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Status Updates posted by Elderflower

  1. Lilac's party is live, folks!

    1. Dio



  2. After a week of steady rehearsal, work, and hospital visits, a posting spree is incoming! 

  3. Not sure if I'm writing a bridleway pony because I want to or because I just want another reason to listen to nothing but broadway music. Probably both. Masqueraaaaaaaade~

  4. Just keep drawing ponies forever.

    1. tacobob


      Tis nice to see you back. :3

  5. Forgot how much time it took to even out my workload for school after a break. :C Art school should be more portable.

    1. Elderflower


      On that note: I should be revived in a few days.

  6. It's midterm break! I'll be non-existent until Sunday, folks!

  7. Art school y u do dis (⊙ω⊙)

  8. Another update: Though it rained yesterday, showers were minimal and the fire continues to grow, though at a slower rate. Our neighbouring community is still under evacuation, and unfortunately the weather will only be getting hotter and dryer as the week goes on. With evacuation, however, we're in a state of emergency which means the gov't will be sending more help to fight this fire!

  9. The caribou don't actually have horns for their BWAAMMPs. Just a big red button. http://inception.davepedu.com/

  10. I should be working on the sketchbook I'm about to hand in...

  11. On today's training schedule: eight hours of playing in harnesses!

  12. Last call to join a fun party full of giant rosebushes, hexes, prizes, and tea! Check it out before I close sign-ups and get the thread started! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20264-elderflowers-backyard-extravaganza/

  13. Elderflower's spring celebration is live! Join in the fun for PRIZES.

  14. Yaaaay. Rewrote Sugar Star's app to properly reflect her dokidokiful self. So adorkable!

  15. Just as a head's up, I'm probably going to be scarce this weekend. I apologize for any delays in posting this may cause. D:

  16. Day 2 down and still standing. If I make it out alive it'll be a miracle. Soooo much fun is being had though!

  17. Wound up not being busy at all thanks to the apocalypse. Thanks, Apocalypse-chaaaaaan...


    ._. Houses are falling apart all around my city. At least I still have wifi.

  18. I just finished my third year of art school and I'm already in panic mode for independent next year...ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh why is fourth year even a thing!? ;-;

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