounded individuals with diverse quirks, fears, recreational activities, and what not that don't relate to their career goals. Ideally, only one paragraph is needed to discuss Shady's career; everything else should be about about his personality that isn't connected to journalism. ^_^

    Okay! I didn't realize how much I put into the journalism thing...I toned it down quite a bit and added a few new fears and such :) Thanks Bellosh!

  8. HZpdA2K.png

    As Heart trotted through the city of Canterlot he realized something. Canterlot is incredibly different from Trottingham. Trottingham was his home and all but Canterlot seemed to just have a prestigious air about it. Well it should anyways, since most royal occasions happened in Canterlot. It was mainly the city of royalty. Now, Heart was just a simple doctor from Trottingham and he had no purpose for being in Canterlot other than the fact that he just wanted to visit the city. It was his first time coming to the city in fact, and he had been having a wonderful time. He hoped that his visit would continue being wonderful.

    As the stallion trotted through the streets he noticed that he in fact was smaller than most of them. He was a stallion of a small build than most average stallions. Not as tall as some but he didn't mind it. Nopony ever complained or made fun of him for his lack of height so he had no reason to worry, As Heart kept trotting he would stop and wave to a few passing ponies and only a few would wave back to them. He noticed that most ponies seemed to be rather snooty when it came to the exchanging of the friendly hello. He just figured it was that Canterlot attitude.

    Just as Heart moved along as his normal pace he noticed something. A rather divine smell made it's way into his nostrils. He took a deep breath and then followed the scent. He found himself in front of a building so he decided to enter.

    When he entered he noticed that nopony was inside the building. But there was a door on the other side that seemed to lead somewhere. But right now Heart had no idea if the store was open or not. He awkwardly looked around and then something caught his eye.

    Teas[colour=#FFA07A]: Green, chamomile, elderberry, jasmine, genmaicha green, masala chai, fennel rose, ginger honey, black, pu’erh, white, peppermint, eucalyptus leaf.[/colour]

    [colour=#FFA07A] -Milk and sweeteners optional. Sweeteners include white sugar cubes, brown sugar cubes, honey, agave nectar, and elderflower cordial.[/colour]

    Sweets[colour=#FFA07A]: Chocolate croissants, elderflower sugar croissants, elderflower cupcakes, sugar cookies, shortbreads, and macarons.[/colour]

    Beverages[colour=#FFA07A]: Sparkling water, still water, lychee juice, milk, passionfruit juice, and elderflower cordial with sparkling or still water.[/colour]

    As he looked over the whole menu he started to speak out loud. [colour=#8b4513]"Everything sounds wonderful."[/colour] He smiled at the menu and decided that he could go for a drink and perhaps a bite to eat. So, Heart did what he assumed he was supposed to do and decided to take a seat in the main seating area. He assumed that this place was a "Seat yourself" kind of place but, then again nopony had told him otherwise. So he took his seat and looked around once more. He spotted a sign and read it. "[colour=#8b4513]The Eldertree Teahouse." [/colour]He smiled at the name. He rather liked it. "[colour=#8b4513]Seems fitting."[/colour] He realized he was talking to nopony but himself and decided to be quiet. He then, patiently waited for anypony to come in with him. He still had no idea if the place was open or not.

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