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Bramble Rose

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Everything posted by Bramble Rose

  1. Sweetie Belle smiled and reached up to give a little adjustment to Rarity's glasses. "Why, thank you," she said. She was certainly brightening up as the other foal went on. Of course she knew Pip! He had such a neat accent! And she'd never been invited to a formal party before! Oh, what would she wear? And who would she take as her date? She wondered if Prince Blueblood was doing anything... But the hoped-for invitation never came. No, he just wanted her to make posters for the party. Oh. Well. "I -" she started to respond, when suddenly she was scooped up and hugged and being babbled over! She blushed and pushed at Apple Bumpkin. "Mmph! I... what... huh?" As she finally won her freedom again, she quickly smoothed her hooves over her little vest and made sure her glasses and mane were in place. She had to be professional! "I, um, th-thank you." She didn't think this was supposed to happen to shop assistants. Now what would she do? She'd pretend like it hadn't happened, that was it! Where was she? "I, uh ... oh, hey! You have a neat accent just like my friend Apple Bloom!" No, that wasn't what she was going to say! What was it? Oh, right, posters! "Oh, and, um ... it's nice to meet you, any friend of Pip's is a friend of mine, of course! And ... I'd be happy to ... help make posters! I hope you guys have fun at your party!" She tried not to be too disappointed at not having an invitation herself ... "Um, so ... did you both want to wait for Rarity, then? Or did you want to make appointments?" Where had her pencil and notepad gone? Oh, there they were!
  2. Oh my *GOSH* that's so *ADORABLE*. MOAR FOXES!
  3. Purple Haze stood confused for a sec - one of the Wonderbolts wanted to sign now, the other said not till later! And now *all* the ponies were going to have pictures they drew for the Wonderbolts to sign! She'd thought she was being clever ... ah well. The important thing would be that Carrot would have an autograph she'd gotten for him! She just had to make sure they didn't fly away till that happened! She rolled up her little picture and tucked it into her saddlebags, then took the basket from Miss Cheerilee in her teeth and trotted outside, setting it down next to the school where the wind wouldn't hit it too hard, and sat down to wait for the Wonderbolts Show. When Peebee and Sunrise came out, too, she hissed at them and gestured for them to sit down next to her! "Comon!" she whispered, "Watch wi' me!"
  4. Rainbow Dash winced panifully. He was the best flier in his class, and then this happened? Dash had been horrified at the thought of being laid up for a few days ... he'd needed help to get to the Young Flier's competition? How long had he been laid up?! The thought horrified Dash, and she mentally shied away from it. "Well, um... no worries, we'll do everything we can! Cause we're a team, right?" She lifted her hoof for a hoof-bump, then stepped away a bit for some room, facing away so he wouldn't see the scared expression on her face. What could she do to help when he had a wing like that? Well, the important thing was to keep his spirits up. "First, let's do some proper stretches." She said, still not looking at him, but making sure her voice was bright and excited as she could make it. She stretched out first one hind leg, then the other, then stood on both hind legs as she leaned low over her front legs, stretching them out along the ground, letting out a soft "nnnnnnngh". Then came the really important stretches - the wing stretches. She was a lot more careful about those, flexing them in and out, in and out, up and down, up and down, feeling the soreness in the one game wing that told her flying was still going to be a bit of a trial for her, too.
  5. Rainbow Dash looked up to see Dunder standing there, asking what he could do. It was a fire, what did he think? "Come here!" she cried, "Keep this cloud raining while I go get another one!" Without waiting to see his reaction, she streaked off into the sky again, searching for another water-heavy cloud... she was back within half a minute, pushing the dark stormcloud before her, setting it up above another part of the little shack and starting it a-raining by pouncing on top of it, too.
  6. I got caught, I'll admit. There are a few subtle things pointing that this is a prank... but I'll only breath easier once I get confirmation. I loves me a good April Fool's gag, and I got caught by this one. Very well done. The one suggestion I'd make to improve it would be to declare it an April Fool's joke at the end, so as not to leave folks scared - the letter should finish off with "This letter does not purport to be a complete statement of the facts or the law and is without prejudice to Hasbro's legal and equitable rights on this, the first of April, also known as April Fool's Day.'
  7. Rainbow Dash gave a small whistle. "That's pretty heroic, yeah! You got the feathers, kid!" She gave a soft laugh. "I dunno how many free days I have to spin tales, usually I'm pretty busy with work, or with practicing awesome new tricks. But many evenings I'm in here. Maybe we'll run into each other again, huh?" She took a last drink of her rainbow-layered concoction, scooped up her Wonderbolts Magazine, and tapped her hoof to her forehead. "Nice meeting you, kid! Keep being awesome!" She headed for the door, eager to get home and pour over the magazine some more. Maybe she wouldn't even go so far as home, maybe she'd just stop off at Twilight's and hole up in her little reading nook there, stack up her Wonderbolts magazines next to Twilight's Daring Do books! She was already lost in her imagination, her mind racing ahead of her wings as she headed on out into the snow.
  8. Purple Haze completely forgot the previous trian of conversation as her big brae went and gave the poster away so readily. She *winced* as Applejack tore it from the wall with no consideration for its value! Good thing her big brae would never have actually poked holes in it - but as the mare slipped it out of its frame and started to roll it up to tuck it away, Purple couldn't help but speak up. "But... but Brae! Ye said it's th' most 'spensive thing ye own, an' Oi'm ne'er tae touch it cause it's th' cornerstone a yer collection! An' e'en though ye'd get a whole stack a bits fer it, ye'd ne'er sell it anyway cause it's from yer recruitment year! Why are ye jes' givin' it away?!" For once, the question of food didn't distract her, and she'd completely forgotten about the questions she'd wanted to ask Big Mac. Darn it, why was her big brae such a pushover for a pretty filly?!
  9. That's mainly an issue for creative mode. For survival mode, breaking them should work just fine. I actually do environmental repair on water by giving myself a stack of ice blocks, dropping into survival mode, filling the area with ice, then breaking them all. Oh, I was working on that indeed. I kept having to fly up close and go, "Ummmm... *right*, OK. That's wool." If I missed some, oops!
  10. I love the fuzzy coat... but I just want to comment... I'm so pleased you put the boots on the *front* hooves. It looks so much better that way. That's a detail I often see ignored.
  11. I logged in last night and spent an hour or so flying around and clearing snow off of rooftops and treetops in Ponyville. I also cleared a large area around the library of snow.
  12. That outfit looks awesome! And I love the look of that malamute!
  13. Purple Haze heard the indistinct voices and trotted out of the kitchen, an apron tied round her neck and a few splatters already decorating it. "Aye, wonderful!" she chirped, "Ye're -" She stopped mid-sentence as she saw Dark Core, blinking in surprise. She rubbed at her eyes, then looked again. "Wow, ye're a tall drink, ye are... how'd ye change colors, then? These colors suit ye much better!" She circled round Dark Core, eyeing him with wide eyes. It was hard to believe this was the same pony! But there was that same cutie mark, and that same look in the eyes, and he came back in with her big brae! And he was so handsome! She looked up to Carrot, then, and smiled. "ye're lookin' much better too, big brae!" She pulled a plate off of her back and put it down between them - it had a wrapped tortilla there, drenched in a white sauce, and cut in half to show the steaming orange mash in the center, full of pureed carrots, melted cheese, and a few special spices. "Oi've got a new dish Oi've *just* invented! Oi'm nae sure tae call it a carrochanga or a chimicarrot... or what! Carrot Ranch Chimichanga? Oi dinnae know! But Oi'd loik ye both tae try it an' give me yer honest opinion! Oi'd gotta make it extra-special!"
  14. I'm afraid I'll be at work at 1:30, but wish I could be there.
  15. Rainbow Dash floated lazily on the thermals over the stone quarry, loving the warm way the air wafted up through her wing feathers, such a soothing feel which felt especially good on the wing she'd hurt recently. She'd started coasting through this part of the sky every morning to warm up, the relaxed state was the perfect way to start off a new routine! This morning she was going to coast over the cooler areas over the Everfree Forest, skimming along the edge of the uncharted gusts and eddies to get herself loosened up before launching into the stunning aerial maneuver she had planned. She was ready for a number of odd currents, the cool air over the Everfree always had plenty of them ... but she wasn't ready for the wash of warm air and a sudden updraft! She tumbled tail over wing through the air, till she got herself steadied, and looked down in surprise. Where had *that* come from? The answer was lit up brightly beneath her - a house was on fire! "Whoah!" she cried, gathering herself up. She shot straight up into the sky and looked around.. ah, there! She zipped off, leaving a rainbow streak behind her, to gather up a stormcloud, planting her hooves up against it to push it along the everfree back to the burning building. Hurry, hurry, hurry! She hopped up atop the stormcloud and started bouncing on it, knocking the rain out in a great deluge. The fire hissed angrily as the water washed down over it, joining with the water from the hose to fight the blaze. Wow, this was a hot one! What was *in* that dumpy little shack that was burning so hot?
  16. Rainbow Dash blinked at Tobias' disappointment, a bit of a hollow pit forming in her stomach. She was in a cranky mood for being downed for a couple days... and he hadn't been able to fly for months? The very thought horrified her. Poor guy. "Oh," she said, a little meekly. "Um. Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet you." She shook his hoof mildly. "Ah-heh. Um. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great." Maybe the doctors did trust her ... maybe they just needed her awesomeness to help this guy. "And I'll help! I'm a GREAT trainer!" She hovered up into the air, feeling awkward. "So, uh ... Toe Biosla-whatnow? Man, that's a weird name ... that musta been rough in school! I had enough problems with name-calling, and I have an awesome name!"
  17. That us such a sweet picture. Those two are so cute.
  18. Sweetie Belle swelled with eager attention, as the prince gave her advice on how to properly perform her new role. Oh, Rarity was *sure* to make her an official shop assistant with this advice! And a prince! Eeeee! She hoped this wasn't Rarity's prince, 'cause Sweetie wanted a prince all of her own, too... the glasses being removed revealed little heart-shaped eyes, as the kind prince acted so sweetly towards her, so kindly ... she nodded, as he waved her on to the other customers, and gave a tiny little appoximation of a curtsey. She had to do a good job, she just *had* to. Walk slowly. Glasses up on her horn. Cushion first. Oh, there was so much to remember! She walked proudly, her head high, making sure the glasses stayed balanced up there... so she didn't notice as the overly long measuring tape slipped lower and lower on one side, not till she stepped on it and fell into a tumbling roll, that ended up with her coming right-side up in front of the group of chatting ponies. Unfazed, because she was rather used to this, she stood up straight, smoothed out her vest, fixed her glasses over her horn, brushed a hoof through her mane, and then pulled out her little notebook and pencil. "The fabulista Rarity is busy just now, I am afraid. Would you like to wait, or would you like to make an appointment for later?" She took the pencil in her mouth and waited expectantly.
  19. Rainbow Dash brightened upon seeing a pegasus finally approaching. Yeah, his wing looked like it'd been hurt pretty bad. She smiled at his greeting, but then her face went blank. "Hi there, uh ..." Ponyfeathers. What had the docs said his name was? It was some weird name... "Storm Buster? Tomb Bless? What was your name, again?" She dropped the two inches down to the ground and offered her hoof in greeting. "Nice to meet you, anyway! Yer not gonna slow me down, are you?"
  20. Bramble Rose gave Glitzen an exasperated look. "Lilies are what I was delivering to you when we met! You specifically asked for them! Lilacs are ...." He paused, narrowed his eyes at glitzen, then smirked and laughed as he realized Glitzen was teasing him. "Oh, you." With that, Bramble set in merrily - starting with the greenhouse full of musical plants, then moving on to other displays, giving Glitzen the guided tour - as much as Bramble could, referencing the plaques near each entrance and looking them up in his books. Sometimes he went off on tangents, forgetting Glitzen was even there, but for the most part, he just enjoyed the day, his first big vacation ever, sharing his passions with his best friend.
  21. Fillies and Gentlecolts. I have discovered something that will change the way I look at building my structures... For months, I have been playing with the assumption that the only way to stop mobs from spawning was by laying down so many torches as to be ridiculous... I WAS WRONG. Mobs... Do not spawn... On Half-Height Slabs. think about that a moment. You can have a *completely dark* room ... but if the floor is half-height slabs, you're safe.
  22. Sweetie Belle hung on desperately to Scootaloo, her little hooves squeezing on her friends' sides just under her wings, terrified she was going to fly off. She loved watching Scootaloo do these tricks, but it felt so much different when she was actually on the scooter, herself! Even while she was letting out squeaks and squeezing at Scootaloo, though, she had to admit it was awfully fun being scared in this way. And she *did* trust Scootaloo. But they they found Applejack, and it was a mix of relief and regret that she hopped off of the scooter to follow after Scootaloo, who had already run on ahead. She pranced in place with her eager worry, her pink-and-purple mane bobbing around her, as Scootaloo presented their case, but couldn't help but need to add in her own plea. "Yes, please, Applejack! I know you and she are good friends now, since you had that sleepover, and like Scootaloo said, she needs you to help her come out of the closet! You'll help, won't you?"
  23. Doctor Whooves' eyes glowed with appreciation, and a fierce grin curled his lips. He gave a single, respectful nod, and a half-bow, almost managing to make it serious. "Your Highness," he said to Princess Luna. Then he turned to the stairs heading down, stepping past the guards and picking up his lantern again - the only non-magical light source they had. "Come along, 'Tia," he said brightly, not a hint of doubt in his voice that she'd obey, as his manic energy began to return. "allons-y!" He knew time, now, was of the essence, and he descended quickly down the stairs, hardly paying attention to wether he was followed or not. Here, here was the center of it all. The unknown. Well, barely known. Ponies were in danger, Equestria was in danger... And he was adventuring with the pricesses! What a WONDERFUL DAY today was! He paused, then, at the bottom of the stairs, where the path split into three, one forehoof up in mid-air as he twisted around to glance behind him. "By the way, which direction was it?" he asked brightly, his face bearing a brilliant and excited grin.
  24. I wouldn't call it a wash. I like it very much. However, after reading your description of it, and going back and looking at it again, focusing on the blossoms and the petals, I'd suggest, if drawing it again, to have the falling petals not just be scattered, but instead make a spray of them, that makes it obvious that they're being blown on the wind in the same way AJ's mane is ... or perhaps just a tiny swirl of lines indicating the wind that's blowing them. Something to indicate movement.
  25. Just as a note to everyone - A Jungle has been found, in the general vicinity of -1500, 1700
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