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Blog Comments posted by Lovinity

  1. Great review!

    I'm with you on episodes 1 and 2 especially when it comes to the subtle hints to the elements. However, these two episodes have nearly brought me to tears before watching them, especially the ending half of the second episode where Twilight's new friends come to rescue her and she gives her speech on friendship... and Celestia and Luna get re-united. That was a tear-jerker.

    The one episode so far that actually did make me tear (liquid pride XD) Was season 3 episode 13... (when twilight becomes Alicorn). It wasn't necessarily because she became an Alicorn, but the music and the story line really captivated me.

  2. Yeah I'm very skeptic about Alicorn OCs myself... they should be very rare and the alicorns should have a very very good and concrete backstory to fit why they're an alicorn.

    A couple people (not on this site... other places) told me that Lovinity should be an Alicorn. I disagreed with them because Lovinity, first of all, hasn't been around for much time (November 2012). Plus, she wouldn't have a very good back story as an alicorn, she's young... too young to be one, and overall, alicorn-ism is not who she is on the inside. She's meant to be a pegasus. :)

    So ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure that when you create an OC it fits what you desire and feel on the inner personal level, disregarding the "amount of power" your OC would have if he/she was (insert type) type of pony. And always remember, you are NOT your OC. You created your OC, but your OC is its own personality... its own being so-to-speak. So when creating an OC, don't specifically look at yourself and only yourself, you need to consider the traits that your OC would be best fit to have. :)

  3. I am glad to hear that it has worked out, and Lovinity got approved for the mane RP ^-^ Its heartwarming to see your excitement :3

    (I finally figured out how to quote profile comments ^^)

    I'm excited not just because my character is now in WOE but because of her new characteristics. I think what we developed for Lovinity will work much better than what she was previously ^^. And of course she has profiles on Facebook Google+ few others and these new characteristics will be transferred there too... wherever Lovinity is. :)

  4. No problem time!

    I'm still in the application process... but I'd say I'm about 66-75% complete. I'm still in WIP, but I have most everything typed up, and most everything about Lovinity's info is good so far in the eyes of the RP helpers... just a few tweaks here and there. Soon I'll change from WIP to Ready and the final approval process will begin.

    Good luck on your end :) .

  5. Hi Time Spinner.

    I would not doubt if you got hammered for your power. Lovinity was hammered for her occupation and her magic. In order to be accepted, she must lose the magic and carry a small-scale occupation (as well as have a complete history re-write)

    You're a unicorn, so you're a little different. However, ability to stop time is definitely likely to be OP in the eyes of WOE. Even if it's just for 12 seconds. Manipulating time itself sounds like something only an alicorn should be able to do... if it was even possible to do (Discord supposedly proved it but he's the reality changing creature).

    I agree when you file an app for WOE... unless you made your character canon prior, I can probably say that 99% of the time you have to make at least one minor edit... and 70% of the time you'll have to make at least one big edit. Those are my estimates haha.

    I was suggested to make a new OC for WOE as well since Lovinity, at that time, was nearly impossible to revise accordingly. However I told the Mods that Lovinity is the only OC that I would ever want to have. She's special to me.

    So... I made a compromise and I am giving Lovinity a "re-birth". She is getting a new history, new job, the magic taken from her (she doesn't need it and it doesn't fit for a pegasus), and some other things tweaked. In the end, she'll probably have the same or similar personality, but a different objective and ability list.

    FYI Lovinity will also be given a last name as part of her re-birth. She will now be known as "Lovinity Hearts".

    So, this is one example of what could happen. I will admit I panicked over this happening, and ended up seeing the possibility of me deleting my OC completely (because she was rejected in other places on the internet as well), but Canterlot gave me the option to start it over.

    I will say, my lesson learned: Even though at first I wasn't for completely complying with the requests of Canterlot.com for accepting Lovinity as a WOE canon character, but hear me out... give them a chance. Give yourself a chance. You filed that WOE application for a reason, right? Don't expect it to be easy to get in. Only the best of the best can get in. But... if you follow their advice, you are more likely to get in and your desire met. But if you don't, there's no doubt your hope to get into WOE will be rejected.

    And also note that the revisions you make to your OC in order to get into WOE shouldn't just affect your character in WOE; it should affect your OC in most everywhere. Canterlot.com should know what they're doing as their staff and RP helpers probably have to go through testing to become one... so following their advice could actually turn your OC character into a better one. Sure I know you want all of that cool powers and maybe it being an Alicorn and stuff (granted yes Alicorns, certain ones, do get accepted, but it's hard to get one canon), but your OC would be liked and appreciated more if it was a realistic pony. People don't like a pony that can create a black hole, or defeat enemies in a snap. It takes the fun out of everything, and nothing is learned.

    That's pretty much my advice :)

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