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Lilac's Post-Event Party - A Party to Salve the Spirit

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Okay folks! I'm bringing Lilac's party plans back now that the action has calmed down and I'm making them bigger and more open. This thread will be open to all who participated in the attack threads as it will act as an offering of comfort, of peace, and of recovery for all those who toiled against the forces of darkness.

What I need from you all is to know who intends on joining the party, as the number of threads I end up making will depend on the number of interested parties and how many characters they will be posting with. Please let me know and I'll whip up some starter posts as soon as I can!

Thanks guys, and congrats! We saved the Crystal Empire!

Things to Note:

1. This is taking place a few days after the attack. Time for everyone to collect themselves and heal up a bit.

2. It's not a formal affair. Dress up, dress down - whatever makes your character most comfortable. This event is about soothing wounds and moving forward, and no one is expected to do anything but show up and enjoy themselves. :catbug:

3. The event is being hosted at the Trillion Ballet Company Theatre, since Lilac's home is now rubble and the theatre's going to be big enough to accommodate the huge guest list!

4. Go have fun at the Banquet Space, the Dance Floor, or the Balcony!

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So there might be multiple threads? Hmm...

Alexandrite will be there for sure with her dear Lilac. <3

I would also I think like Randgrid to attend, and if it's a bigger thing perhaps Tourmaline as well. Maybe Snowfall, since she's in the empire.

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I'd love to have Cadence participate. In the event of separate threads, I'd prefer that she gets put in the same thread with any jarls. For diplomatic reasons. ;)

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I'd love to have Cadence participate. In the event of separate threads, I'd prefer that she gets put in the same thread with any jarls. For diplomatic reasons. ;)

I do believe one jarl and a duchess will be comign along... pressy will likely be helping a friend of hers recover from the injuries they received from the event :)

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Okay, I'm going to start working on getting some threads live now! I'm just taking this moment to apologize in advance for how many darned characters I'm going to have there once this gets rolling. I had four characters in this event who will likely make appearances plus I'm bringing in my caribou to establish some plottyplot stuff. Eep.


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