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Bramble Rose

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Everything posted by Bramble Rose

  1. Updated to remove the 'Parents' section by Skye's request.
  2. Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded in understanding. "Oh, we are sisters, your highness," she replied primly, "And I won't be but a moment!" She turned to race off, and slipped Rarity's glasses back on. The world turned watery and uncertain again, and instead of her normal breakneck pace, she had to walk slowly and carefully across the room to get to the door to the back, and the kitchen. Once there, she set about filling the teakettle with water, and putting it on the stove, turning up the flames. She slowly set about the room, carefully taking down the pot of tea leaves, gathering her supplies. It took her much longer than usual, and the water was already whistling by the time she had everything together! Oh, how dreadful! Usually she liked to put everything into the teapot and let it cook in there, that's how momma liked it! She hoped the tea wouldn't be terribly underdone! She took a hot pad and removed the hot water from the fire, turning off the stove, and set it on a tray. Then she added the tea mixture into a perforated double-spoon, locked it shut, and dipped that into the water, giving it a careful stir. She was doing *everything* carefully - it was so hard, when you couldn't see anything clearly! Then Sweetie considered the extras. Salt, she knew, always made food taste better, so she looked for the white blur amongst her supplies and poured some of that into the tea. And it was morning, so she should add some syrup! She took the gloopy, darker blur and poured a bit of that into the tea. But just a little. Then she took up the tray with the teacup on it - with its sugar and honey in it - and carried it carefully back out into the main room, one hoof slowly following the next, till she got across to the blur that was Prince Blueblood and offered him the tea kettle and his choice of empty teacups. She was nearly *exhausted*! It had never been so hard to prepare a cup of tea before!
  3. Nope, no one's Applejacking it yet. But Brianblackberry has already built Sweet Apple Acres, just so you know.
  4. I look forward to seeing you on, Allison! Us roses gotta stick together!
  5. OK. Well, then, just one small suggestion I'd make is to put their leaving *after* her childhood instead of before. Otherwise it sounds like they abandoned her. *^_^*
  6. Well, I haven't gotten anymore feedback, so I think it's ready...
  7. Just the challenges of RP! Very nice alterations, I like it a lot! He looks like he'll be a lot of fun to play with.
  8. That is a lot clearer and tidier. As I said, I really like the basic idea of this character, and I'm glad these could be worked out!
  9. Sweetie Belle's heart swelled with pride. Her sister wanted her to be a good shop assistant! She wanted to prance with delight, but she was worried about jostling the glasses and dropping and breaking them. They were so unsteady! And she didn't want to start Rarity's trust in her by breaking Rarity's backup pair of glasses! She had to do everything perfect! She just knew her little heart would break if she made any mistakes on this so-important task. She smiled up to the handsome stallion. And he was a PRINCE! And she was to do EVERYTHING to make him comfortable! "Oh, my, such a recommendation! Don't worry, Miss Rarity is an absolute *arteest*. Her work has been recognized as brilliant by many of the most important fashion experts in Equestria! I am sorry that you have to wait, your highness, is there anything I could do to make you more comfortable until she is prepared to be inspired? I could get you a cushion to sit on, or perhaps some tea or juice? There's some raspberry-topped oatmeal biscuits that were made fresh this morning."
  10. And we look forward to having you with us, AllisonRose. We apologize for the precautions - we had a rash of griefing not too long ago. Thank you for being understanding.
  11. Doctor Whooves gave a slow smile, and an approving nod at Luna's response. However, as much as he did love to hear the sound of his own voice, he also knew some times were the time to just sit back and watch, and so he did, waiting to see how this little back-and-forth between the sisters would play out.
  12. We'll talk to him. In the future, please take a screenshot of such behavior so that we know exactly what was said instead of having to rely upon secondhand information, thank you!
  13. You're very welcome. I'm just glad I could help - it's always a great deal of fun to help bring people's imaginations to life.
  14. I like her a lot! The summary seems quite expressive of her personality. I would haev just one little curiosity, and that's only becasue she intruigues me - why did her parents have to leave?
  15. This piece is quite lovely! Im really glad you decided to draw it, it really evokes such a sense of whimsy, of grace, and of movement.
  16. Everypony has the potential to be awesome enough to merit dudality. Stallions, Mares, little foals, old gray-manes, all have the potential to reach sufficient levels of duditude if they will only be excellent to one another. And ... PARTY ON, DUDE!
  17. I don't know, Danton! It's a surprise to me, too!
  18. Well, the main reason I'd like to help you keep the essence of this character and still fit into World of Equestria RP instead of crossovers is this: World of Equestria RP 488 topics 10,068 replies Crossover RP 46 topics 947 replies What we really need is for a mod to chime in on their thoughts for this idea, so we know exactly where they sit on the thought. I'm so glad you responded so well to my suggestions. I always love to help with the creative process. I had to change Bramble a bit to make him fit here, too, because his original concept didn't work for the main RP, either.
  19. Heehee. Well, aside from your signature with all the Rarities, there, she *is* the biggest craftspony of the group. I'm glad you appreciate that little detail. *^_^* And also that you're being so good about all those questions I made!
  20. I could get into the 'magical ability vs. spellcasting vs. natural ability' discussion here, but the core of the matter is still that Pegasus Ponies can't *do* that. However, I can see that it's an important concept for your character, so I could suggest an alternative. Not being a mod, I can't guarantee they'll accept this compromise, but I can brainstorm ideas: First, merely that she's troubled by a lot of static electricity when she's not out working with the weather, just as a quirk of her character. She still requires a stormcloud to store any noticable amount of electricity in, but she has a special talent at *manipulating* that electricity - so if she's dancing mid-air, and she touches her hoof down on a storm cloud, she can release tiny spurts of lightning ... but can guide it into slower, different routes than most pegasus ponies can, by physically 'stirring' it through the air with her hooves and tail, creating different channels for the lightning to follow. That would create a very strong dichotomy for her - frazzled and jumpy the rest of the time from the static shocks... but gorgeous and graceful when she's dancing with the lightning. I love the idea. It's beautiful, and has such style. And style is my weakness... normally I'd just be shaking my head and going, "no, no no no..." But that mental image of her dancing with the lightning is gorgeous. (and the art is very nice, too. ) In the board's assumed timeline, Nightmare Moon was released from the moon *a year and a half ago*. It *isn't* long after season one. There is ... one suggestion - she could be for crossover RP. The rules are a lot less strict there than for World of Equestria RP. I'd really much rather find a way to bend the idea around to fit into the World of Equestria RP, if the mods are amenable, because it's a very neat idea, and not *too* far outside of the board's canon - all you need to do is adjust her static-hooves ability, and adjust her timeline to be during season two.
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