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Status Replies posted by Kodokuna

  1. So....I have no idea what's going on or what to do, anyone mind helping the new guy out?

  2. You know you have no life when you beg your parents for house chores. #BoredAtHome

  3. Forever alone....

  4. You know you have no life when you beg your parents for house chores. #BoredAtHome

  5. You know you have no life when you beg your parents for house chores. #BoredAtHome

  6. Did not get hair dyed....apparently I need more dye before she can do it cause one is not enough.

  7. You know you have no life when you beg your parents for house chores. #BoredAtHome

  8. It just occurred to me that a Canterlot notification gets me ten times more excited than a facebook one. Hmm...

  9. Lawn mowing for hours gives you jelly legs

  10. School..almost...over...YUS!

  11. Crazy Oatmeal status? I think I liked it better when I was crusading for Cutie Marks. XD

  12. Fired up Mass Effect 1 today and the first thing I could think of was... Star Trek. This is like Star Trek. Horrible gunfights, awful action sequences, but lovable characters and genuine awe at the universe and the cultures you encounter. The game may be 6 years old, but the Normandy's first arrival at the Citadel legitimately gave me chills.

  13. Who you are is less important than what you are.

  14. Who you are is less important than what you are.

  15. Hi everyone! I'm bored..

  16. How does one write a short RP post? I just don't know how to do it! :P

  17. Who you are is less important than what you are.

  18. Ahahaha your background has done it. Can't tear my eyes off the screen. @-@

  19. DAT AVATAR :o

  20. DAT AVATAR :o

  21. DAT AVATAR :o

  22. DAT AVATAR :o

  23. DAT AVATAR :o

  24. DAT AVATAR :o

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